My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 4019: The power of time!

At this moment, the situation suddenly changed——

The great black snake, the mighty power seems to overwhelm the sky, its snake body is dark, and the world seems to be plunged into a halt!

That's too late!

Of course, Bingbing Ling knows her own situation. She now has two choices, one is to resist with all her strength, and the other is to resign and do her best to awaken Su Jin!

Xiao Nantian, Jade Tianlong, Great Axe and Amethyst Mountain Beast King, as well as the six other terrifying powers who are fighting the ancient sage relic, all look towards the Great Lord Bashe!

The whole world seems to be quiet--

Ran Bingling slowly opened her eyes, and she felt that the breath of time around her was extremely strong, and the flow of time seemed to slow down instantly, still extremely slow!

Three inches away-

Only three inches away can tear the dyed ice spirit and Su Jin to pieces together! Under the flow of time, the black claws seem to never reach this distance!


"what's the situation?"


All the Protoss who were paying attention to this battle, from a distance, were all taken aback--

"It's time!"

In the dark night city, the lord of the city lord's mansion, the lord of the dream pavilion said solemnly.

"The prestige of the years?" The Dark Night City Lord took a breath, "How could it be possible that the strength of the Ba Snake Great Lord is even far above that of Xiao Nantian, Yu Tianlong and other terrifying kings and gods. This kind of existence has quickly turned into a legend. , How could I miss it!"

The battlefield seems to be frozen.

The power of the years is extremely overbearing, and Xiao Nantian and the others even feel that it is difficult to move their minds, their bodies seem to be suppressed by the power of the years, and it is extremely difficult to move a finger!

Appalling sight——

The huge Ba Snake, like a mountain snake in the battlefield, freezes in the void, he is still in an attacking posture, but it will never be difficult to reach!



Where do the gods seem to be looking at a sharp battlefield?

This clearly seems to be looking at a shocking picture!

Royal Palace of Shark.

Ye Qingying was dumbfounded.

Han Dieyi was dumbfounded.

Queen Mackerel and Night Princess were equally stunned on the spot——

Only Emperor Linglong with a smile on his face slowly said, "Unexpectedly, his understanding of the years has reached such a terrible level."

She will not forget that Su Jin had the power to control the power of the years at that time in the scenes of the East Emperor Bell, but he wanted to compare his derivation ability.

"It's almost, it's almost--" Queen Shark said with a numb face.

"What is the power of time?" Han Dieyi reacted and looked at Di Linglong.

Di Linglong slowly said, "Look at Xiao Nantian, Yu Linglong, look carefully--"

watch carefully?

Queen Shark quickly transferred the scene on the water curtain to the terrifying powers of Xiao Nantian!

Xiao Nantian, with fear on his face!

Yu Tianlong, unwilling to face!

The Amethyst Mountain Beastmaster and the Great Axe also had horror in their eyes, as if they had noticed an unknown sign that was happening to them!


The Queen Shark murmured: "They are entering the process of decay! Although they haven't reached it yet, they will soon."


This is the most terrifying word for the Protoss!

Immediately, Ye Qingying and Princess Dark Night discovered a terrifying scene. In the battlefield, a dozen great powers including Xiao Nantian, their complexions all began to turn yellow, their hair began to turn green in an instant, and...the hair was like snow!

"Why is Ice Spirit Sea King all right?" Han Dieyi asked in surprise.

"Look at her feet." Queen Shark said.

On the water curtain, where Bingbing Ling and Su Jin were, a ‘wheel of years’ was slowly spinning under their feet, and the terrifying world began to appear one after another ‘heaven and earth bridge’!

Xiao Nantian, the Great God of Axe, Yu Tianlong, and Amethyst Mountain Beast King were roaring in their hearts. They... Although they felt the incredible power of time, they did not expect that they would quickly step into decay!

Bingbing Ling's complexion was dull, and he still hasn't reacted to it yet.

The void is beginning to blur!

Circles of "Wind Path Years" began to appear in two sections of heaven, earth and **** bridges——

"I can't die! I can't die!" Xiao Nantian still roared in his heart.

"Years, I want to break the constraints of the years, I want to live!" Yu Tianlong is also pale, and now it is difficult for him to even move his eyes.

"I have the power to destroy the world and create the world. How can I...

The axe **** trembles violently, he wants to break the restriction, he wants to raise the axe to smash everything, but...


Under the power of time, his axe couldn't stand the power of time! Broken directly into a few pieces!

Axe shattered...a sign of demise!

The axe **** is desperate--

Ding Bingling closed her eyes and scanned the battlefield with divine thoughts. The scene she saw, coupled with the fact that she was on the scene, directly gave her an indescribable horror.

How could she have imagined that, just three inches away from behind, there was a pitch-black snake with an endless length, like a mountain range, and everything around it was frozen.

Why is this happening?

