Su Jin observes the pillars that seem to stretch into the chaotic high sky--

The pillar is gray, and the pattern has a bright blue color, as if it is flowing. To say nothing, there are tens of thousands of pillars!

"It's here." The ice-dyeing spirit floats like an immortal, and the rules radiating all over the body can actually affect the wonderful fluctuations around——

Blink of an eye.

Ancient stone steps with gray and blue patterns began to appear at the feet of Su Jin and Yan Bing Ling.

A hundred stairs ahead!

Above, there is a seal altar, there is the seal field!

Su Jin felt a little relieved, after all, being able to get to this step was considered the ultimate, and the injury of the ancient cold dagger greatly restricted his strength not to mention, it also greatly slowed his ability to restore strength...

As long as his injury is healed, he wants the Lord of the Southern Territory and the Lord of the Western Regions to know what is the power of the Human Yedi!

And at this moment--

The Protoss and Sea Races on the Ice Spirit Sea were all stunned.

They didn't know what was going on. It stands to reason that with the assistance of Sea King, they should have the upper hand, but they don't know why Su Jin was driven out of the "Ancient Enchantment".

The earth was cut off, and there was silence.

In the hundreds of nearby cities, it was like deathly silence, and countless protoss did not believe in their eyes!

Dragon and Phoenix Nest, in the secret realm of the emperor's family, is also quiet.

Di Qingyu trembled all over, his eyes fixed on the battlefield space...

"The Southern Territory Lord Huo Liancheng, the Western Territory Lord Star Old Man, and more than 10,000 horror masters were all swept out of the ancient enchantment by him, but... they were also trapped in a terrible formation." God said with some horror.

"Time crystallization, he is too terrifying... he could create a time crystallization! And you have not discovered that there are more than 10,000 horror king gods, and there is still no way to get out of the battlefield space... they... have not broken Array method!"

"Think about it... Our emperor has worked so hard to make contributions to the Protoss, and finally wound him with the ancient cold dagger... If he recovers from his injury, walk out of the'ancient enchantment'..."

"No matter how powerful he is, no one can help him! The Southern Territory Lord and the Western Territory Lord carry more than 10,000 Terror King Gods! I don't think they want to break the formation, but want to wait for the old master to follow. Come out of the ancient barrier, directly use supreme power to kill it!"

"You...there is no problem with your head..."

Di Qingyu said coldly.

Wait for the old master to recover?

Extremely ridiculous!

Don't forget, the guy whose sister loves is most afraid of more than one dozen! The Great Destruction God of the Eastern Gods Territory brought more than 5,000 Terror King Gods, but none of them could escape, and they all perished——

Di Qingyu was very sad, and it was indeed something she could not imagine!

Moreover, how could she think that Su Jin would have gone through several sinister battles and could smoothly enter that ‘ancient enchantment’?


Bingbing Ling's face was solemn--

Standing under the altar, even so, she seemed to feel her own insignificance.

"Do you want to break the altar?" Su Jin looked suspiciously at the dyed ice spirit and asked.

Bingbing Ling:...

"Break the altar? You don't want to die?" Ding Bing Ling took a breath, "Let's not say whether you have this ability, but even if you have it, after breaking the altar, it has accumulated countless years of cold power, directly It will explode, and the speed of the explosion can exceed the speed you imagine..."

"What about the consequences?" Su Jin asked curiously.

"Consequence? The entire ice spirit sea, the entire extreme north, will be frozen in an instant! The extreme north will disappear from the eternal gods, because the extreme north will turn into a place of life and death, no matter how strong the king of terror is, it will not be close." Ling said seriously.

"I don't believe it, what should I do if I want to try?" Su Jin's mouth was playfully abused.

Yan Bingling's face was instantly tense--

"Don't..." The dyed ice spirit quickly stopped, "Oh, don't worry, I won't hurt you. You don't need to break the altar for this bit of cold. I use a secret method to **** out all the cold power in your body. With this altar there, it will be restored soon."

"How long will it take?" Su Jin asked.

"At most one day, you can heal."

"One day? Can't wait."

"I mean at most one day, maybe half a day will get better, not necessarily." Ran Bing Ling said.

Su Jin nodded, and glanced behind... I felt that this place was really strange, and those ‘crystals of time’ couldn’t spread at all.

The ‘Ultimate Ice Core’ sealed in this altar should not be able to achieve this kind of ability, Su Jin suspects that it is because of the pillars——

one day! At most one day, Su Jin can also wait!

"Let's start." Su Jinpan sat in front of the altar.

Dye Bingling began to get nervous, she sat down with Su Jin face to face, and began to seal the seal again...

Immediately afterwards, strands of regular power began to turn into vines, entwined on the altar.

Chi Chi ~~~

A picture of the gods began to appear between Su Jin and Bingbing Ling——

Su Jin felt that the wound on his upper body seemed to be affected. Then, the wisps of cold power began to fall into the picture...they were rolled onto the altar along the vine and disappeared!


The **** picture was broken and the vines disappeared instantly.

