My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 4011: The way of the other

When he grasped the calf of the Ice Spirit Sea King, Su Jin felt that his hands were frozen like ten thousand years of ice. Even if it was him, he had to instantly activate the power of Vulcan Dao to resist the unbearable freezing.

The eyes of the Ice Spirit Sea King showed murderous eyes--

Among the hundreds of cities, everyone's eyes are in full view.

How dare this guy catch her? And still grab her calf.


what's the situation?

The emperor was dumbfounded.

The Queen Shark was also dumbfounded.

The countless protoss in a hundred cities were instantly sluggish--

not dead! Why didn't you die?

"Let go!" The Ice Spirit Sea King was exuding extremely cold and blue ice mist all over his body. It is enough to see how angry she is now. She has a lot to do, but Su Jin is still alive, and still in this way. Catch her.

Su Jin didn't want to either.

It was an excellent opportunity just now, and he didn't want to miss it. If he could miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, then he would not be Su Jin.

Almost instantly.

Su Jin broke the ice and came out——

"Advise you not to move." Su Jin looked at the Bing Ling Hai Wang Road with a cold face.

Ice Spirit Sea King was slightly surprised. She had just been grabbed by Su Jin's calf, and five-finger gray fingerprints appeared, and they were still very obvious!


Then, Ice Spirit Sea King looked at Su Jin with shocked eyes, "You...what did you do to me!"

"God's curse, if you dare to move, I can't guarantee you will die on the spot." Su Jin said lightly.

Curse, still listening to the terrible curse of God——

The Ice Spirit Sea King believed Su Jin's words in an instant, because when she used her regular power to rush to the five-finger gray fingerprints, the regular power seemed to sink into the ocean and disappeared.

"Let go of my king!" The densely packed Ice Spirit Sea Clan reacted from the sluggishness and roared at Su Jin.

"You have to dare to move a hair of the sea king, and you will surely break your body!"

"If the curse is not solved yet, I, the king, may be able to open up a side to you and save you from blasphemy. Do you know that the king wants to kill you, it is easier than doing anything. If you know what is good or bad, please advise you immediately , Immediately, release the king!"

"You're done, don't think about living well forever, our Ice Spirit Sea Clan will chase you to the ends of the heavens, so that you will never be born again--"

"Hurry up and let the king come back, we can forget about the past!"


There was a sound of threats, after all, it was still so weak, the Ice Spirit Sea King didn't dare to move at all, he could only look cold, and stared coldly at Su Jin, a fellow who is quite strange to her——

Emperor Linglong died, although Di Linglong's heart was sad, but now she... more happier, Su Jin is still alive.

It is difficult for Diqingyu to accept this fact!

"Impossible! He can't be alive!" Di Qingyu said this time with tears like a big river bursting its dyke, extremely collapsed.

Su Jin stood on top of the ice spirit formation, before him was the ice spirit sea king...

"I want to know why you are not restricted by the Ice Spirit Array Realm. Even the most terrifying powerhouse in my Array Realm cannot escape." The Ice Spirit Sea King is very puzzled now, she wants to ask clearly.

"Get an axe at the class door and play formations with Dao God?" Su Jin sneered softly: "Furthermore, even if I don't have the inheritance of Dao God, I can cover the sky with six fingers, and I can break all formations in the world——"

The Ice Spirit Sea King was somewhat silent.

She wanted to refute Su Jin's tone, but the fact was that this incredible thing happened. The other party broke her "Ice Spirit Formation Realm", and the "Ice Spirit Formation Realm" was in front of him, like tofu, which was completely vulnerable.

"The ancestor is dead. This king will now teach you a lesson. He just likes to play frozen. Well, I will play with you."

Even though Su Jindang stretched out his hand, his palm gently sucked in front of him——

A wisp of extremely cold power was instantly sucked into the heart of his palm. Su Jin watched the deep blue cold air in his palm, which was swirling rapidly, the corners of his mouth rose, and strands of derived power began to envelop the dark blue cold air.

"You...what do you want to do--" Ice Spirit Sea King was surprised, but she didn't dare to move now, and she was in a dilemma.

With a palm, Su Jin condensed the deep blue cold air into his palm, transformed into his own power, and instantly patted the ice spirit sea king's shoulder.

Chi... Chi Chi...

The terrible deep blue ice began to happen to the Ice Spirit Sea King. Her beautiful phoenix eyes were full of anger, and the surprise in her heart was far better than any existence!

Almost one can't breathe.

The Ice Spirit Sea King was sealed by ice, and the entire body was covered with a layer of deep blue ice...

Break free.

Crazy break free.

Ice Spirit Sea King knew that ordinary freezing power could not limit her at all, but she knew that this was definitely not ordinary power, this was the supernatural power of some ancient cold daggers in the wounds in front of Su Jin!


