My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 4020: Fighting is coming


Fifty feet!

Xiao Nantian looked desperate. Although he knew that begging for mercy was useless, he had never felt death. Soon, he was about to die and walk on the road to death. How could that feeling collapsed——

"You will definitely die without a place to be buried! The Ice Spirit Sea is your sea of ​​extinction, and you will be crushed by the ten thousand races, you..." Seeing that there is no doubt that you will die, Yu Tianlong kept uttering harsh words.


Xiao Nantian was the first to be run over by "The Years of the Winding Path" and screamed!


The second sound, Yu Tianlong!

Amethyst Mountain Beastmaster burst out with monstrous power at the critical moment, instantly transforming into a huge monster body, its body turned out to be like ‘Amethyst’, dazzling and shining—

He is known for his defensiveness. He was born out of an ‘Amethyst Mountain’. Only he felt that he still had a chance!

"I'll go one step ahead, Beastmaster take care!" The Axe God shouted loudly.


The Axe God turned into a giant divine body, no longer resisting the suction power of "The Years of the Path", and stepped straight up——


The blood of the gods splashed, like the blood waterfall in the north, which reflected most of the battlefield!

"I have something to say!" The Amethyst Mountain Beastmaster was under great pressure now, and couldn't help but shout at the back.

He has no confidence.

There is no confidence to resist the "Windward Years" behind you!

The Basnake Great Lord who just came to support, as well as the six powers that dealt with the other six ancient sage relics, have all disappeared. Its Amethyst Mountain Beast King is the last horrible power still alive in the current battlefield!

He wants to live!

But I don’t know how to live!

Hateful, annoying! The Beast King of Amethyst Mountain stared at Su Jin, but he couldn't respond at all. The body of "Amethyst Mountain" it turned into collided with "The Years of the Path"! The heart-piercing pain, let it understand why the Bashe Master screamed!


In the body of Amethyst Mountain Beastmaster, there was a piercing crack!


The amethyst in the sky, like purple raindrops, was crushed by "The Years of the Winding Path"!

Amethyst Mountain Beast King, is dead!

Ding Bing Ling is now almost dreamlike, it feels like a dream, the smell of the strong wind, the sky full of stars began to be pushed away... She could not help but shudder, and then slowly His eyes moved to Su Jin's face--

"Go." Su Jin waved his hand, and the winding path disappeared at the end of the Heaven and Earth God Bridge under his feet.

"Can't you go?" Ran Bingling asked.

Su Jin glanced at Ran Bingling, mercilessly! It was so cold and merciless that the dyed ice spirit felt like he was talking to a stone——

Even Su Jin, who was dyed with ice spirit, had the urge to kill her!

I dare not ask.

too frightening.

Bingbing Ling shrank her head, she had a terrible guess that this Su Jin... seemed to have really become the lord of the old god, whether it was his temperament or the killing intent, it was definitely not the way he was before—

Three minutes, falling back.

Su Jin was holding the golden ancient stele in his hand, and the ice dyed spirit walked with him on the Heaven and Earth God Bridge, and walked to the north to the void...

Bingbing Ling now has countless questions in her heart that she wants to ask Su Jin, but she really doesn't dare, just sneak peeks from time to time.

Finally, Bingbing Ling couldn't help it, and asked: "I just used the original rules to absorb some of the cold from your wounds, why don't you thank me?"

"Shut up, otherwise... kill you." Su Jin slammed the ice dyed spirit.

Not any more.

Bingbing Lingling's face faded, she felt that Su Jin was really not the original Su Jin——

This is no joke!

You know, if it was the original Su Jin, she asked, even if she didn't thank her, she wouldn't be so ruthless, right? And if you talk too much, kill her...

"Kill! Kill the Lord of the Old God!"

Seeing that the Bing Linghai was about to arrive, the eternal protoss surrounded by a circle all had red eyes, and the sky-shaking roar seemed to strengthen the fighting spirit and courage!


Bang bang!

One piece after another protoss, was shattered by heaven and earth **** bridges!

More protoss, like Xiao Nantian and others before, were directly involved in many "The Years of Winding Path"——

God, it was red with blood.

The blood of the gods falling on the earth seems to be turned into rivers of blood, tumbling and rushing to the earth!

Scenes in the battlefield--

Let Baicheng quiet down.

The Queen’s Palace, the Eternal Sea Clan, all looked at the heaven and earth bridge...


A man and a woman, walking on a bridge of heaven and earth in the middle.

Ten ancient sacred relics, silently follow behind!

Who can stop!

Dye Bingling's face is full of anxiety--

She and Su Jin walked together, and there was a feeling of being looked up to by the ten thousand people!

Even if she had been the Ice Spirit Sea King who hadn't been too long, she had never been so excited, and the weaker Protoss, below the Terror King God, couldn't get close to the nearby thousands of miles!


Many Protoss were all captured by "The Years of the Winding Path" and strangled in the air! And when Bingbing quietly paid attention to Su Jin's face, his expression seemed to have no feeling!

"The front is the Ice Spirit Sea, you need to be very careful." Dianbing Ling thought for a while, and said, "Can we not slaughter our Ice Spirit Sea Clan?"

