My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 4005: Totally chilling

When Su Jin appeared--

He was already standing the sword in front of him, squatting in the void, covering the wound previously stabbed by the ancient cold dagger, his face was pale.

Just now, even if he was already very careful, he was still affected by the power between the two fists. If it were normal, there would be no problem, but the previously solidified wound... was torn apart by the shock.

That Emperor Ancestor is indeed an old fairy who has lived for countless years!

Di Linglong's face was obviously more nervous!

"This is Nie Yuan, Emperor Zu can't let you be together. The previous punishments were just for the other gods of the Emperor family. If the Emperor wants to kill you, the sister will not survive now." Di Qing said to the emperor. Linglong Road.

Di Linglong, don't you know it!

So very sad.

"He was hurt badly," Di Linglong said in a low voice.

"You only care about him! Emperor Zu will die after this battle. Why don't you care about Emperor Zu?" Di Qingyu snorted a little dissatisfied.

Emperor Linglong:...

It's no good.

Ye Qingying, Dark Night Princess, Han Dieyi, and Queen Shark all changed their faces, but they temporarily forgot their safety! Staring at Su Jin closely--

"Give it up! It's impossible for you to survive in the hands of the Ancestor Saint Emperor!" The heavenly white crane transformed into the Emperor Ancestor spoke from a distance.


Even all the protoss who watched the battle fell into silence for a short time.

After being quiet, it broke out!

After this battle, the emperor will surely shake the realm of God!

"Only an ancient holy emperor can make the eternal old master so unhelpful? No, the eternal old master was injured previously, otherwise he shouldn't cover his wounds like this with his hands!" Some experts in Dark Night God City are expressing their opinions.

"It's ridiculous. He used the'Daotai of Life and Death' before to summon the old gods. As everyone knows, the old gods have long been annihilated, and now they don't belong to his era, and the new era of gods is in the process of opening up!"

"The old **** dynasty is destroyed, naturally there will be no old gods. Now in the eternal realm, no one will believe in him as the lord of the old gods! What's more, his identity as the lord of the old gods is still in doubt—"

"This battle is too tragic, and the emperor family has suffered heavy losses! However, if her emperor family can really kill the lord of the eternal old god, the emperor family's reputation will surely resound throughout the world!"

"Sure enough, I can't hold on anymore, I'm coughing up blood! One Saint Emperor is like this, the more than one hundred ancient Saint Emperors...Tsk, don't dare to think about it."



Su Jin is coughing up blood!

He spread his hand and saw that he was still coughing up a clot of blood--

"Emperor family, what an emperor family!" Su Jin's tone was filled with endless madness!

look up!

Killing intent in the eyes, not decreasing but increasing!

Su Jin looked at Di Linglong and said again: "You want me to show mercy to the emperor's subordinates. I... just be merciful, but have you ever thought that if you want to kill me, are you merciful?"

Di Linglong's face was pale... the body seemed to be sucked out of air in an instant.

She has complexities that are not clear, and hates that are not clear!

I want to die and be no longer affected by these disturbances!

Su Jin said.

All spectators are silent!

No one can see that Su Jin previously held the ‘Golden Ancient Tablet’, which could have killed all the gods of the Emperor’s family, but it would not take that long!

but now.

The emperor obviously didn't show any mercy to him--


It is spiritual practice! Whether it is gods, monsters, demons, or humans, the strong only talk about strength and show mercy? It's impossible to live long!

"The emperor is really shameless." With such a good temper, Han Dieyi couldn't help cursing now.

"It's all based on the face of the former leader of the law enforcement alliance, otherwise...Even if the ancestor invited these ancient ancestors out, the other tribe gods should have been killed long ago." Queen Yu agreed with Han Dieyi's opinion.

Shameless can take advantage of it.

Talk about love? What is affection? Isn't that a loss for nothing?

Di Linglong is now covering her head, closing her eyes and sobbing. She is very afraid to see Su Jin's eyes on her now... She is very scared--

Su Jin didn't want to put any pressure on Di Linglong.

"Next, whoever intercedes for your emperor's family, I won't let it down!"

Su Jin held the golden dragon scale sword in his hand, and his voice was so cold and arrogant that people shivered!

"Haha! You are no longer good, and your mouth is still stiff? If I were you, I would have perished myself." The emperor's gods who had previously asked the young lady to intercede for them all laughed.

"Do you really think it is our emperor's opponent? If the emperor uses this trick from the beginning, you can't even touch our hair, you really think you are invincible in the world!" The goddess of the emperor also opened the mocking mode.

"You still show mercy to us? You kill, you can't kill, just say you are soft? Shameless, not ridiculous?"

"Shut up!" Di Linglong listened from a distance, and immediately opened her eyes, yelling at the emperor's clan god.

"Miss! I turned my elbow away and had an affair with the Lord of the Old God. We haven't killed you yet, you..." Many Emperor Family Gods became angry.


Di Linglong is completely chilled!

"From now on, I... will never enter the emperor's house... no longer belong to the emperor's house! I let you silence, but I know him... he wants to kill you... no one can stop it." Di Linglong felt this was the case. The last thing I did for the Emperor.

Everything she feels is because of her.

If she hadn't come back, Su Jin would not follow.

If it weren't for her, Su Jin wouldn't be hurt, falling to this dangerous level now. The emperor would not use the forbidden law and would die after this war.

Moreover, the emperor died because of this, and his vitality was greatly injured.

"Don't make fun of the eldest lady, you tell him to try it!" There is an emperor and god, once he has gained power, he will naturally ridicule to death.

"Then you go to die!"

Su Jin raised his head, Mohe Town Prison Eyes, as if seeing through the void, he let out a low voice.

Speak out.

Fa Sui!


The expressions of some emperors and gods who have not yet ridiculed their fullness have changed drastically!



Clouds of blood mist are erupting crazily!

"What kind of power is this!" Di Qingyu was shocked.

Su Jin was not so angry before, after all Di Linglong appeared... But now, the anger in his heart is becoming more and more uncontrollable, and he almost loses his mind!

kill! Kill the **** of the emperor family!

Su Jin’s eyes were directly filled with crystal red light. He stood in front of his sword, although he was still squatting, but strands of crystal red power were spreading like mist--


Su Jin's figure was drowned.

Immediately afterwards, I do not know how many Protoss roared in horror!

The place that flooded Su Jin unexpectedly began to be condensed into an extremely real ‘sword grave’!

The years of the sword, the breath of the sword, and the killing intent of the sword are full of madness! A shocking sound of swords appeared on the huge sword grave——

Every sword seems to have a story, and every sword is shaking!

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