My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 4014: The robbery!

Countless sword rainbows are more like a gorgeous meteor shower!

Western Regions, Thunder Gate!

Handling the origin of the Lightning Road, hundreds of Terror King Gods burst into tears, and lightning smashed a divine sword, but some were caught off guard, weaker, and cruelly nailed in the void!

"I am the leader of the Lei Dao sect, Lin Lei! Today is to take off the head of the old god!" Lin Lei's long green hair, a wave of his robe and sleeves, is a masterpiece!

Ice Spirit Sea King frowned, she was also angry, although her life was connected with Su Jin, she didn't want to help Su Jin now—

"Lei Dao Sect, the strongest power of the God Thunder Dao in the Eternal Gods Realm, and Lin Lei's own rules of Thunder God have been towering, reaching the highest level, your swordsmanship, I am afraid it will be difficult to work." Ice Spirit Sea King said.

"Eat inside and out!" Lin Lei was immediately furious when he heard the voice of Ice Spirit Sea King.

"What is eating inside and out? You said I am greedy for life and fear of death, but I admit it. If you Lin Lei can solve the God's curse on me, I will kill him now!" The Ice Spirit Sea King was also very angry and asked. other side.


A bunch of strong Thunder Daomen:...

Well, I misunderstood her.

As Lin Lei waved his robe sleeves constantly, the wind and clouds covered the starry sky, and the sky above the sky, the sword country, was all bombarded by the thunder and lightning.


Between the lightning and flint, the sword country collapsed!

It is enough to show the strength of lei!

"If I kill them, beauty, how about you tell me the name?" Su Jin smiled tiredly, as if he didn't care that Lei Daomen's aura had the upper hand.

The Ice Spirit Sea King hesitated again, but she did not hesitate for long, nodded and said: "Okay!"

Gradually, Ice Spirit Sea King felt something was wrong--

She turned her head abruptly, Su Jin, who had hooked her shoulders on her back, vaguely turned her body into a dragon, and it was not an ordinary dragon!

Crystal red!

Like a dragon made of crystal red diamonds!

Ice Spirit Sea King was very embarrassed, because the dragon head faintly arched on her face... She even felt like she was arched by a pig!


The atmosphere of the scene seemed to freeze instantly!

"Hua Jie!"

Su Jin's voice seemed to contain incomparable prestige, he went up to the sky, six claws lightly shot forward!

The clouds are scattered, the galaxy is clear!

"Looking for death! The gods of the thunder door, kill the old gods!" Lin Lei held high with one arm, and a thundercloud condensed into a flower shape. Then, hundreds of horror king gods also did the same, and hundreds of horror king gods showed up in an instant. The gods of thunder flowers, fused together——


This is a colorful thunder flower!


The crystal red dragon above the sky immediately bent down the dragon's head, opened the dragon's mouth with lightning speed, and swallowed the brightly colored Thunder Road flower in one bite!



Lei was shocked.

Hundreds of horror king gods are also frightened--

"Rolling Thunder, all give me orders!" Lin Lei ran the rules of mine madly, and hundreds of horror kings and gods around also felt the seriousness of the matter.

In the field, a ball of lightning is connected together. If there is a Protoss in the battlefield at this time, you will definitely feel fear, because even the breath... is the breath of thunder!

"Patriarch! He... he's not afraid of thunder and lightning!" The King of Terror, who has the Thunder Gate, trembled in his heart and found that something was wrong.

Thunder and lightning are intertwined on that robbery dragon!

The robbery dragon even seemed like a fish in the water, swimming in the minefield, and immediately, the sky-covering dragon arm was instantly photographed among the hundreds of horror kings and gods at the Thunder Gate!




Dozens of Terror King Gods were swept away on the spot, and even...a dozen Terror King Thunder Gods were directly bombarded into ashes!

"He turned into Jielong! Jielong absorbs the power of thunder and lightning, and will only become stronger and stronger!" Lin Lei felt a chill on his back, astonished.

"Patriarch, patriarch! Ah--" The extremely terrifying King God was pinched to death under the dragon's claws again!

In the distance, Ice Spirit Sea King felt the wind was strong, and she was staring blankly.

Su Jin, who was so seriously injured, could still sweep the gods of the Thunder Dao Sect with all his power... This was still in the presence of Lin Lei! She didn't dare to think, she didn't dare to think that if Su Jin is cured, the terrifying combat power will reach geometrically!

Originally, Ice Spirit Sea King thought the situation would be one-sided...

It is indeed one-sided.

But Ice Spirit Sea King guessed wrong! Because it is Su Jin who really destroys the dead...

