My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 4018: A powerful enemy strikes

"Yes, your Majesty Sea King, your Ice Spirit Sea Clan's eternal long-cherished wish will come true soon!" Yu Tianlong also said.

"Your Majesty Sea King, kill the eternal old master, your Ice Spirit Sea Clan will become the most transcendent force in the Eternal God Realm! Holy!" The Axe God also eagerly said.

"Aquaman..." Amethyst Mountain Beastmaster felt that Dyeing Ice Spirit should not give up this opportunity--

But they were so wrong!

Bingbing Ling suppressed his anger and said, "You want to be shameless?"

Yu Tianlong:...

Xiao Nantian:...

The Amethyst Mountain Beast King and the Great Axe were all speechless.

"I'm under a curse, who can untie my curse? I immediately took his head! Not a second word." Dianbing said angrily: "When he dies, I will die with it. You want me to kill him to eliminate the threat. ?"

"The existence of the old master is also related to the fate of your Ice Spirit Sea Clan! Once he is still alive, he will definitely slaughter the Ice Spirit Sea Clan. You are the king of the Ice Spirit Sea Clan. What if you sacrifice it?" Xiao Nantian asked angrily.

"You said so nice! I woke him up, cast a curse on you, let you kill, would you like it?" Ran Bing Ling was really angry, and directed at Xiao Nantian.

Xiao Nantian thumped and took a step back!

"Don't forget, you are the king of the Ice Spirit Sea Clan... What's wrong with making some contributions to the Sea Clan?" Yu Tianlong asked.

"Don't call the Sea King Sea King, my old lady is wrong now! The Bingling Sea Clan is in charge, now I get rid of Wang Yin, it's wrong!"

Dianbing Ling gently raised her hand, and directly covered her forehead with her hand, with strands of blue patterns slowly condensing on her hand, finally condensing a treasure mark the size of a pearl spot.


Baoyin collapsed directly!

The great God of Axe, the Beast King of Amethyst Mountain, the four terrifying powerhouses, all shut up instantly.

They never expected this...

"I'm still called, my name is Dianbing Ling, I am no longer the king of the Ice Ling Sea Clan, don't want to use the Sea King identity to harm me!"

"Then it's okay, you are no longer the king of the Ice Spirit Sea Clan. Once he dies, we will kill you instantly." Xiao Nantian said bitterly.

"Xiao Nantian! Do you dare to stand up and fight with me alone? See who kills the deer and who kills who!" Ranbing Ling pointed at Xiao Nantian with his slender waist.

Xiao Nantian:...

Bingbing aura, what she worries most is that the other party will force her to use the status of "king", and now she can only stand with Su Jin completely to live!

"If you don't fight, let me say something!" asked Ranbing Ling.

Xiao Nantian remained silent.

Although the Ice Dyed Spirit is not the king of the Ice Spirit Sea Clan, his power is also not to be underestimated——

He was not sure.

damn it!

Ding Bing Ling felt that he had never been so crazy before, and simply took out the ‘Sky Thunder Umbrella’ that Su Jin had previously given her.

Open the umbrella!

The three handles began to rotate, and the entire thunder umbrella instantly turned into a big umbrella...

The source of Thunder Road stored in it, directly drop a bunch!


Xiao Nantian immediately disheveled his hair, his clothes torn apart!

The ice dyed spirit was stunned for a moment. The power of this thunder door's most precious'Sky Thunder Umbrella' in her hand is still too poor. If Lin Lei does not die, cast this'Sky Thunder Umbrella', I am afraid that Xiao Nantian and the four powerful can Very embarrassed, and after being hit, it is not so powerful.

"You deceived me too much!" Xiao Nantian said angrily.

"Come in, the ten ancient sage powers who come in can kill you instantly!" Dran Bing Ling threatened.

Although Xiao Nantian was angry, he could only let her bully, but he didn't intend to swallow it--

"Try the power of Gu Sheng!" Xiao Nantian shouted to the other three horror beings.

"Okay!" Yu Tianlong's injury has stabilized, and his strength has little influence, so he immediately agreed.

The Beast King of Amethyst Mountain, the axe **** also has a bad face, staring at the ice dyed spirit.

Open the axe: "Since you choose to become a rebellious god, then you will endure the endless torture of the Protoss. Now you kill the Lord of the Old God, and you can still preserve your reputation!"

"I'm pooh, don't force me, if you force me again, I will heal him--" Ran Bingling shouted.


Is there such a thing?

Not good!

Xiao Nantian, Amethyst Mountain Beast King, Yu Tianlong, and the Great Axe were all frightened.

"Girl dyed don't be angry, we were playing around with you--" Yu Tianlong said.

"Apologize!" Ran Bing Lingjiao shouted.

Xiao Nantian's face flushed, and the murderous intent burst into his eyes. He...has ever been so threatened?

"Impossible!" Xiao Nantian said angrily.

"Want us to apologize to you? How long has it been for you, a little girl, to take over Bing Linghai, let us apologize to you?" The axe **** was naturally unwilling.

Bingbing Ling did not explain, squatting beside Su Jin, with thin white fingers, beginning to form seals, and then, strands of divine power condensed into a circle of original regular patterns——

Follow the pattern.

Su Jin's upper body, the ancient cold dagger, is beginning to be swallowed by Dao Tu!

Xiao Nantian's hair is terrifying!