Dianbing Ling glanced at Su Jin, who was still closing, and was terribly puzzled in his heart——



The battlefield of the void, in the blurry scene, is slightly distorted——

Xiao Nantian and the others didn't want to see this scene at all, nor could they hear the sound like a bone cut. Their divine bodies seemed to be walking along the heaven and earth divine bridge, and they were beginning to be sucked away by the vortexes of "The Years of Winding Path".


Do not!

Even the Ba Snake Master, it is still difficult to maintain the last trace of calmness. The big snake demon **** next to him also began to roll toward the northern sky in "The Years of the Winding Path"!

Duankong City——

"What will happen if you get involved in those whirlpools?" Duankong City Protoss asked in horror.

"The vortex turned into years, shouldn't it go back to the past? This is too terrible, the old **** master has clearly not woken up yet, why can he use such a terrible method?"

"The battlefield was frozen in an instant, Xiao Nantian and the others didn't even have the ability to resist. Is this guy an old god? How can the tricks be more weird?"

"The Great Lord Ba Snake, dominating the gods, is not his opponent? Now he is also trapped by the years. It is too terrifying. If this continues, if he reaches the Ice Spirit Sea safely, his injuries will heal again..."

"I don't dare to think about it... this kind of method, even the old **** of the year can't have it? I didn't expect that he still has the ability to control the time... and the roulette that is spinning under him is'years. Wheel of it'?"

"Isn't the wheel of years unconquerable? It is born from the heaven and the earth, naturalized in the heaven and the earth, and it is impossible to be tamed. What is going on?"



A huge trembling sound swayed the heaven and the earth——

Xiao Nantian, Jade Tianlong, Great Axe, and Amethyst Mountain Beast King just felt that their vitality seemed to be swallowed. The unimaginable power of the years was even more monstrous in "The Years of the Winding Path".


Su Jin suddenly opened his eyes, and at that moment...When Bingbing Ling looked into his eyes, he felt a little bit in his heart!

Crystal red, crystal red light spitting, monstrous demon, just like opening his eyes!

A word ‘dead’! When Bingbing Ling looked at Xiao Nantian and the others again--

Xiao Nantian's body quickly withered and decayed. His eyes seemed to be whitening. The original Xiao Nantian was still a middle-aged person, and now... has he reached the end of his life?


Bingbing Ling suddenly turned around and looked at the Great Lord Bashe again!

The Ba Snake Master is even more miserable!

The huge monster body is being swallowed by the ‘Curved Path Years’. The "Curved Path Years’" is like a grinding disc, grinding his terrifying giant monster body!

Divine blood, like a waterfall with a width of a thousand feet, began to flow down under "The Winding Path", the stench of the smell made Dianbing's nose unable to stop--


"No! Don't kill me..." The Great Lord Bashe is still struggling. One-third of his body has been lost, but as long as Su Jin is willing to stop now, he still has the possibility of surviving. He is willing to give everything and save his life. !


is it possible?

Dian Bingling's face was numb now, she was so curious about a male repairer for the first time, and what happened just now? Can Su Jin explode with such power?

Because of the huge size-

The miserable end of the Ba Snake, obviously also let Xiao Nantian and the others see... two sides, one south and the north, were sucked by the "Twisted Path", and now they can naturally hear the Ba Snake’s fear and begging for mercy. sound.

Xiao Nantian could speak.

Yu Tianlong is in a worse state than Xiao Nantian, because he had suffered injuries earlier! But now, they simply can't get rid of the absorbing power of "The Years of the Wind"! It’s just that at this speed, they will live dozens of breaths longer than the Ba Snake--

"I am willing to use everything outside of my body for my life! I...I am even willing to become an old god, please... and my lord to forgive me!" Xiao Nantian shouted miserably.

Yu Tianlong stayed.

Amethyst Mountain Beastmaster stayed.

The Great God Kaixue turned his head, and was glaring at Xiao Nantian!

This is afraid of death!

"I'm pooh!" Bingbing Ling crossed her slender waist, and she was forced to join Su Jin's camp. That is forgiven, what is this Xiao Nantian?

In order to survive, I don’t have my face anymore——

Bingbing Ling despised this scum.

"I'd rather die than surrender!" The axe **** yelled at Su Jin.

"I would rather die than surrender!"

Amethyst Mountain Beastmaster also burst into laughter.

Will Su Jin pay attention to them?

"I...I'm willing to become an old god..." The six powerful horror king gods who came later are also not feeling well now. They are the closest to a "Twisted Path", and they will die before Xiao Nantian!

The cultivation base reached their level-

Nothing is important to be alive!

It can be said that every Terror King God who can achieve Xiao Nantian's position can only be reached after all kinds of difficulties, and under the fear of position, they all collapsed!


In the void, a blood-colored waterfall lay across the sky, becoming more and more magnificent, and the vitality of Ba Snake's body suddenly stopped... the blood was still flowing!

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