My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 4008: Bloody battles!

"All out!"

Emperor Zu shouted in an extremely cold voice.

Just to the end!

This scene not only made Di Qingyu even more frightened, but even Di Linglong was deeply disturbed. She didn't know how to let the Di Zu stop, although the loss that the Emperor family is currently suffering is hard to imagine--

Dragon and Phoenix Nest!

The Queen Shark also had a cold face, and whispered in a low voice: "The **** mad woman of the Emperor Ancestor is going to push the entire Emperor's family into the abyss of destruction!"

"Qi, Qi come out... more than a hundred ancestors..." Ye Qingying had also seen the world, but how could the world she saw in the past be comparable to this time? That Dizu didn't want to look back at all.

Go all the way to the dark.

Han Dieyi and Princess Dark Night are not too strong in cultivation. Now that they heard the words of Emperor Zu, they didn't even have the courage to speak. After all, it was not for them to participate.

The emperor said this.

Shocked the world!

In order to deal with an eternal old master, the outdated old master has to use all the power of the inner foundation to completely destroy the eternal old master——

"The emperor is really a hero." In Duankong City, many Protoss were excited.

"It's just a ruthlessness after bad luck, trying to scare away the emperor. I feel that the eternal old master can hold on for half an hour at most, and within half an hour, he will fall!"

"More than a hundred emperor family ancestors are not comparable to the previous ten emperor family ancestors. If they are dispatched together, they can destroy the sun and the moon. This force, if it appears in the Eternal God Realm, can definitely sweep all strength!"

"That eternal old master is also very fierce. He was seriously injured, and now he is dying of severe injuries, and he refuses to give up the heart of slaughtering the emperor's family——"

"The fire of the old gods cannot be rekindled. The emperor's family is for the sake of the gods of the eternal gods, but that's right. After the eternal old master is killed, their emperors can take the opportunity to give and become the top of the eternal gods One of those forces."

"Looking at me panicking, is this really the power that a Protoss can possess? Can it compete with more than a hundred emperor ancestors?"


For the Protoss of Hundred Cities.

The scene is too tense.

The two sides are already in the same situation, and only when one side is destroyed can we give up——

Boom boom boom!

The ancestors of a hundred emperors, either carrying their own gods, or holding them with one hand, came out in a rush!



Su Jin is almost like a desperate Saburo, the 110 ancestors of the emperor, only took a step, when he jumped into the battlefield, he rushed over——

"I really don't persuade you!" Ye Qingying wiped the sweat from her forehead. If she were Su Jin, she would definitely avoid her edge for a while, being alive is better than everything.


Su Jin made eight arms to the Buddha, with six Buddha arms behind him, holding six swords, and his original two arms hit an emperor’s ancestor with one punch.

Bang! Bang bang! This is an ancestor of the imperial family with green moss all over his body, obviously more distant, the stone body is dark, and the surface is vaguely engraved with dark lines that cannot be seen.

What if so?


With just one punch, the stone fell apart, and the stone body instantly fell apart, splashing in all directions——

Ruthless, how ruthless?

Currently in the realm of the emperor's secret realm, the emperor's face was numb. They stared at the big scene, and some of them did not even dare to make a sound.

"Contain him! Contain him, you can't let him fight like this again." The emperor family gods gritted their teeth, anxious, they knew that there was no way out, they could only win, not lose.


The sun and the moon seemed to manifest.

In the battlefield, a Buddha holds six swords. The huge body of the Buddha does not affect the speed. The swords and shadows are repeated, like a mountain splitting a rock, constantly fighting!

Just a dozen breaths--

As a result, twenty emperor ancestors and holy emperors fell and were smashed into pieces by the Buddha sword, and Su Jin fisted and smashed them, mobilizing all their power to kill the Quartet!

The face of the emperor was like a withered face... it began to change color... it turned green!

Her face was really green, and she never thought that more than a hundred ancestors of the emperor family would come out, and the other party could handle it so easily!

Di Qingyu was desperate.

The Emperor Family God is desperate.

The guy who is killing the Quartet really makes them feel desperate. The ancestors of the Emperor Family are already the most powerful force of the Emperor Family. Each of these holy emperors can be proud of the crowd, but now, they seem to be being used as chickens. slaughter!

"Burn! Burn!" Su Jin's eyes suddenly lit up two fire lotus!

