My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 4006: Billion avatars

Outside the sword grave, there are hundreds of millions of sword marks, as if each has a different belonging, and the aura that radiates makes the gods look dumbfounded——

at least.

This incomparable kendo is being shown in a way beyond the imagination of the gods! The eye-catching at this moment simply conceals all the colors in the world!

The sword grave was buried, but Su Jin's shadow was not seen.


It seems that every sword is Su Jin, not Su Jin.

That kind of weird feeling, even the ignorant **** of the weak, can have a very clear feeling. At the beginning, the sword "Born on the Sea" was cut in the Dark Night God City, and it has been widely praised by the gods.

How fierce is this type of sword grave?

Night Princess, Ye Qingying, Queen Shark, Han Dieyi! Su Jin, who seemed to have seen countless kinds of emotions, was turning into an incarnation one by one.

Those incarnations are by no means real, but even more real?

In the void, an incarnation of Su Jin walked up, as if ignoring the ancestor Saint Emperor. In his eyes, there was only the sword grave, only a sword on the sword grave.


On the sword grave, the sword of the Slaughter God, as if being inspired, shook directly from the sword grave, and flew upside down with the sound of the sword!

Another incarnation of Su Jin walked out of nothingness.

There was nothing in his eyes, scanning the sword grave, as if he was not satisfied with the sword in his heart, turning around, pacing and walking away, only the sword grave trembling, a black and white exquisite sword, the exquisite sword orifice seemed to make him tremble all over, set on the spot , Started, laughed, but silent.

There was Su Jin's incarnation, and he came from a distance again, seriously injured, pointed at the sword grave, and his blood seemed to be rolled out, winding a scarlet epee on his back.

Another incarnation of Su Jin came with a sword. Facing the divine sword filled with the grave, he discarded the sword with him, climbed up to the sword grave frantically, and pulled out a sword, but there was no suitable one.


The incarnation of infinity, more and more.

At this moment, the whole world is suffocated. Even if a breath of air is inhaled, the gods will feel a very difficult feeling. The scenes are not too scary!

"What does he want to do?" The Night Princess couldn't help but ask.

"I don't know." The Queen Shark shook her head. With her strength and realm, she just glanced at the sword grave, and she didn't feel trembling all over, it seemed like a sense of destruction deep into the soul.


Ye Qingying was very confused. As a killer in the'Hall of Killing God', she was very arrogant and arrogant, but now she feels so small...

If she is Su Jin's enemy, can she approach the sword grave within a thousand miles?

The answer is that even she feels very difficult—


Infinite lightning, intertwined on the huge and unmatched battle body of that emperor's ancestor Saint Emperor.

"Punish God!" This ancestor of the emperor's family lifted the sky-covering stone palm, full of lightning, crackling, and slammed his palm toward the'Sword Tomb'!

The gods are hanging!

Countless Protoss saw the ancestor of the Emperor's family and took the stone palm, but the stone palm seemed to be slapped on the air, passing through those incarnations and sword graves--

No injuries.

The avatar is still the avatar, and the sword tomb is still the sword tomb. It is unbreakable and unfeasible!

"what's the situation!"

In Dukong Earth, Dukong City, even the sound of gasping, seemed to be rolled into an extremely terrible storm——

"Although there is only one ancestor of the emperor family, he has just made achievements and almost killed the old god's lord. Now... now the old **** lord is in the sword grave. Why, why can't he be attacked?" The demon **** of Duankong City was puzzled.

"What kind of swordsmanship can be so powerful! It's simply... the emperor's ancestors are powerful enough to kill everything, but... but he can't even touch his body? That sword tomb seems to contain thousands of swords. , Tens of thousands of kendo, tens of thousands of perceptions, very complicated--"

"What kind of ability is it that can practice swordsmanship to this level?"

"I...I am a sword repairer of the Protoss, and my sword is wailing, I think...I think he should already be on the sword!"

"It's too exaggerated. For a **** as powerful as the ancestors of the emperor's family, now the attacks have failed frequently, the emperor's family, it's a headache..."

"Sure enough, the injured powerhouse is the most dangerous!"


This sword.

Amazing the world.

Looking at the white crane body of the emperor from a distance, no panic could be seen in her eyes... but her performance was messed up.

"Please ancestor!" Emperor Zu waved his wings again.

Huh huh!

