My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 4017: Hierophany

"Amethyst imprisoned!"

Amethyst Mountain Beastmaster, roared a purple qi, that purple qi is extremely gorgeous, instantly like a miasma, rendering the battlefield!

If you look closely, those amethyst auras are actually crystals the thickness of hairs, which instantly banned the battlefield!

Su Jin's face was cold, his killing intent was clear, and he looked at the four monstrous powers, "Huh!"

He held the stele in one hand and swung his right arm, directly smashing all the'Amethyst Imprisonment'!


Do not retreat but advance!

Bingbing Ling was shocked, how did he look like he was injured? It's not like it at all! Don't retreat at all!

Punch! Destroyed the killing **** condensed by ten thousand rules-

Go further!

The "Axe of Creation" of the Great Axe was actually raised by Su Jin again, smashing the huge shadow of the axe with one punch!

Rolling river, sunset over the river! Su Jin felt like he was being swept by the huge waves, and those waves were like living creatures, pulling his body down——

"Go!" Su Jin was furious, and directly dropped the'Golden Ancient Tablet' on his left hand.

"not good!"

Baihe Yutianlong screamed immediately, but it was still too late——

The golden ancient stele fell into endless waves.


The rules of the "Long River Sunset" cast by Baihe Yutianlong were all shattered by the golden monument. He trembled all over, took a step backwards, and the blood flowed from the corner of his mouth!

"This monument can break my'rule origin'! Everyone, be careful!" Yu Tianlong is still afraid. If he hadn't cut the connection with the magical technique just now, I am afraid that the golden ancient stele could directly shatter the origin of his rules. !

Too overbearing——

Bingbing Ling couldn't help but look at Su Jin more. She was only now sure that Su Jin was really merciful to the emperor's family that day, and she was a lot softer!

Otherwise, those three death knells, can't the emperor's family be wiped out?

Moreover, the power of this golden ancient monument is so terrifying.

Under the attack of such four powerful horror kings, Su Jin still had a slight advantage!

The Amethyst Mountain Beast King, the Great Axe, Yu Tianlong and Xiao Nantian all exchanged eyes.

Although Su Jin is only one person, it is no different from a lofty Haotian, just wanting to fall, and when the power is suppressed, even them can hardly resist.

"The four of us, not enough!"

The Purple Mountain Beast King took a deep breath and slowly said: "Just now he smashed my amethyst imprisonment with a punch. My'amethyst imprisonment' is just like paper, it can't restrain him at all!"

"My creation of the world with one axe is enough to open up a world, but it was also shattered by his punch. His power made me feel powerless!" Kai Axe said.

Not to mention Xiao Nantian, the tens of thousands of condensed killing gods were all shattered and shattered--

In other words, an extremely incredible scene appeared in the battlefield!

Su Jin took another step forward.

Xiao Nantian, Yutianlong.

The Axe God and Amethyst Mountain Beastmaster are all retreating!


Su Jin glanced at the dyed ice spirit and said coldly.

Ran Bingling's heart trembled, she didn't know what Su Jin wanted her to do—

no way! Under the control of others, the dyed ice spirit had to walk over.

"Help me." Su Jin said lightly.

"Can't you go?" Bing Bing Ling gritted her teeth and said, she is dignified, Ice Spirit Sea King, why didn't she lose her face in front of the gods? And this is still going to the Bingling Sea, when the Sea Clan sees her supporting Su Jin, it would be ugly!

"Just let you do it!" Su Jin said sharply.

Dianbing Ling had never been so wronged before, but what would she do?


Su Jin climbed onto the ice-stained shoulders, in the bone ring, ten ‘Ancient Sacred Relics’ were instantly photographed by him——

Behind you!

Bingbing Ling was stunned for the first time, she felt the extremely terrifying aura of the ten statues that appeared behind, and then turned her head to take a look, almost not scared to death!

Ancient sacred remains!

That's all, the ten ancient sacred relics, I don't know what secret method they are in, and gradually the eyes begin to have gods, and some of the ancient sacred relics even change the color of their eyes!


The extremely powerful breath began to explode!

An ancient sage sloughed, black light rushed into the sky, and a black halo slowly circled around the ancient sacred slough's waist!

Another ancient saint's relic, gorgeous Buddha light, instantly turned into a golden body! Swish, it turned into the appearance of eight-armed Buddha, the Buddha wheel overflowed the sky, and above the head, there was a ‘swast’ Buddha seal slowly rotating! He also has the blessing of Buddha Dao halo!


An ancient sage relict, Sword Tao Tao, watched, the sword aura blessed him, faintly, the gods seemed to see a golden scale sword to start!

The heat wave, the shocking heat wave is invading!

Another ancient sacred relic seems to be transformed into a fire **** who controls the world. Where he steps on, the void melts!

Among the ten ancient saints, only one is different! This ancient sacred relic has a strong breath of life! This is a body of time. Between raising the fingers, the years flow, and there is a mark of the wheel of time on the eyebrows——

too frightening!

Based on the ten ‘Ancient Sacred Remains’, Su Jin actually poured the Nine Daos into it.

