My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 4015: The difficulty has come!


The Ice Spirit Sea King stretched out his hand and dropped the Thunder Umbrella a thousand meters below, instantly turning into a stream of light and falling into her hand.

Rai Daomen is the treasure, if you say you give it away, then you give it away, or if you say it, you lose it?

I have never seen such a luxurious guy! Although the Ice Spirit Sea King is not needed, the'Sky Thunder Umbrella' is extremely valuable, and even for some thunder horror powerhouses, it is almost invaluable.

However, the Sky Thunder Umbrella can change countless forms even without discussing its value. The Ice Spirit Sea King casually tried it, and it can be transformed into a treasure umbrella for her daughter’s house. She said she didn’t want it, but it did not represent Su Jin. You can throw it away--

"Hurry up." Su Jin said.

"Are you asking my name?"


"Ice dyed spirit."

"It doesn't sound good, or else, you can take my last name—"

"You take advantage of me!"

Dianbing Lingjiao shouted.

I think she was born in God's Mansion, far more noble than the orderly inheritance of the Protoss, and she was not born of the Protoss who can continue the incense, and it is normal to have no surname.

Unexpectedly, Su Jin would even take up this advantage!

"With my last name Su, isn't Su Bingling better?" Su Jin asked strangely.

"Shut up! Shut up!"

Dianbing Ling is going crazy, why does this guy always annoy her? Even a very casual sentence can arouse her anger——

"Okay, Miss Bing Ling, my name is Su Lang, you can call me Su Lang." Su Jin said.

"Su Lang? Weird!" Dye Bingling said strangely.

"Your surname is Ran, isn't it also weird?"

"I bah! You... are you taking advantage of me again! Su Lang, Su Lang... Isn't this the legendary term between husband and wife in the world?" Ran Bing Ling was furious.

"Human couple in the world, that's called husband, I didn't let you call me husband——" Su Jin couldn't help laughing.

"Why don't you die of sickness?" Bing Ling Ling's silver teeth gritted loudly.

Su Jin snickered, "Call me Su Jin—"

Don't talk too much!

Ranbing Ling felt that this was a normal name.

Looking at the void in front of him, Bingbing Ling didn't realize that this was the place where the battle had just occurred, and hundreds of the Terror King Gods had fallen!

Su Jin, the lord of the old gods, is terrible! Dye Bing Ling recalled the scene just now, and some of them only shivered--

Keep going!

Su Jin asked indifferently: "At this speed, when can I reach the Ice Spirit Sea?"

"Two... a day and a half! Do you know how big the Eternal Gods Realm is? It can be called endless. Our Ice Spirit Sea is in the extreme north, and we are not the end of the Eternal Gods Realm. In fact, the Ice Spirit Sea is close to the eternal sea, you say Where is the end of the sea, I really don't know." Ranbing Ling said truthfully.

Su Jin nodded: "My previous suggestion, you can think about it. If you help me heal the injury, I am afraid that I will be enemies of the eternal gods, and there will be no way to go. Why not stand under my umbrella? Next, let me protect you."

"Don't even think about it." Ran Bingling shook his head decisively.

In fact, Bingbing Ling had also considered this worry, but she didn't think that Su Jin could reach the Ice Ling Sea smoothly, so she worried more about the curse that Su Jin left on her.

Anyway, it’s useless to say anything now--

"Hey." Su Jin sighed.

"By the way, I ask you, did you pretend to be?" Dingbing Ling asked Su Jin as he hurried along with Su Jin.

"Pretend? Why should I pretend?" Su Jin asked curiously.

Ding Bingling snorted, staring straight into Su Jin's eyes, as if trying to find traces of lying in his eyes, and continued: "When you fought against the emperor, you were the same as you are now. You fell asleep and were seriously injured today. Deteriorating, why can we still destroy the hundreds of Terror King Gods at Thunder Gate!"

"You stop, I will tell you the answer--" Su Jin felt that he had to explain clearly.

Dianbing Ling stopped.

Su Jin smiled slightly and unbuttoned his upper body robe!

"Ah! You..." Bingbing Ling covered his eyes in an instant, under the world, where is such a brazen person, showing his chest in front of a woman!

However, it seems different.

Bingbing Ling put down his hand and stared at a wound on Su Jin's chest. Although the wound was not big, she could see that it was indeed the wound by the ancient cold dagger——

However, strands of blue ice line almost covered Su Jin's entire upper body skin.

Bingbing Ling was surprised, stretched out his hand, blushing, and knocked on Su Jin's chest!



The ice is as hard as iron, and the dyed ice spirit seems to be touching an ice cube!

