My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 4000: Eternal Binding

Don't forgive!

So determined!

The emperor's body trembled slightly, raised her head to look at the huge mountain-like golden armored body, wiped away the tears, and gradually evolved the rules around her body quickly. Without looking back, she quickly escaped into the secret realm of the emperor family !



One by one, the golden armored generals split the gods of the emperor's family, and the light of rules continued to burst on the entire battlefield——

Killed crazy.

Completely killed!

In Duankong Earth, Duankong City, countless **** races were all dumbfounded. They would never have thought that the emperor's more than 8,000 horror kings and gods are now... now in a big disadvantage.

The situation shows a one-sided trend!

"How long has it been? The terrifying king of the emperor family has lost more than a thousand! I am afraid that only the emperor can bear this kind of loss!" The Protoss with Duankong City said in shock.

"Isn't it! Not to mention whether he is the lord of the old gods, just because he started a war in the dragon and phoenix nests, it is impossible for some super existences in the eternal gods to leave him alive——"

"Now it's up to the Emperor's family to see if it can hold it, whoever falls down first! After all, that guy has been injured by the ancient artifact, and coupled with the terror consumption just now, he probably won't be able to hold on for long."

"Such a slaughter method... can the emperor's family be able to hold a stick of incense? It's too cruel, this guy is like a divine lord alive, those ancient divine characters can even form a powerful warrior, and it can't be eliminated—"

"Lord of the Eternal Old God, how can you underestimate it! The emperor's family kicked the iron plate this time, and the woman actually injured him with an'ancient divine weapon', and now it doesn't work anymore to kowtow to beg for mercy."



Still shocked!

I don’t know if it is Duankong City, the Protoss in the surrounding cities are also discussing the beginning of the Dragon and Phoenix Nest. They all have a general consensus, that is, the two sides see who will fall completely first.

Dizu old woman, now beating out!

Constantly waving the'Wolong Staff', the shadow of the staff in the sky smashed one after another golden armored warrior. She wanted to suppress and eliminate it completely, but she didn't know how to suppress it or how to eliminate it.

Some operation down.

It was just a futile discovery! Those golden armored warriors, the more they kill, the more they can't be eliminated!

"Dizu save me!" There is a king god, who was directly torn to pieces by a golden armored soldier, and his blood was spilled into the sky-

Dizu's face was pale, and she could do nothing!

I can't do anything!

"Damn it!" The emperor roared, and raised the'Wolong Staff' with one hand, the white light emitting from his body seemed to be like a sun that could illuminate the eternal night.

"Don't want the emperor!" There is the **** of the emperor family, and his face is full of grief——

A strange ancient divine word began to be read from the emperor's ancestor, and the whole ‘Wolong Stick’ was also covered with strange totem symbols.

The atmosphere of destruction began to fill the Quartet!

Su Jin stared coldly, staring at the ‘Wolong Stick’, silent.

This scene also attracted the attention of Queen Shark!

"Emperor Family Emperor Ancestor, it's going to kill you." Queen Yu said in shock.

The three daughters of Dark Night Princess, Ye Qingying, and Han Dieyi directly looked at the emperor's ancestor, and the destructive aura spreading on the other's body was extraordinary!



The emperor's old woman seemed to change her appearance one after another, her aging face was beginning to be filled with moisture again, her haggard face and thin body were filling up quickly!


The momentum and prestige alone can cause the void around the Emperor Ancestor to crack black cracks.

"Is the emperor desperate? Can't defeat him?" The night princess hesitated and asked.

I'm afraid she doesn't even know it, but when she speaks, she feels worried.

"I hope that Big Brother Ye is okay. He was injured just now and I don't know what the injury is." Han Dieyi was worried.

"The ancient cold dagger is very difficult. If you change to another Protoss, I am afraid that he will die on the spot. It is beyond my imagination that he can hold on to it. I hope he can hold on." Queen Yu also sighed lightly.

She didn't know why Su Jin had to catch that one--

She understood that Su Jin could definitely avoid it just now.

Ye Qingying was also nervous. At this time, they only had to be anxious and couldn't help at all. Moreover, the emperor's ancestor was so fierce and mighty, the current strength...I guess it's only stronger than Su Jin?

"Eternal Binding!"

Emperor Zu shouted loudly!

The Wolong staff disappeared in her hand.

But the terrifying mysterious power began to spread from the emperor ancestor's body to the four directions, and her ‘Wolong Rod’ turned into strands of blue silk, directly entwining every golden armored warrior——



One after another golden armored warlord was entangled by the green withered vines, unable to break free!

It works!

The gods of the emperor family were overwhelmed with ecstasy, the emperor ancestor was still powerful, and directly resolved the attacks of those golden armored warriors!

"That kid killed so many powerful people in our emperor family, if he dies due to injury, I will whip the body!" Many emperor family experts said one after another.

"Whipping the corpse? The whip corpse is cheap for him! There are countless tortures in our emperor's family that are waiting for him to endure. He had better not die like this. We have to catch him and let him endure all kinds of punishments first!"

"The young lady just kowtowed to him for mercy! What kind of thing is he, there is nothing in the world that can hold the Emperor Ancestor, this kid is done--"

"Why didn't the young lady stabb him a few more times just now! So letting him die is not enough to vent the anger of my emperor!"


Su Jin took advantage of the golden giant sword with both hands, his eyes ruthless——

He had to admit that the other party had some methods.


Is it really that easy to be restrained?


Every withered vine tied to the golden armored warlord suddenly burst into a golden flame! Withered vines are being scorched and cracked quickly! That kind of cracking sound made all the emperor family gods, including the emperor ancestor, look disgraced!


The densely packed golden armored warriors are all free again!

Seeing this scene, Queen Shark couldn't help but move.

"The eternal **** was directly burned to pieces." Queen Shark gasped.

"Is the Emperor's ancestor's methods so worthless?" Ye Qingying murmured.

In her opinion.

It is impossible for the Queen Shark to be the opponent of the Emperor Ancestor, and the methods of the Emperor Ancestor are easily resolved by Su Jin, and the killing...continue again! This is something she can hardly imagine!

"Brother Ye, come on!" Han Dieyi said excitedly.

"You know the consequences." The night princess looked at Han Dieyi and asked.

"I don't know, I only know that he will not harm me, and I am very short-lived, only he can save me." Han Dieyi said nonchalantly to the night princess.

Night Princess, completely speechless.

On the battlefield, the fight shakes the sky!

No one knew that at the moment in the realm of the emperor's secret realm, Di Qingyu gently stepped on a cloud-hoofed unicorn and hurried towards a place--

"Sister! Sister..."

Di Qingyu broke down and cried, and rushed to a place outside the world at the fastest speed. She ran off the unicorn, knelt down, and shouted, "Sister, save the emperor's house!"

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