The ancient sage remains like a humanoid soldier, unable to break through its defenses.

Now Su Jin sloughed the ten ancient saints again, exerting profound power, which made the ice dyed spirit extremely shocked——

"It turns out that you were prepared." Bingbing Ling said to Su Jin silently.

"How can I go to the Bingling Sea without preparation? I said that God blocks and kills God!"

Su Jin completely ignored the Great Axe, Amethyst Mountain Beast King, Xiao Nantian and Yutianlong!

These four powerful heroes who dominate one side are now dull-eyed... They feel that if they rush up now, it is estimated that even the ten ancient sage relics will be difficult to pass——


Big trouble!

Xiao Nantian reacted, his face suddenly changed.

The Amethyst Mountain Beast King, Jade Tianlong, and the Great God of Axe were all very scared. When they recovered, they all agreed and asked Xiang Xiao Nantian: "What should I do now?"

"Don't be rash! You can only follow and look for opportunities." Xiao Nantian had no better ideas.

"Could it be that he can only watch his prestige!" Opening the axe was not light.

"What else can I do! There are many colleagues in front of him, if they can entangle his ten ancient sage relics, there is still a great chance!" Xiao Nantian didn't want to go up anyway, and started to follow far away--

This scene.

What an exaggeration!

How funny!

The four famous powers, not to mention the previous defeats, but now they can only follow far away, not daring to face the battle.

Among the hundreds of cities, there were all sounds of air-conditioning.

"This guy is too evil, he has any means!"

In Duankong City, there was a wailing, who didn't want to see Su Jin fall? As a result, instead of falling down, the other party also established a fierce prestige. For a while, no one could contend!

"Xiao Nantian's four great abilities, all of them existed for the hegemony, and they were forced to retreat. Now they can only follow from a distance, and they don't even have the guts to attack again—"

"Baihe Yutianlong, in the eternal Baihe, the gods must not approach the river bank, or they will be swallowed by him. What is happening now? There is also the great **** of axe, one axe emerges from the world, two axes appear, and three axes make all things. Now... dare not to attack?"

"It's more than evil. The ten powerful people are not **** races, but extremely rare ancient sacred relics. The perfect ancient sacred relics have actually fallen into his hands—"

"The Ancient Sage's Legacy was sacrificed by him? Otherwise, how could it contain such violent and fierce might?"

"He hijacked the Ice Spirit Sea King and went to the Ice Spirit Sea. Naturally, the Sea Clan did not dare to attack. Can other powerful Protoss resist the attack by him and the ten ancient saints?"

"It's so strong..."



There are desperate faces everywhere--

At a glance, the stacks of protoss army, as if they have seen the nemesis, keep retreating, the protoss is densely packed, and when they fade away, they are like black ants!

This shocking scene is unique!

Bingbing Ling's shock didn't stop there. She thought she had already understood Su Jin, who knew that he could have such terrifying power under the severe injury——

"How long are you going to pretend?" Bingbing Ling vowed, never believing Su Jin again.

"Nothing." Su Jin said quietly.

Ding Bing Ling stopped speaking, she felt that the faith of the Protoss army was beginning to collapse. If this continued, Su Jin could definitely reach the Bing Ling Sea. At that time... Once his injury healed, who could stop him!

This is an urgent matter to consider——

Su Jin rolled his eyes and said slowly: "You know, although I used my strength, it was all at the cost of aggravating the injury. I am about to lose consciousness below the waist. If you don't believe it, you can check it, and I won't lie to you. Ah sister."

Dianbing Lingtong blushed and hummed softly.

an examination?

Just don't grin.

But Su Jin’s remarks may be good news for the ice dyed spirit——

"If you die in battle, can you be merciful and don't forget to remove the curse of God on me?" Ran Bingling asked in a low voice.

"It depends on your care." Su Jin said.

"It will definitely satisfy you!"

In order for the dyed ice spirit to survive, "Don't worry, I'm hurting you. The Ice Spirit Sea Clan will never attack you. What you need to worry about is the other gods——"

"Other Protoss don't need you to worry about." Su Jin smiled, "Since you want me to be satisfied, then carry me on your back for a while. I want to sleep."

What time is it!

He still sleeps?

Dianbing Ling was in a daze, "Hey! Can we go down and rest? Hey—"

No way, the ice dyed spirit had to carry Su Jin on his back and quickly fell into the void! I found a barren mountain and put him on it!

What is it?

Bingbing Ling didn't know either!

If other gods were allowed to kill Su Jin, who would solve her God's curse? This is a terrible question, and, although there are ten ancient sacred relics following, the ten ancient sacred relics have not yet displayed their power, and how much combat power is still unknown.

Not far from the barren mountain——

Xiao Nantian, Jade Tianlong, Great Axe and Amethyst Mountain Beast King naturally did not dare to approach.

They put their hope on the ice dyed spirit!

Xiao Nantian looked forward to saying: "Your Majesty Sea King, now is a great opportunity. As long as you kill the eternal old master, the threat will be eliminated. This will completely accomplish your Ice Spirit Sea Clan!

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