Su Jin grabbed Bing Ling Ling's palm and felt the temperature in the palm... With the coldness of his upper body, he could feel the heat in the palm of Bing Ling Ling. It is conceivable how much he hurt--

"You, you are really hopeless!" Dianbing Ling's voice became lower and lower, and after struggling a few times, he withdrew his hand and looked at Su Jin with cold eyes.

Bingbing Ling's behavior was a little unnatural, and he took Su Jin and continued northward.

For the next two hours, Su Jin and Bingbing Ling did not encounter any further obstacles——

It may be because hundreds of terrifying powerhouses in Lei Daomen were killed by Su Jin, some clan forces did not dare to take risks, or because they still wanted to wait for his injuries to develop...

In short, Su Jin didn't even see the shadow of a **** in these two hours.

"Stop, I'm hungry." Su Jin said.

Yan Bingling immediately stood up with his hairs, backed up a few steps, holding his body with his arms, his eyes showing strange expressions.

"What do you think, sister." Su Jin felt that this girl really didn't look like a king.

Su Jin fell into the void and landed in a stream——

As a result, Su Jin stretched out his hand to wash his face, and the stream froze instantly.


Under the night sky, Su Jin cut a few old trees, set up a fire not far from the creek, and took out some of the meat stored in the bone ring by the way.

The three snow rabbits and a few deer legs were all stored in the place where Su Jin and Di Linglong lived at the time. They were all handled. When he left, his memory turned back, but he did not forget the meat.


The flames were soaring, snow rabbits and deer legs were all put on the fire by him, and some rare spices and mountain salt were also sprinkled by him skillfully.

Not far away, the dyed ice spirit was very strange.

From time to time cast curious eyes.

But after watching it for a while, Ding Bing Ling lost interest. She actually saw the meat. Su Jin was roasting the carcass of a small animal, which made her sick.

Dran Bingling sat on a round stone in the stream, gently stretched out her palm, a small jade finger-high bottle appeared on her palm, she raised her head and gently poured a drop into the sandalwood mouth, the fragrance overflowed——

That scent even reached the place where Su Jin barbecued meat.

"You are so pitiful." Su Jin said to the dyed ice spirit: "If you don't eat meat, what fun do you have in this world?"

Dian Bingling glared at Su Jin, "I want you to take care of it."

But gradually, less than half an hour.

It's different.

Ran Bingling looked at the fire more and more times, and a scent she had never smelled before came, and that scent made her swallow her saliva——

"I have roasted snow rabbit meat for you, come and taste it?" Su Jin asked calmly.

"No." Dianbing Ling hugged her knees and looked at the gray finger marks on her calves, feeling that she was not interested in anything.

Su Jin soon chewed on it, and Bingbing Ling felt that her soul had been hooked away. She couldn't bear it for a few moments, and finally walked to the fire.

Trying to pick up the whole snow rabbit, the greasy golden color and scent made Dianbing Ling couldn't help but take a small bite——


It smells so good!

Su Jin smiled and didn't say anything--

In a short period of time, Ding Bing Ling was very surprised, all three rabbits were swept away by her, and the bones in one place, and two deer leg bones were piled with rabbit bones in front of her.

"Tutu is so cute, please bake a few more rabbits next time." Dye Bingling blushed and glanced at Su Jin.

"No, there is only so much rabbit meat." Su Jin said.


"Sister, do you think I have free time to catch rabbits?" Su Jin couldn't laugh or cry.

"I don't care." Dye Bingling's cold temperament disappeared, and said with his waist akimbo.

"Although there is no rabbit, you can go to your Bingling Sea to catch seafood. Then you can get some seafood. I will make sure that it tastes better than rabbits." Su Jin promised earnestly.

"You want to eat the sea clan!" Yan Bingling's expression changed.

"Tentacle fish, the kind that doesn't have much wisdom--" Su Jin helplessly spread his hands, "Besides, don't many sea races also eat sea races?"

Ding Bingling hesitated for a moment, Su Jin was not unreasonable.

"Get on the road with full." Su Jin threw a deer leg bone into the fire. Although he still felt uncomfortable in his upper body, he was quite comfortable after eating.

Su Jin walked to the side of Dianbing Ling, and pressed his arm on her shoulder heavily——

Ding Bing Ling went to the sky, there was really no way to take Su Jin, she felt that he could walk by himself, but he had to rely on her!


Bing Linghai was getting closer.

There is still half a day before reaching the Bingling Sea——


The terrifying breath of the gods, layer after layer, is also like overwhelming mountains, extremely overwhelming! Su Jin's face was cold, looking at the countless patriarchs not far to the north, knowing that the difficulty had arrived!

In the void, there are many restrictions, I don't know how many layers are laid, and it is not realistic to move in!

The Bing Ling Ling stayed there too, and he didn't expect that just a half-day away from the Ice Spirit Sea, there would already be so many Protoss, then if you get to the Ice Spirit Sea... naturally you can imagine!

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