Although Wang Mian has been solved!

But the feelings are still...

Dian Bing Ling wanted to see the Bing Ling Sea Clan being destroyed, although she didn't know why she felt that way.

She believes that Su Jin can do it if he thinks about it!

no respond.

The icy sea breeze has a bitter cold on the face, and the distant sky is an endless deep blue ice sea!



As if the sound of gears turning, Yan Bingling's face changed slightly--

"Earth Protoss!" Bingbing Ling exclaimed.

On the ground covered by the billowing blood, the ancient trees in human shape skyrocketed rapidly. In a blink of an eye, a green forest, absorbing the starlight and moonlight, began to spread quickly--


The old vines are like old gray snakes, penetrating the void, extremely fast, and directly entangled with the ice dye!

"This is the sacred tree of the earth! Save me!" Dingbing Ling felt the vitality flowing from her body. During that short trance, her legs had been entangled with two old vines!

Ding Bing was in a hurry and hugged Su Jin's right arm directly in front of her. She couldn't worry about embarrassment. She was really afraid of death—


Bingbing Ling screamed again and again.

However, Su Jin looked at her without a trace of eagerness or even indifference!

Bingbing Ling was severely dragged down from the "Heaven, Earth God Bridge"——

Su Jin's face was cold, palms up, and his arms slowly raised!


The old vines that came all over the sky were directly lit by the golden virtual fire! Those golden virtual fires seemed to be contagious, and the air seemed to have evaporated at that moment!

Bingbing Ling was about to be scared to death. After she couldn't get rid of the withered vine, the flame just burned the old vine to ashes. She patted her front and fell beside Su Jin as if fleeing.

The fire is raging!

The earth began to turn into a sea of ​​flames!

Yan Bingling paled, watching the boiling blood waves on the earth, coupled with the burning of the sacred trees on the earth, and the fierce fire, this scene even felt shocking when she saw it!

Su Jin seemed to have a thoughtful expression--

"Are you still not him?" Dingbing Ling showed a rather far-fetched smile and looked at Su Jin.

A chill came from the direction of Bing Linghai instantly!

Bing Bing Ling didn't wait for the answer, and stared at the Bing Ling Sea in amazement!

"Remove the seal of the king, and I will no longer be the king of Bing Linghai, a new sea king is born..." Ran Bingling smiled bitterly.

It was chilling.

Coming from the Bingling Sea, and in the scene that Dingbing Ling saw, the ice layer on the Bingling Sea was cracking, and the sea was rising!


The screams of the Earth Protoss began to disappear with the appearance of ice and rain.

"Even the ancient land gods are not at all an opponent of the old gods..." All the gods in Duankong City trembled.

"Then every old tree has a profound strength and is not weaker than a pinnacle power, but the divine power forest supported by hundreds of old trees was burned by fire! Reluctantly, a few survived."

"Ice Spirit Sea changes, and there may be a new king born, even if the old **** can kill it, it will only kill less than one percent of the Protoss, we still have an advantage!"

"In Duankong City, almost half of the Protoss rushed to Bing Linghai two days ago. After this trip, I don’t know how many will return—"

"I'm afraid of death, so I don't dare to go. There are already many demon gods in the empty space who died in the previous battle."

"Oh my God, is this really just a disaster caused by an old god?"


The gods are silent.

The icy rain completely extinguished the fire in the sky——

Su Jin looked at the divine shadow that appeared in front of him indifferently.

Those figures built a line of defense on the Ice Spirit Sea.

Had it not been for Su Jin, the ice dyed spirit would have run away after seeing this kind of battle!

Holding the stowed Sky Thunder Umbrella tightly, Ran Bingling swallowed.

"The old gods are in chaos, and the gods under the world will punish them!" One after another terrifying power stood above the coast.


The battle cry converged into a word ‘kill’!

Su Jin did not change the color on his face. He gently held the ‘Golden Ancient Tablet’, his crystal red eyes were filled with unbearable killing intent——


The ancient **** words on the golden ancient stele began to look like golden fireflies, directly like a brand, and began to rush towards Su Jin's body!

Bang bang bang!

The sound like an iron strike directly frightened the ice dyed spirit! She panicked instantly, and was swept away by a wave of air--

Qingyan smoked around Su Jin!

Every time, every golden handwriting hit Su Jin's body, almost making his body tremble! But the scene that followed made the ice-dyed spirit who had stabilized his figure exclaimed in surprise!

"Further fusion... fusion with the ancient monument? Will it be a deeper awakening?" Dianbing Ling felt tension in his breath.


Su Jin's posture seemed to rise in the wind!

Pieces of ancient **** characters seemed to form a pair of golden armor on him! That kind of brilliant golden light blasted everywhere, and some protoss on the Ice Spirit Coast couldn’t open their eyes at all—


Many terrifying powerhouses yelled directly at the golden blazing void.


Aotian **** axe fell into Su Jin's hands instantly! The golden **** will render the Aotian **** axe into gold!

With an axe, split out——

Like a golden wave, it swept across!

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