My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 4010: Don't look down!

The bitterness of Emperor Linglong's heart——

Unconsciously, he touched his lower abdomen, he... still doesn't know...

Death, the usual silence, is spreading, silent.

The ground is empty and quiet.

The hustle and bustle of the Hundred Cities seemed to have stopped at this moment. Who could have imagined that the one who stopped Su Jin from killing in the end... turned out to be the Ice Spirit Sea King?

That's a strange woman.

"Dead?" Di Qingyu seemed to ask all the questions the Protoss wanted to know.

The ice spirit formation world can turn a world into ice cubes, and the faint blue ice seems to be harder than the ancient divine iron. In this case, I am afraid that the rules of the gods will be destroyed, not to mention , Su Jin who was frozen in it?

Queen Shark is full of regrets-

The three women, Princess Dark Night, Han Dieyi, and Ye Qingying were also dumbfounded now. They couldn't perceive Su Jin's breath, and could only see him as if he was frozen in the ice.

"This is the result you want." The night princess looked at Han Dieyi with a cold face.

"If you're afraid of death, just leave." Han Dieyi knew what the princess meant.

They went with Su Jin.

Fear of the anger of the gods.

After all, Su Jin was their backer, and when Su Jin died, the fate of the two of them was almost predictable.

And the Queen Shark’s fame is outside, so naturally don’t worry, Ye Qingying can make up the lies deceived by Su Jin and return to the'Hall of Killing Gods'. Only the two of them are the gods, and they don’t even need to get angry. The Emperor Family in front of them will not let them go.

Naturally, Han Dieyi didn’t know that Princess Dark Night was not afraid of death—

She was just afraid of hurting the city of God and the family!

"Your Majesty, what do you think?" Ye Qingying's face was a bit solemn, and she looked at Queen Shark.

"I don't know." Queen Shark shook her head.

If she felt even a little bit of aura, she wouldn't be so confused, but Queen Shark immediately calmed down: "It's not that simple. Just now, he obviously has extra energy, but he is willing to be used by the Ice Spirit Sea King as the'ice spirit formation'. Frozen, don’t you think it’s weird?"


Ye Qingying, Han Dieyi, and Princess Dark Night have a glimmer of hope in their hearts--

Han Dieyi blinked and said: "The formation world, how can he be sealed, don’t forget, he also has the'Golden Ancient Stele'. Even if he sacrificed this monument just now, he can at least resist some of the formation world. Time?"

The Queen Shark also had a clear heart. She judged that although Su Jin was seriously injured, it is very likely that he is still alive!

Think carefully, fear!

If this is still alive, Queen Shark really doesn't know how to describe her inner panic.

Is it dead or not?

No one can dig him out of the ice, even the Emperor Ancestor is still puzzled now, watching the Ice Spirit Sea King who has re-emerged from the battlefield.

"Will it die?" The Emperor asked, staring at the face of the Ice Spirit Sea King.


The breeze lifted a corner of the veil of the Ice Spirit Sea King, and saw her teeth lightly open, her mouth was vermilion, revealing half of her beautiful face——

The emperor breathed a sigh of relief, "It's great, the old lady can also disappear with peace of mind. The old lord appeared on the eve of the opening of the New God Era. He wanted to go against him. After all, my emperor's family and the Ice Spirit Sea Clan were annihilated."

"The emperor's home furnishing is the most powerful, and he should be the first."

Ice Spirit Sea King said lightly.

"Emperor Family!"

At this moment, the entire Earth of Broken Air was resounding the prestige of the emperor's family. That kind of sound spread throughout hundreds of cities, and converged first-rate with the sounds of other cities in the hundreds, and the sound almost lifted the sky!

"How to deal with this corpse? Can it be obtained?" Dizu asked.

"Yes, but a special method is needed. In my opinion, I should take away the formation without any damage, so as not to cause right and wrong. Moreover, when I came earlier, I noticed some of the breath of the old god's revival, which should be for support. He is here." Bing Linghai Wang said.

Di Zu's face changed slightly.

"So, the body of the Lord of the Old God will be disposed of by the Ice Spirit Sea King." The Emperor Ancestor said seriously.

After speaking, the emperor sighed and sighed, great rivers and mountains, who wouldn't want to stay in the world for a long time? What a pity, what a pity——

The emperor recruited the more than sixty ancestor holy emperors into the realm of the emperor's secret realm.

Immediately, Emperor Zu and Ice Spirit Sea King were together.

Walking above the frozen formation, looking down at Su Jin who was frozen in the blue ice, he sneered--

"It's a supreme genius, but unfortunately it was the resurrected body of the old master, who died in front of the old woman after all." The emperor became proud.

Emperor Zu was very satisfied.

The loss suffered by the emperor family can be made up for! Treat today as the battle for the comeback of the emperor family. Just by cutting off the reputation of the eternal old master, the emperor family can also be proud of the entire eternal realm!


Di Zu spread her arms and turned into a celestial crane body. She glanced at Di Linglong, her eyes had an unexplainable meaning in it. Then, starting from her wings, strands of flames seemed to start to burn.

"Di Zu! Give it to Di Zu!"

In the realm of the secret realm of the emperor family, countless emperors, all worshipped down, crying for the last journey of the emperor ancestor——

The entire emperor family, even if it was the emperor's whisper, knelt in the void...


Di Linglong didn't kneel!

Duankong City, Dark Night God City, who does not cry for the Protoss! The Emperor Ancestor can be regarded as a super power in the Eternal God Realm, now in order to fight the fall of the old master!

"Finally died, the old master recovers, and even wants to re-rule our eternal Gods realm. Now an emperor has beaten him to the ground. It is a pity... if the emperor is immortal, she will surely set off a storm in the eternal Gods realm. Immortal, shaking his arm with a finger, that's an order for the existence of the heroes!" A Protoss exclaimed.

"Why is my heart panicking? The Ice Spirit Formation is indeed a legendary powerful formation, but he is the old master, and he hasn't really done an autopsy yet. I'm really afraid that he is still alive."

"It's so dead, haven't you seen the Emperor Ancestor and the Ice Spirit Sea King confirm it?"

"It's a pity, a generation of strong men will eventually fall! But obviously the emperor is even more powerful—"

"It's not that the emperor's ancestor is powerful, but the emperor's ancestor is powerful. Without her, how can we activate the secret method and order the stone corpses of the emperor's ancestor and holy emperor?"

"Dizu, it's going to dissipate."


Countless people have witnessed the fall of the emperor, her wings have disappeared, and the flames are swallowing her claws and body!

The last lap of flames started from bottom to top, spreading to the crane neck above——

But just when there is still a crane head left!

Suddenly change!

The Ice Spirit Sea King was almost still paying attention to the fall of the emperor's ancestor, and immediately the dark blue solid ice under her feet, which was the formation she personally displayed, was instantly blasted!

"You're not it!" After seeing this scene with a crane head of Emperor Zu, she saw Su Jin's eyes suddenly open.


The moment the sound fell, the emperor succumbed to death and completely turned into smoke!

The Ice Spirit Sea King was also stunned for an instant, she lowered her head in disbelief and looked down...

There is a hand, like an eternal chain, firmly grasping her right calf!

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