Once again, a succession of nine ancient ancestors, holy emperors, walked towards the center of the battlefield from the rear!

A total of ten ancestor holy emperors! Began to bombard——

The horrible fluctuations seemed to dominate the sky, and with these ten saint emperors, the battlefield space was completely wiped out, and those space fragments were crushed into a wonderful light.


The incarnation of Su Jin closest to the sword grave seemed to be extraordinary, gently raising the sword!

In a flash, billions of avatars, as if performing a different trick, merged into the first avatar——

This seems to be the most exaggerated sword picture since the beginning of the world! With every stroke of the sword, the incarnation will continue to merge in, and the power will rise again and again!

"So handsome--" The red heart in Han Dieyi's eyes was about to fly. Even though the ancestors of the emperor family were terrifying, her current gaze seemed to be the only figure in that scene!

The domineering of the sword.

The tenderness of the sword.

The sharpness of the sword.

The strangeness of the sword.

It seemed to be between that sword and thought.

The battlefield seemed to have turned into a sword picture, and hundreds of millions of incarnations were about to fuse together, but the ten emperor family ancestors, Saint Emperor, would not give him this opportunity!

"Roar—" An ancestor Saint Emperor opened his mouth wide, spouting endless blood!

The blood-stained rivers and mountains continue to form in the **** clouds. The mountains do not see long and deep, the rivers are rolling, and the blood is rolling.

The soil was blood-colored, and it was buried with flesh and bones!

The wind is blowing! If it is an ordinary horror king god, he might be corrupted into a pool of corpse water if he is stained with blood a million miles away!


But even with such a terrible attack, the blood stained the country, it would not be able to destroy the sword body, the decayed sword soul, and the sword intent!


Another ancestor of the emperor's family, the Saint Emperor, raised his hand and shook out a large green rusty seal. The seal was gorgeous and turned into a mountain world, and the town faced the incarnation of Su Jin on the spot!


When the prolonged rumbling sound hit the Su Jin who was fused with tens of millions of incarnations, the sword sounded suddenly!


The ancient treasure, the Great Seal, was cut open!

The gods of Duankong City are almost crying now, they have never thought that a person seems to be practicing swords with insight, and he can practice swords to this level!

Killing intent, kendo intent to destroy killing intent everywhere, even this killing intent enveloped the entire deserted land, the gods are in danger, no one feels that a place can be safe! The feeling that the breath is painful is too uncomfortable, the sword intent can be sucked into the divine body——

"Ancient treasure, was cut to pieces, was cut to pieces." A protoss collapsed to the ground, hiding his face and crying in disbelief. He seemed to have seen death and saw himself be beheaded by a sword.

"Can the ten emperor ancestors and holy emperors not work? A blood wave of 30,000 miles broke the **** rivers and mountains. The blood-stained **** of the emperor ancestors and holy emperors was broken! It was broken by a sword!"

"Swords and swords that make the Protoss desperate can be so terrible! The key is that it is just the incarnation of the Lord of the Old God who performs all this!"

"I seem to feel the joy of the sword, the sorrow of the sword, the sorrow of the sword, those swords seem to breathe, all like creatures—"

"The Emperor's ancestor may feel bad too, but the Emperor's family has a strong background. This is only the appearance of ten Emperor's ancestors. They... still have a lot of money to spend--"

"Difficulty! Facing such a supreme swordsman, it is better to commit suicide on the spot!"


Di Qingyu's face is very ugly now.

An unknown breath is filling my heart.

She has been thinking recently, who is the priest chosen by her sister? The elder sister and her are similar in personality, both are arrogant goddess of heaven, she would rather be single than choose a partner, but... but she now understands...

That guy is so good, so enchanting! I can't help but pay attention to her body!

The suffocation scene caused many of the gods of the Emperor Family who hid in the secret realm to tremble and tremble, and all the gods of the Emperor Family were shaking unconsciously!

"Humph." On the dragon and phoenix nest, the princess of the night was full of displeased.

"His Royal Highness, don't you think he is handsome?" Han Dieyi asked.

"It turns out that Yijian's "Moon Birth on the Sea" is not his strongest swordsmanship, but I still have great hopes for the'Moon Moon on Sea'." The Night Princess wondered.

Ye Qingying woke up from her dazedness, and she couldn't help but be speechless when she heard the words of Princess Dark Night——

Queen Shark asked back: "Teach you this invincible magic, can you learn it well?"

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