"You said that for a long time, it turned out to be because of your poor strength." Su Jin stared at the ice dyed spirit.

Ran Bingling's face flushed. She knew that Su Jin was telling the truth, but she still insisted: "The Extreme Cold Force, even if my origin can't bear it, do you think I am willing to do this? Are you still healed? "

"Continue." Su Jin nodded.

"It's really a monster." Dye Bingling muttered unclearly.

"What are you talking about?" Su Jin squinted, looking at the dyed ice spirit.

"I said you are really a badass."


Bingbing Ling continued to display his **** map, affecting the power of the rules, and could only draw out some of the cold power at a time, but this was already impressive. Previously, she was threatened by Xiao Nantian and other strong men. When she helped Su Jin heal, she could only help Su Jin Bear a little bit to the source of cold--

But the more so, the more ice-dyed spirits will think that Su Jin is a monster!

The cold power in his wound spreads to his upper body, so he will not die... and he can fight!

Time passed by every minute...

It was a long time in a blink of an eye.

Bingbing Ling was almost exhausted, and she almost wanted to give up a few times, but she continued to insist!

Moreover, after using it again and again, her original power seemed to have made great progress, but she did not treat Su Jin in vain...

At this moment, in the battlefield space set by Su Jin--

The frustrated voice keeps appearing!

"Damn, damn! There is no trace at all!" There are many terrifying king gods who are good at formations, returning with dusty faces.

"Can't it break open?" Li Shuier asked.

"His formation skills far surpassed me! We can't walk at all! This type of formation is rare in the world! Unless there is a way, you can get out with 90% certainty." There is a God of Terror.

"any solution?"

Huo Liancheng, Li Shui'er, and Old Man Xingchen all looked at a middle-aged terrifying strong man who was good at formation.

"Assemble our more than 10,000 horror king gods and directly portray a force-gathering formation. When the time comes, the power of more than 10,000 horror king gods will instantly sweep this space."

"Oh? It's feasible...but the enemy is currently so costly, I'm afraid it's wrong." As the old man Xingchen said, he looked at Huo Liancheng and said, "What do you think of Brother Liancheng?"

"Improper." Huo Liancheng shook his head, "It's too wasteful of power. I just tried it myself, but I couldn't touch the edge. If the power of more than 10,000 Terror King Gods is gathered, when I break through the formation space , The strength will inevitably be exhausted, and it will take a lot of time to make up for it—"


Li Shui'er really did not expect that with so many terrifying powers on her side, she would fall into such a dangerous situation. The other side was just a power! Why do you feel that the other party has a huge advantage?

"The best way, naturally, is to wait for him to come out... even if the injury is healed? Our more than 10,000 Terror King Gods, plus Brother Xingchen, are afraid that we can't kill him?" Huo Liancheng said.

"Okay! Since you can't go out, then wait for him to come--" The old man Xingchen hesitated, as if that was the only way to go.

Li Shui'er sighed and said nothing more—

Ancient enchantment, where the altar.

Su Jin could clearly feel the improvement of his injury, and his upper body perception became more and more obvious!

The cold on his body has recovered 80%! It won’t take long for him to recover!

Dye Bingling was sitting on the ground. She had never been so tired before. Such tiredness made her want to die—

"Continue." Su Jin looked at Dianbing Ling and said.

"Can you rest for a while?" Ding Bing Ling couldn't get rid of his breath.

"No way."

"Then...then come again..."


It can be said.

The ancient barrier has now become the focus of existence!

Countless protoss are paying attention to the ‘Ancient Enchantment’, and they also know that Huo Liancheng gave up finding a way out, instead they chose to wait for Su Jin to come out——

Most of the day passed.

Haven't seen those two figures yet!

However, the sea cliffs around the entire ancient enchantment started to shake slightly after a while!

Huo Liancheng, Old Man Xingchen and Li Shui'er all stared at the past!

The tense atmosphere is spreading rapidly...

"He won't break the altar in a while?" Huo Liancheng knew that Zhihan Ice Core was sealed, took a look at Li Shui'er, and couldn't help asking.

"No, he will die after breaking the will lead to charcoal." Li Shuier said.

"I'm afraid his injury has been healed." Old man Xingchen said solemnly.

In their eyes, they can naturally see the altar scene where Su Jin is located...

Long black hair, billowing, Su Jin closed his eyes... Dye Bing Ling stopped his hand and was sitting cross-legged to recover.

That kind of aura, compared with the injured Su Jin, is nothing like two people!


The wound on Su Jin's chest has been restored as before! You can't even see the scars!


Su Jin opened his eyes, his aura exploded, and the entire seabed rock cliff, as well as the ancient enchantment, began to tremble fiercely!

"Have you seen enough?" Su Jin looked up to the side, as if he could break through the void...


Li Shui'er in the battlefield space, she relied on the Sea King's mark to peek at the scene in the ancient enchantment, but at this moment, she seemed to be directly hit by the huge power derived power, and directly spurted blood and flew out!

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