Yu Tianlong is at a loss!

The Amethyst Mountain Beast King, the axe god, instantly dumbfounded!

"I'm wrong! Please don't get angry with the girl!" Xiao Nantian looked anxious. Although I don't know how effective the ice-dying spirit helped Su Jin heal his injuries, even if Su Jin regained his strength, their odds of winning would be greatly reduced!

This is definitely not something they want to see!

"I was wrong before, so I shouldn't threaten the dyed girl!" The Axe God was also unwilling, and said with trepidation.

Xiao Nantian, when the existence of the two masters, the Great God of Axe, was so suffocated?

"It's late!" Bingbing knew that even if she didn't treat Su Jin, she would never survive after being dubbed the name ‘Rebellious God’——

At this moment.

Cut the ground.

Hundreds of cities, and even a city that doesn't know how far-reaching, countless Protoss began to swear at Xiao Nantian and them!

"Is Xiao Nantian stupid? People are just being held hostage, but now they have forced a king-level powerhouse into the ranks of the old gods! And become a king, who is willing to give up his life in vain." .

"Idiot, what an idiot! Even if the Ice Spirit Sea King takes action, there are still ten ancient sacred relics around her, her chance is small, but Xiao Nantian is forced into the arms of the old **** lord!"

"It's silly, I am unable to step forward and kill the Lord of the Old God. I have to anger the Lord of the Old God, the last straw."

"Xiao Nantian was just taken a step back from fear. Instead, he was cursed, and he might have already surrendered to the enemy—"

"In other words, if the Ice Spirit Sea King truly ends up with the Lord of the Old God, it will naturally be a great thing for the entire Ice Spirit Sea."


The dazzling ice-colored light quickly shined from the Dao map formed by the ice dyed spirit!

The earth is frozen!

Void, frozen!

Xiao Nantian's eyes were completely anxious. Like Yutianlong, Amethyst Mountain Beast King, and the Great Axe, he was being forced to retreat by the spreading ice——

"I can't bear it anymore!" With a violent anger from the axe, the axe cried!

"Don't!" Yu Tianlong exclaimed.

This axe, the icy void, directly burst into pieces——

Ten ancient sacred relics, even if they react, look at the four terrifying powerhouses of Xiao Nantian...



The four ancient saints shed, turned into five streams of light, and manifested around Xiao Nantian!


Xiao Nantian's heart sank, and they discovered something more troublesome. They thought that the ten ancient sacred relics had no wisdom. However, judging from the fact that the ten ancient sacred relics did not come out, it was obviously not what they thought. !

"I smashed you!" The great **** of axe opened his giant axe and slashed directly on the ancient saint's relic with the aura of ‘Sword Body Dao’——


Between the electric light and flint, the axe was dazed.

Although his axe didn't use his full strength, it was enough to smash and kill a bunch of ordinary horror king gods. However, when this axe smashed on the ancient saint relic, he couldn't even break the defense!


An elegant sword, as if piercing through time and space, instantly lifted the axe!

On the other side, Yu Tianlong is losing ground!

The Beast King of Amethyst Mountain sprayed out "Amethyst Imprisonment", and his body was swept away directly by one arm--

Su Jin feels very strange now.

His consciousness seems to be still in that space...

Fighting ice and fire, until the consciousness space, a whirlpool like a tornado, began to set off a storm! The position below his waist seemed to start to melt away, but it was just like this--

Compared to the massive blue divine power, the whirlpool was too small, but he was indeed getting better.

Soon, Su Jin slowly opened his eyes, and vaguely understood the reason for dyeing the ice spirit!

"Those ancient sacred relics can only hold one terrifying power! We have six more to draw away the six ancient sacred relics around him!"

Reinforcement, here it is!

Xiao Nantian, Yu Tianlong, Amethyst Mountain Beast King, and the Great Axe were all in ecstasy, and their momentum seemed to be counter-pressure for an instant. The divine light produced by the fighting splendid the battlefield!

Kill kill kill——

The six terrifying lord-level powerhouses stepped out in an instant, each displaying their supernatural powers, and blasting towards the six ancient saints!

"Wake up!" Knowing that the crisis is coming, Bingbing Ling couldn't help shouting, but she first saw Su Jin opened her eyelids, and then closed them again, which made her anxious.

The other six ancient sacred relics instantly reacted and stepped into the void!


The ice-stained spirit was sluggish on the spot----

"Since you are no longer the Ice Spirit Sea King, you have chosen to become a rebellious god, then accept the death trial of the Eternal God Realm!" An old man with a white beard and long beard directly led dozens of powerful men into the void!

"Wake up! If we don't wake up, we will all die!" Dianbing Ling still kept the last glimmer of hope, and her original Dao Tu was still sucking away the strange cold power a little bit!

No effect!

Absolutely not!

Ran Bingling's heart was directly cold. Isn't she betting that Su Jin can wake up? Just now she was too angry and removed Wang Mian, but she became a rebellion!

"Kill on the spot--" The white-bearded old man leaned back slightly, his power spread, and the eight-color auspicious light began to reflect on the sky. In the totem behind him, there was a hundred zunba snake demon god!

The white-bearded old man was instantly entangled by a snake with sharp claws!

He is actually a demon **** with monstrous power!

Ba Snake! For a moment, he seemed to have turned into a terrifying snake body, and the sharp claws slammed the ice dyed spirit!

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