My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 4009: Ice Spirit Sea King

The emperor's expression was dull, looking at another ancestor, saint emperor--

She can no longer look back, she can only let the old gods hack and kill the ancestors, and the other party's methods are so strong that the gods will point out!

In the eyes of many emperor gods, Su Jin is more like an invincible God of War!

The "Eight Arms Leading Buddha" made by Su Jin, advance and attack. Retreat, keep it! All of the eight arms can be used freely. For a while, more than sixty emperor family ancestors were unable to attack for a long time, and some immortal ancestors were even cut off their stone arms!

"Emperor Family, here we are!"

In the void, the emperor heard the voice——

"The Sea Clan of the Extreme North Ice Spirit Sea?" Emperor Zu was overjoyed.

Although the Ice Spirit Sea is also part of the Eternal Sea, they are not the same as the Sea Clan in the Eternal Sea. They have always believed that they are the existence of the Eternal God's Domain.


One after another women in ice-colored dresses, plus some ugly-looking Protoss, came from the back of the void and condensed Shenbing.

"Fire of all things? It turned out to be fire of all things!" When the Ice Spirit Sea Clan saw the flames lingering on Su Jin, they were all shocked.

"Is there any way to restrict?" Dizu asked coldly.

"Yes! Ice and fire counteract each other. We use the infinite cold ice to catalyze the formation of ice mist, which can limit him, and in the ancient years, is the ancient cold dagger that your emperor asked from our ice spirit sea still?"

A woman with a veil and mask was the patriarch of the Ice Spirit Sea Clan, and she asked the emperor.

"Of course it is, and it has been used once, hitting him seriously." Di Zu said.

"That's great. I wait for the energizing force, and then I can borrow the cold power to make him fall."

These Ice Spirit Sea Races who came on the ice road were all ecstatic--

"Giant Sea Beast King, hurry up and use it." The Ice Spirit Patriarch said coldly.

"no problem!"

I saw a colorful fangs beast, and suddenly stepped on the battlefield. Then, it opened a terrifying mouth and spewed a mouthful of blue ice mist——

On the battlefield, water vapor evaporates instantly, forming a world like mist!

"The fire lotus of all things is rapidly weakening." Su Jin glanced at the Ice Spirit Sea Clan. As one giant sea beast joined the battlefield, the miraculous ice power was still increasing. If this continues, he will... Come on!

Give up the ancestors of the emperor family, look for opportunities to kill those ice spirit sea clan——

Su Jin's face was cold, and he directly raised his arm and pointed: "Set!"

The giant sea beast king brought tens of thousands of giant sea beasts, all as if the picture was frozen, and they were instantly immobilized by the'concentration technique'. Then, the disaster of destruction came again violently!

The Dao of Life and Death was suddenly moved by Su Jin——


Every time the Daotai turns, the coercion increases by one point, and it just turns... tens of thousands of sea beasts, beyond the giant sea beast king, can barely support, all... directly into the ice!

"Ice Spirit Sea Clan...can you order her?" Ye Qingying suddenly looked at Queen Shark, knowing that Su Jin was in trouble now.

"No." Queen Shark shook her head.


"Because they are not exactly Sea Clan." Queen Shark said.

Doesn't count as...sea clan?

The sea clan in the ice spirit sea is not a sea clan?

Night Princess, Han Dieyi, and Ye Qingying looked at Queen Shark nervously, puzzled.

Queen Shark took a look at Princess Dark Night and knew that although she was stubborn and hard-mouthed, she was definitely worried about Su Jin in her heart. Even if she explained: "The Eternal Sea, the sea clan below the king level, cannot go ashore. Just go ashore, strength It will intensify the loss. Their Ice Spirit Sea Clan is not affected by this. Do you think they are still Sea Clan?"

"If you look at the rules imposed by God on the Eternal God Realm... they really don't count." Ye Qingying understood.

"It really doesn't count." Queen Shark continued: "The Ice Spirit Sea is not connected to the Eternal Sea, but the scale is not small--"

It turned out to be so!

Princess Dark Night, Han Dieyi understood instantly—

Unfortunately, it would be great if the patriarch of the Ice Spirit Sea Clan could be ordered by Queen Shark.

"Is the veiled woman the Ice Spirit Sea King? I have heard of her beauty, and I heard that she has no temperature all over her body, and her heart is as cold as ice." Ye Qingying asked Queen Yu.

Queen Shark nodded.

The Giant Sea Beast King, broke free from the limitation of the ‘Concentration Technique’ and continued to breathe the power of ice mist!