Before the Queen Shark, Princess Dark Night, Han Dieyi and Ye Qingying could wake up in the joy of being alive, they saw the Ice Spirit Sea King...frozen by him!

Take the other way.

Return it?

It's absolutely amazing!

"I'm afraid Ice Spirit Sea King hates him to death--" Ye Qingying reacted and sighed.

"It's really not pretty to lose, and she is the supreme body of Bingqing. Not only was she caught in the calf by the Protoss of Hundred Cities, but she was also sealed by the frozen domain that she was good at..." Queen Ma was also surprised. Tao.

"He is good or bad. He rushed out before the emperor's ancestor fell. He clearly didn't want to give the emperor a chance to summon the emperor's ancestor, nor let her squint... This is killing the gods and punishing the heart... "Han Dieyi is now throwing the ground at the five bodies that Su Jin admires.

The ice spirit sea races are terrified!

Ice Spirit Sea King loses combat power, and a group of them are even less likely to be Su Jin opponents. If they rush to the past, they will probably be crushed by the "Daotai of Life and Death" in an instant.

Su Jin's mouth was smiling--

Indifferent smile!

A slap on the face of the Ice Spirit Sea King, even though her face was covered by ice, it was considered a complete humiliation, and it was still humiliated in full view!


Su Jin blasted the Ice Spirit Sea King like a block of ice--

Ice Spirit Sea King is now thinking of a solution!

But how can she do it?

Su Jin's methods are incredible and amazing, and this kind of power is taken from the ancient cold dagger. Although she thought of several feasible methods, the shortest method would also take ten and a half months!

"Adi--" Su Jin looked at Emperor Linglong.

Di Linglong nodded with Su Jin, "I, I will go with you."

"Not for the time being." Su Jin said: "You and Queen Shark will enter the Eternal Sea first. My injury is a bit serious, and I must find a way to heal."

Seriously injured?

Di Linglong's eyes were very concerned, she didn't want to trouble him anymore.

"I heard from the Ice Spirit Sea King earlier that the ancient cold dagger came from the Ice Spirit Sea. I am afraid that this kind of power will have to go to the Ice Spirit Sea to find a solution. After I recover, I will go to join you." Su Jin said solemnly. .

"Yeah." Di Linglong was very good.

"Queen Shark!" Su Jin yelled coldly.

"Yes!" Queen Shark Dang even responded.

Di Linglong stepped through the void, no longer nostalgic for the emperor, and fell into the dragon and phoenix nest——


At the feet of Su Jin, a golden avenue broke the void directly, and the avenue went deep into the eternal sea.

"As long as A Di is in the Eternal Sea, I can find her. I have you in the Eternal Sea. I can rest assured and go quickly--" Su Jin explained to Queen Yu.

Queen Shark, Ye Qingying, and Han Dieyi all stood with Di Linglong and landed on Golden Avenue.

The night princess lowered her head and hesitated again and again, she still stepped onto the Golden Light Avenue.

Su Jin used his strength to send the women to the Eternal Sea——

There, after all, it is the territory of Queen Shark, the sea clan of the Eternal Sea, the fighting power in the sea is extremely powerful, the land protoss may not take risks and capture the daughters of Emperor Linglong.

"After I get well, the location will be in the Dragon and Phoenix Nest! I will come back to declare war on all the powers of the Eternal Gods Realm! Anyone who comes will be killed without mercy!" Su Jin's voice spread throughout hundreds of cities and even spread out. city!


Su Jin walked to the side of the Ice Spirit Sea King in one step, and directly carried her on his shoulders!



Ice Spirit Sea Clan, you look at me, I look at you, it’s stunned--

Duankong City, Dark Night God City and other hundred city gods, all were frightened by Su Jin's arrogance!

"When he returns, he will declare war on the powerhouses of the entire Eternal God Realm?" Many protoss have not recovered yet. This battle can be described as changing rapidly.

"Originally, the emperor established the victory. Who knew this kid was such a chicken thief! Emperor Zu Mingming could still hold on for a long time. After learning about his demise, he also declared war and turned to ashes. I never thought... but he was not dead! "

"What the **** is going on with Ice Spirit Sea King... Where is she from? It's clear that the Lord of the Old God is not dead, so why do you say he is dead?"

"Underestimated the ability of the old **** lord, and was captured alive. The Ice Spirit Sea King was also captured because of his negligence. I really didn't expect--"

"Too arrogant, to challenge the powerful existence of the entire Eternal God Realm!"

"I won't wait for him to heal his wounds and come back. The terrifying powerhouse from all directions will definitely rush to the Ice Spirit Sea and chase him down completely--"


The voice gradually became quiet.

In the void, Su Jin carried a long piece of ice, and the ice was sealed with the Ice Spirit Sea King. She had her eyes open, and she could only move her eyes slightly. She had the same skin color as white snow, slender legs, and her clothes. Under the robe is dazzling.

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