It's not just his eyes--

Under the huge golden body of the eight-armed Buddha, a fire lotus with golden light like a liquid also began to burn with a raging fire. His golden body, his Buddhist light, seemed to have begun to carry layers of flames!


Emperor Zu's eyes widened.

She was dumbfounded.

Until now, Su Jin is desperate? That was just... just now, the opponent was doing his best at best.

How terrible is Su Jin in a desperate state?

Su Jin stepped on the Buddha lotus with a scream, his huge body seemed to be soaring at an incredible speed, and instantly grabbed the stone body of an emperor's ancestor Saint Emperor with both arms——


Lift it up!

When lifting this emperor's ancestor holy emperor, it is like lifting a humanoid continent!

Pop, click, bang!

Broken alive--


Outside the battlefield, the needle can be heard.

This scene completely shocked the world.

In Dark Night God City, when the Dark Night City Lord was worried about her daughter’s safety, he accompanied the master of the Dream Pavilion and was still paying attention to the war, but now... when they saw this scene, all their eyes widened——

"Have you seen? The ancestors of those emperors, each one is not you and I can compare, one, at least can beat us hundreds of thousands! Even stronger, in front of those ancestors of the emperor, we are just like Like a child." The master of Mengge sighed, with deep fear in the depths of his eyes.

What she said is no exaggeration.

The Dark Night City Lord was numb, feeling the same, and said: "Yes, the ancestor of the emperor, the saint emperor, please invite one at random, and it is also a worldly hero, but he did not expect that Ye Yi would hide so, should Call him the eternal old master."

"Your daughter is still in the Dragon and Phoenix Nest, have you figured out a way?" the master of Mengge asked.

"Your daughter is here, when are you going to leave?" The Dark Night City Lord said with a melancholy face.

The Master of Meng Pavilion shook his head, "Her life and death have nothing to do with me. I will not go to the Dragon and Phoenix Nest."

"Your daughter has nothing to do with you?" The Lord of Dark Night's eyes widened.

"In this battle, I bet the lord of the old gods to win. Dieyi's disease will only be treated by him. If he dies, my daughter will not live long, so why not let her go with him." The master of Mengge said.

The Dark Night City Lord took a deep breath, "I'm looking at the time. If I can walk to the Dragon and Phoenix Nest at that time, I will help you ask the girl Dieyi's opinion."

"Good." The master of Dream Pavilion nodded.

There is no light!

The entire battlefield space is fragmented, unable to recover for a long time!

The battle continues, but the flames on Su Jin’s "Eight Arms to Buddha" body are slightly dim--

Boom boom boom!

Six swords, there was a burst of noise, and they received the blasting bombardment of several emperor ancestors!

Di Linglong's current gaze was all on the man she was worried about...

"No way..." Di Linglong's unidentified aura became stronger and stronger.

"Our emperor's family, we have put everything together." Di Qingyu wiped away the tears. If she was guilty for stabbing Su Jin before, then now, she won't have any guilt anymore, some...only full of heart Hatred!

Loud noise, constant!

Su Jin's eight arms connected to the Buddha's body, and was finally hit once...

The body of the big Buddha was blown away thousands of miles away before it could be stopped!

"I...I'm still not strong enough." Su Jin thought to himself that he couldn't cause damage to those ancient stone bodies even if he used the'Fire Lotus of All Things' now.

Although, this may also be because he has used the "Fire Lotus of All Things" too many times recently. The power of Fire Lotus of All Things is obviously not as powerful as it was the first time to use it.


so what!

Su Jin's eyes were firm, and immediately, he hit the sky with a punch!

Yes, it was blasted in the sky! Instead of the remaining seventy ancestors of the emperor family--

The deafening sound directly shook the vast space above the head. It was a blue ink space, and a huge amount of blue ink streamer poured down!

One circle, another circle of Senluo's halo, began to circle the Buddha of "Eight Arms to Buddha"!


Su Jin raised his arm and directly took an extremely prosperous stone axe in his hand!

The stone axe became bigger in an instant, so big that it was commensurate with the body of the Eight-armed Buddha!

"Die to me." Su Jin dragged the sky-high axe and rushed towards the seventy emperor family ancestors and emperors——

Chop hard.

"Roar!" An emperor's ancestor holy emperor swung his arms, trying to harden the axe with his fists. Next, his body was like meteorite iron, densely covered with stars. His defense was among the many ancestor holy emperors. Be considered the most powerful.



Just like tofu, it was cut in half directly!

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