Su Jin felt that his brows and hair were beginning to be covered with a layer of frost, even if he was in the state of eight-armed Buddha--

"You are guilty." With a cold voice without emotion, Su Jin pointed directly at the'Daotai of Life and Death', and slammed the'Daotai of Life and Death' to suppress the Giant Sea Beast King under the Taoist platform.


Bang bang.

The Dao of Life and Death, rotating round and round, like a stone mill, smashing the Giant Sea Beast King!

Outside the battlefield, the Ice Spirit Sea Clan who came to the scene one after another, all looked at this scene incredibly--

Ice Spirit Sea King, with a graceful posture and snow-white skin, seemed to be broken by a bomb. Under the icy veil, she frowned slightly. She thought that the Giant Sea Beast King could hold on for a while.

As a result, it was so useless.

The emperor felt that there was not much time, and once again said to the Bingling Sea King: "Is there any ruthless method, quickly display it, the old lady has to watch him die before he can safely die--"

Bingling Sea King said with a pleasant, cold voice, "Yes."

"What means?" Dizu asked curiously.

"The rules of the Ice Spirit Protoss are the same, we can set up a talented **** formation, an ice spirit formation, turning the battlefield into an formation, and using the power of the supreme ice to block him." The Ice Spirit Sea King said.

"Okay! That would be great." Di Zu shocked.

"You need to call the remaining holy emperors back, otherwise, once the ice formation is displayed, the entire battlefield will be turned into eternal ice, and the stone corpses of your ancestors will be sealed in the ice." said Ice Spirit Sea King .

Without saying anything, Emperor Zu pointed directly to the battlefield, uttered divine words, and whispered: "Come back!"


More than sixty ancestor holy emperors have left the battlefield directly!

The emperor's heart is dripping blood, the first one hundred and twenty-two ancestors of the saint emperor, until now... there are still about half left, how can she not be angry and hate!

Chi Chi ~~~

Including the Ice Spirit Sea King, there are 100,000 Ice Spirit Sea Races on the battlefield. At this moment, when the emperor's ancestors leave the battlefield, they instantly disappeared into the battlefield!

Su Jin was no longer able to maintain the state of'Eight Arms Connecting Buddha' in the battlefield, and as the sword tomb collapsed, his face became pale and he couldn't help coughing up blood.

This battle.

Probably it was his most tragic battle recently.

Those sea races, just spewing out some icy power, can actually make him so painful.


Su Jin felt the pain, especially the wound in front of him, the chill was spreading to the entire upper body——

"Lord of the Old God, God gave you death." The Ice Spirit Sea King looked at Su Jin on the battlefield and said coldly.

"Really? It is absolutely a mistake that you let the ancestors of the emperor family leave the field. It will give me a chance to breathe." Su Jin gasped, staring at the Ice Spirit Sea King coldly.

The Emperor was slightly stagnant outside the battlefield.

I began to doubt what Su Jin said... doing this is indeed a bit risky. However, the Ice Spirit Sea King is not the kind of brag. Since the ancient cold dagger comes from their polar ice spirit sea, they should understand how to deal with it. Su Jin.

"You are about to die." The Ice Spirit Sea King said coldly. Under her veil, the dim face of the gods seemed to attract the gods.

"Come, let me see if you can kill me..." Su Jin laughed miserably.

He simply closed his eyes.

Ice Spirit Sea King's long-lasting expression has changed a little bit of anger, she has never met such a proud man! Actually, close your eyes and let them kill?

Isn't this underestimating their Ice Spirit Sea Clan?

"Formation!" The Ice Spirit Sea King gently raised his fingers, and made a very beautiful Jie Yin gesture with both hands.

The entire battlefield, with a radius of 10,000 miles, suddenly became a cold wind!


Lines of beautiful Sea Clan women appeared in all directions on the battlefield, with Su Jin in the middle! Eyes closed--

The faint blue divine power seemed to float in the wind, like blue silk, covering the entire battlefield!

One array flag, ten array flags, hundred array flags...

It quickly condensed from the ice spirit rules, and the chill was even worse in all directions! That kind of power is absolutely no small thing!

And under the gaze of the Protoss Queen, Emperor Family and so on... the air in all directions was beginning to turn into sword hilts, spreading towards the place where Su Jin was in the center.


But twenty breaths--

Su Jin didn't move. In the battlefield, a block of ice covering a radius of 10,000 miles, like an ice continent, directly sealed him in it!

Di Qingyu yelled in surprise.

Di Linglong has a sad face!

Really... Did it just die?

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