My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 4002: One sword, the sun and the moon rise

For Di Linglong--

Now it is definitely a dilemma.

One is the family, and the other is Su Jin, and neither of them has any intention of giving in! It can be said that Di Linglong is now even more broken than her sister Di Qingyu!

"Your Emperor Family God, I am forgiving for the time being, but I and her...need a battle!" Su Jin pointed to the young Emperor Ancestor and said calmly.

Such a vicious emperor must not stay!

"Linglong! Get out!" The emperor drank again, "The emperor has gone from decay and turned the world, and now no power can be wasted. Since he dares to enter the Eternal God Realm, even if my emperor does not cure him, some of them are protoss. Cure him!"


Become younger, this is...forbidden!

Those golden armored warlords formed by the golden ‘God Character’ quickly turned into the Sky God Character and were rebranded on Su Jin’s huge golden armor.

Stop the killing!

The emperor's family has not come and breathed a sigh of relief. Now that he heard the remarks of the emperor's ancestor, his complexion changed drastically, and every emperor family god's eyes were full of sadness——

"The emperor is confused!" The emperor clan cried loudly, feeling worthless for the emperor.

"The Emperor is the pillar of the Emperor Family, the backbone of the entire Emperor Family! The Emperor Family can't live without you..."

"Reversing life from decay and extinction, the forbidden law will make the Emperor Zu become extremely powerful, but, but she will also die after this war. There is no way to return to the sky, and there is no way to return to the sky. It is absolutely impossible to survive, Emperor~~ ~"

"The eldest lady is a scourge! Ask the Emperor Ancestor to cut her off together. If it weren't for her, how could the Lord of the Eternal Old God be attracted? If it weren't for her, how could the Emperor's family be devastated! Ask the Emperor to kill Di Linglong !"

"Di Zu..."

The cry was loud.

It's called a "miserable" word! The emperor has been in charge of the emperor family for countless years, and now, today is about to fall, everyone who hears it sighs!

Di Linglong knew that it was inevitable, and... Su Jin was definitely looking at her face, giving in a small step! At least he didn't slaughter the gods of the emperor.

Hard to leave the battlefield-

At that moment, Di Linglong felt pain every time she breathed. She had already endured several tortures, but now she was hit again. She was almost unable to stand in the void. She was supported by her sister Di Qingyu, standing on the cloud hoof. Kirin' above.

The wind is rolling!

The fighting spirit is growing wildly!

When Dizu was young, he was like a peerless **** who lived for countless years. Now... you can see the face of that year, but no one will think about her--

"I admit, you are very strong, beyond my expectations." Dizu watched the golden light collapse, and the golden ancient monument was also put away by Su Jin.

A scar on his chest, the blue and white frost has covered a considerable area, but Su Jin in this state is still not as bad as the emperor's imagination.


Although Su Jin was seriously injured, but he possessed the "Fire Lotus of All Things", even if it was temporarily unable to expel the magical ice-cold power from ancient times, he would not fall on the spot. Now, he can stabilize his injury, despite the battle against him. Power has some influence, but the influence is not too great.

"You are not bad too." Su Jin responded coldly.

"Our imperial family has been inherited in an orderly fashion since ancient times. How many tribal gods died is recorded. There have been dozens of battles between gods and gods, but no one has been as tragic as today!"

When the emperor said, his voice still trembled, changing the law to admit the fierceness of this eternal old lord——

"Go ahead, come to a battle you want, and then... the dust will return to the dust, the dirt will return to the earth." Su Jinyang said with three feet Qingfeng pointing to the emperor.

Di Zu dignified his face and nodded!

Her hands, like a divine crane spreading its wings, the power of white snow feathers, all surrounded by wonderful rules, those rules are forming a dazzling white star behind her!


The entire space became unstable, and every piece of snow feathers slowly condensed a shadow of the demon **** in front of the huge white star!

That is... a divine crane!


Xuehe opened his eyes, scarlet eyes!

The emperor's long hair fluttered and shouted: "Broken the realm!"


A wave of air visible to the naked eye seems to have swept away all barriers, all voids, and those powers being seen by the gods. It is definitely a feeling of incomparable fear. It seems that even if it is contaminated, it will be cut by the breaking power. dead!

"Reversing from decay... She actually reached the power of breaking the realm." Queen Maim murmured. She dare not say whether there is a **** with this level of power, but... definitely not much!

Queen Shark can live for countless years to reach decay, at least for hundreds of millions of years, but she is not sure, at that time, she can break through!

Breaking from the peak-

"Is it amazing?" Han Dieyi and Princess Dark Night all looked at Queen Shark.

They felt that although there was a gap between the King of Terror, not everyone was Su Jin.

"Of course it's great, he's going to be in big trouble." The Queen Yu took a deep breath. The Night Princess and Han Dieyi didn't know that they were broken, but they were normal. .

It is natural that there is a big gap between just adulthood and adulthood and then into decay when old.

Su Jin stared at the Emperor Ancestor closely, and when the first wave of air swept, he felt that his divine body's skin was cracking. Fortunately, he would recover in no time!

This is the smell of...

Su Jin stood firm in the storm.

One sword, the sun and the moon rise!

Qiang Qiang!

A series of sword shadows, as if constantly flashing in the void, those sword moves, either unpretentious, or gorgeous, or just a simple stab, until the end!

Above the sun and the moon, the sword shadow condensed the sword, followed by the golden light, faintly forming a golden dragon scale sword embryo!

Between heaven and earth, sun and moon hanging sword!

The sword kingdoms seem to reproduce the prosperous age of swordsmanship, and the unparalleled sword intent turns into a billowing sword mark, blending into the golden dragon scale sword embryo——

Between the naked eye!

Su Jin's sword intent, as well as the endless waves of emperor ancestors, began to confront!

Han Dieyi, Ye Qingying, Dark Night Princess, Queen Shark... all looked dull!

Not weak.

Even Su Jin, who has been seriously injured now, with the unparalleled sword intent in the world, can also contend with that destructive aura!

The Emperor was also moved when he saw this scene... She never expected that Su Jin, who was hit hard by the'Ancient Cold Dagger', could be comparable to her when she broke the realm.

"Just to resist my power of breaking the realm, you really need to do it with all your strength. It seems that you are just like the old lady, and you are about to die." Dizu sneered, his eyes flashing with cold light.

"Is it?"

The calm on Su Jin's face made the emperor's ancestor and even the emperor's gods look very uncomfortable. They didn't know why the other party was doing this, and why there was such a calm performance!


The sword country shook.

Above the sun, moon and stars, the golden dragon scale sword shadow, as if alive--

The sword that lives...?

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