My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 4003: The dragon is in the wild

When the sword moves.

The emperor's body was cold.

The kendo around it seems to be flooded in every tiny space, even among dust, ashes, and hairs, all assimilated into gold!


The sword is crying, roaring like a dragon!

Break the earth, break the city.

The city of the dark night is surrounded by hundreds of cities! They all saw an extremely incredible picture. On the huge Sun Moon Suspended Sword, the sword shape did not move, but the golden dragon on it seemed to move.

One sword, Guanghan!

Dark Night God City, including the Dark Night City Lord, countless Protoss, all were stunned at this moment——

"That's, what sword!" I don't know who it is, and he forced out these five words.

"Dizu...The dizu has now broken into the unknown realm in the legend. That kind of breaking power is enough to destroy the world, but...but even so, this Ye Yi...Bah...Fake Ye Yi is not even affected by it. The influence of the breaking power!"

"What kind of sword can be so outrageous? The sword can still move? The golden dragon on it is so life-like, it seems to have the power of swallowing the sky, and it will tear everything up at any time!"

"Sword, he is really good at the way of the sword god, this kind of swordsmanship has reached the peak? Who else in the world can compare to him? Unbelievable, unbelievable!"

"Dizu is also very extraordinary. The strength when breaking the realm allows her to surpass the peak by several times, or even ten times the power. The sky crane that she manifests seems to be unparalleled in the world. It depends on which power is between the two. Even better!"

"No wonder that fake Ye Yi dared to come to the Eternal God Realm--"



It was a complete sensation!

This earth-shattering effect has even spread beyond a hundred cities! Because the "Dragon and Phoenix Nest" has changed, the news has spread, and the masters who have rushed away from the entire eternal realm are like crucian carp who cross the river at all times!

Outside the battlefield.

The cloud hoofed unicorn whispered, trembling constantly, turning around and ran farther.

Di Qingyu’s face has never been so bad, especially when he knew that the Emperor Ancestor would fall after this battle, it was even more uncomfortable in his heart——

"I was wrong sister, I was wrong." Di Qingyu said with a cry.

"It's me who is wrong." Di Linglong knew that it was irreparable.

Di Qingyu saw the cloud-hoofed unicorn running wild, and was taken aback, and said: "Brother-in-law is really the lord of the eternal old god? The cloud-hoofed unicorn has some blood of ancient dragons. It may feel the momentum of the dragon on the sword."

"I don't know." Di Linglong shook her head.

She can only answer like this.

The world thinks that Su Jin is the lord of the eternal old god, but how long is the lord of the eternal old god, how is it possible... Now just because of a "golden ancient monument", it is said that the other party is the eternal old **** Lord, it would be too rash.

"But that's what the record says... Only the Lord of Eternity can mobilize his original divine treasure. Just slaughtered the golden ancient monument of our clan, he can perfectly display the power of the ancient monument." Di Qingyu saw Yunho Qilin lay down and couldn't help saying.

Emperor Linglong was silent.

She still doesn't believe it.


Although she herself feels quite far-fetched--

The Sun Moon Suspended Sword, the Dragon on the Sword, together with the sword body, directly roared towards the Emperor Ancestor!



The white crane of the breaking boundary level, the demon light in the eyes spit out, and it directly slapped with its sharp claws. The impact between the two instantly caused a reaction from heaven and earth.

so horrible.

Is this the super strong?

Cut the ground.

A **** saw that dragon, carrying the light of the blade, and constantly slashing! The emperor was constantly manipulating the white crane, or scratching, or pecking, but the surface of the dragon was hard, and the sharp beak was hard to break!

Got bigger!

The gods of the imperial family had to enter the secret realm of the imperial family to watch the battle...

And the golden dragon, surrounded by the light of the blade, keeps getting bigger! Get bigger!

Almost in a few breaths, Long Zi expanded to a 100,000-mile battlefield radius! Each of those scales is shaped like a giant lake, and those two dragon mothers are as red as the sea!

Duankong City.

All the gods raised their heads, and the scales of the golden dragon almost seemed to be in front of you! And around the dragon and phoenix nests, they were also caught by that outstanding golden dragon!

Choo Choo Choo!

The body of the sky white crane, as if spreading its wings and dancing in space, also began to show a giant posture, that feet are like pillars! The crane's neck fell into the top of the cloud, and when the claws were clapped, the sky and the ground were cracked--

Qiang Qiang!

The electric light illuminates the dark earth, and the white crane wants to grab the dragon! It's just that the scales are not easy to grasp!


A dragon's tail drew fiercely towards the sky and white crane-

Screaming again and again!


The Protoss of Duankong City were all dumbfounded on the spot——

"What a terrible dragon! The dragon that the sword turned into was able to hold the'Dragon Phoenix Nest'! This is really outrageous, and the sky crane that the emperor tried his best to display was also swept away by the dragon! "Duankong City Protoss burst into a shocking noise.

"The flying dragon is in the sky! The giant dragon raised its head! It... it's going to tear up the sky crane!"

"Oh my God, can the emperor be able to hold it? Although the emperor's method used the ancient cold dagger to wound the eternal old master, this is only for the consideration of all the eternal gods! But what is the situation now? How can the guy from have such combat effectiveness?"

"Is the emperor invincible? She is vomiting blood! The attack just now obviously hurt her too!"

"My God, such an invincible Emperor Ancestor, can't he be his opponent if he fights to fall?"


Fry the pan!

Blow up!

On the dragon and phoenix nest, Princess Dark Night, Ye Qingying, Queen Shark, and Han Dieyi, looking at the dragon scale that can't be seen at the side, and then looking up, almost all of them are in a dumb state--

Emperor Zu, really vomited blood!

Queen Shark was the first to react, but when she looked at Su Jin who was standing on the dragon body in the distance, she felt a wave of high respect inexplicably!

Su Jin...with a cold color on his face, standing with his hands behind him, the corners of his mouth... also a ray of blood flowing down!

Long Xiao!


The fight continues!

The emperor's body trembled violently, she gave Su Jin a cold look, and then...the whole body seemed to transform into strands of pure original power, directly pouring into the pale white crane.

Good coming!

Su Jin stepped onto the cloud!

The golden dragon suddenly raised its head and roared, swallowing him in one bite, and the dragon was in the wild!

Bang bang, bang bang. The heartbeat of the dragon, the heartbeat of the **** crane, all resembled a violently beaten Tiangu, vigorously sounding, just those rhythmic heartbeats, but also the severe pain in the hearts of the gods who listened to, there is a danger of injury!




Fight a great battle!

Kill, kill, kill her, the sky will be dark and dark!

A dragon claw, a crane finger, between each other, suddenly pressed toward each other——

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