In this battle, Rai Daomen goes first! I'm afraid I will sacrifice to heaven first--

"What a terrible old **** master!"

Among the hundreds of cities, I don’t know how many people watched the condensed battlefield! Because Su Jin first appeared in Dark Night God City, the gods of Dark Night God City have a more profound experience.

"That is the Thunder Gate of the Western Regions... Hundreds of Horror King Gods! Even... he lost to a badly injured Old God Lord! No matter how powerful the Old God Lord is, he is also a Horror King God! "In the Dark Night God City, many Protoss faces are numb, unbelievable.

"Jielong, he can transform the Jielong and control the heaven and the thunder! I am afraid that Lei Daomen will be planted. How many horror methods does this guy have yet to use? This is also okay—"

"Although there are not many horror king gods in Lei Daomen, none of them are extremely terrifying powerhouses. Although there are only a few hundred, they are comparable to a big family with thousands of horror king gods. This is restrained, careless, thinking that it can kill the old **** master."

"Jielong is an insurmountable gap in Lei Daomen! It's a Tianke!"

"Lei Daomen lost more than half in a blink of an eye. Jielong is too cruel. To be honest, this old **** lord really makes my scalp numb!"


Scalp tingling?

Who doesn't have a tingling scalp!

Even the Ice Spirit Sea King on the edge of the battlefield, now behind her slim dress, is soaked in sweat, her ice muscles and bones are cold, and she rarely sweats——

Now, she was scared into a cold sweat!

Kill crazy!

Kill mad in a blink of an eye!

Even if they are enemies with Su Jin, the Ice Spirit Sea King still has to admire Su Jin's cleverness, transforming into a robbery dragon, swallowing all the thunder power, under the circumstances, will naturally kill the Quartet, invincible!

" you dare to slaughter me and the elders of Lei Daomen! You..." After Lin Lei was in a daze, although his tone was very hard, he had no way to stop, nor could he stop--



The sound of blasting, the sound of crushing bones, is endless!

Thirtieth breath!

Lin Lei's eyes were dull, looking at the quiet battlefield, the robbery dragon, with a crystal red light all over it, seemed to be more and more pure, and in the crystal red dragon body, lightning intertwined, that kind of pressure, when looking over from the dragon's eye... Let him lei... already at a loss!

"Tian Lei Umbrella!" Lin Lei raised his arm and roared.

Umbrella out!

On the sky thunder umbrella, the natural formation of thunder source pattern seems to contain magical mystery!

Lin Lei pointed the Sky Thunder Umbrella at Su Jin’s "Jielong" and began to rotate the umbrella handle, and bursts of mysterious power began to work... But it was useless!

Why didn't it work!


Lin Lei really panicked at this moment. His original intention of using the Sky Thunder Umbrella was naturally because this umbrella can swallow thunder and lightning, transform the rules of thunder and lightning, and help practice. It is his first treasure in the Thunder Sect——

He wanted to use the "Sky Thunder Umbrella" to take away the lightning from Jielong, but it had no effect!

The Ice Spirit Sea King has even heard of the name "Sky Thunder Umbrella", which is a treasure almost as famous as the ancient cold dagger of Ice Spirit Sea!

Confused, the Ice Spirit Sea King was also dumbfounded, and she couldn't help thinking of a possibility in her mind, "Heaven Tribulation Dragon! Heaven Tribulation Dragon that subdues all thunder and lightning!"

Lin Lei closed the'Sky Thunder Umbrella' and watched the huge crystal red robbery dragon slowly approaching, shouting in panic, "Don't come over!"

Crystal red for a moment!


Lin Lei only felt that his chest was crushed by the dragon's claws, and an extremely terrifying hole was caught. He was completely conscious of almost instantly, as if he had fallen into endless darkness, all darkness that had nothing to do with him!

An exquisite umbrella slowly fell into the dragon's claws transformed by Su Jin——


A mouthful of blood spurted out.

Su Jin shed his head and turned into his deity again. The sky thunder umbrella was opened by him. He vomited several mouthfuls of blood on the spot. After waiting for a while, he slowly stood up.

Ice Spirit Sea King reacted and told the truth, really didn't want to help him!

But she cherishes her life! More afraid of death than any existence! Had to go--

"This umbrella is for you." Su Jin handed the Sky Thunder Umbrella to the Ice Spirit Sea King.

Lei Dao's treasure, just give it away?

The Ice Spirit Sea King was stunned. Seeing Su Jin climbing on her shoulder again, he couldn't help but tilt his face to it, and said coldly: "I don't need it."

"Then I lost it." Su Jin threw the Sky Thunder umbrella casually.

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