My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 4027: The world is cold, the void snow, the earth frost!

"So strong!"

Li Shuier gave a panic in his heart.

Huo Liancheng, Old Man Xingchen, and all the Terror King Gods present saw this scene! But at this moment, the scene of the ancient enchantment that Li Shuier manifested through the Seal of the Sea King has disappeared.

"What kind of power is this?" Huo Liancheng was also surprised.

The old man Xingchen took a deep breath, nodded and said: "The power of derivation, he did not expect that his attainments in derivation are so terrible that he instantly broke the power of the sea king's seal!"

"Be vigilant! His cold has been cured! And he will definitely come!" Huo Liancheng instructed the thousands of Terror King Gods in the Southern Territory.


The atmosphere in the battlefield space is as if hanging overhead, so that many horror kings and gods have roused 120 thousand points, and they dare not be careless!

In the ancient enchantment.

Su Jin's long hair is fluttering, and the momentum is impressive!

Bingbing Ling was tense and stared at Su Jin closely. She was exhausted anyway, but she still wanted to determine whether there would be hidden cold power left in Su Jin's upper body——

After a short rest, Ding Bing Ling, like Su Jin, slowly got up!

"Wait a minute--" Dye Bing Ling walked to Su Jin and began to stretch out his palm, closing his eyes, and pressing his palm to the original injured position.

The hot skin made Yan Bingling's heart beat faster, she stopped her mind and quickly began to search.

Before long, Dianbing Ling felt relieved.

"No residue, I checked carefully." Su Jin silently closed his robe.

Dian Bingling opened his eyes, and a layer of ice flashed in his eyes. Indeed, as he Su Jin said, he recovered perfectly.

"Since healed, what should we do next?" Ran Bingling couldn't help but said, "I don't want to go with you to deal with them. I can't even fight Li Shuier, so I can't see enough--"

Su Jin looked at the dyed ice spirit, and said that he was so happy that he was afraid of death.

"You stand still." Su Jin took a step forward.

Ranbing Ling resisted the urge to escape. Although she had this idea in her heart, she couldn't move.

"What are you doing?" Dianbing Ling asked Su Jin with curious eyes.

"Didn't you say that you can't beat Li Shuier? You'll be able to beat it right away—" Su Jin had a smirk on his face, and then he stretched out one hand to the altar.

With the other hand, this is Pai Xiangran Bing Ling!

Ding Ding Ding~~~

A clear icing sound appeared in the ‘Ancient Enchantment’!

Ran Bingling's eyes widened, looking at Su Jin's hand reaching the altar... She was really suffocated at that moment, for fear that Su Jin would use her strength to destroy the altar.

But it’s okay!

Su Jin stretched his hand towards the altar, keeping a distance from the altar, and in the distance during this period, suddenly a ‘Fuxi Dao Array’ appeared——

"You..." Dianbing Ling felt that Su Jin was crazy, and she also realized what Su Jin wanted to do.

Does Su Jin want to infuse the cold force into her rule origin? If she could bear it, where would she **** the cold power from Su Jin's injury through the altar?

Of course, this is just her guess!

"Since you have sincerely returned, how about I give you a good luck?" Su Jin said with a smile.

"No, my origin can't bear such a huge cold origin, stop." Yan Bingling said pale.

"Who said I want to infuse you to the root of the cold?" Su Jin looked strange.

"Then what do you want to do?" Dingbing Ling was relieved a little.

"You'll know in a minute--"


Next, Su Jin and Bingbing Ling stopped communicating.

Ran Bingling watched silently, from the original horrified eyes, to consternation and exaggeration, and finally the expression on her face was full of anxiety. She saw the'Fuxi Gossip' in the void, in which there was a faintly imaginary altar rising and falling. , Obviously, Su Jin copied all the sealed altars——

And the lines above are not bad!

Su Jin continued, closing his eyes, drawing out a ray of pure power, constantly blending into the imaginary array patterns in Fuxi's Eight Diagrams.

"Come on!" Su Jin suddenly drank, without giving the Dye Ice Spirit any chance to react, and instantly caught the Dye Ice Spirit into the Fuxi Dao Formation!


Dian Bingling's head went blank for a moment.

The tremendous pain made her scream almost directly! At that moment, she almost fainted. But soon, the origin in her body began to react quickly, just an instinctive look inside, she saw the origin in her body, as if it had opened up thousands of small meridians, and quickly began to surge!

Ding Ding~~

Ran Bing Ling felt like he was sitting cross-legged on the gossip in the "Fuxi Dao Formation"!

For a moment, Bing Ling felt that her skin was shining with faint light. She saw it really. In those faint lights, it seemed that billions of lines had been melted. It felt the same as the lines on the altar, but it was faintly different. That is a very strange feeling-

Ran Bingling felt that she had lost the eyebrows of the "Wang Yin", and the light on her eyebrows was more brilliant!

About twenty breaths of light--

Ding Bing Ling was in a daze, and Fuxi's Dao Formation began to disappear. When she fell, her light toes also landed first.

There is a snowflake mark on her brow! There are profound and vast ice-colored lines on her body, but after a slight meditation by her, those ice-colored lines and snowflake marks disappeared...

One more meditation, the ice-colored lines and snowflake imprints reappear! In contrast to the Bingbing Ling, he directly felt the difference! This guy in front of me is so terrible!

Her current strength has more than doubled compared to before, and the rules in the body seem to be integrated in the limbs, especially in the state of the snowflake mark, her combat power is even more terrifying!

"You are shameless! You are bad!" Dye Bing Ling glared at Su Jin instead-

"Whether to fight or not? With your many methods, as long as you use them properly, there is absolutely no problem in signing up on the battlefield." Su Jin laughed.

"I only fight with Li Shui'er. If there are other horror king gods who attack me, I can kill them for you. If I am in danger, you must save me!" Ran Bing Ling asked Su Jin.

"No problem." Su Jin laughed.

With Su Jin's assurance, Bing Ling felt that it was almost the same!

You can't get any benefits, don't you help?

No, she became rebellious because of this, and it was almost entirely caused by this guy. It is natural to increase her strength, Ding Bing Ling thought like this--

Battlefield space.

The tense atmosphere is instantly full!

It was because Su Jin and the dyed ice spirit slowly walked out of the ancient enchantment and appeared in the battlefield space!

this moment!

The Protoss in the hundreds of nearby cities were all shocked--

"His injuries are healed...Two domain masters and a sea king, plus the more than ten thousand horror king gods...can you compete?" The demon **** of Duankong City said in terror.

"Damn, let him escape a few times, but in the end he didn't expect it to be so smooth, he also drove the two domain masters and His Majesty the Sea King to the set battlefield space... This guy is now in good condition, and his combat strength is not reached. How far!"

"Today is definitely a disaster day in the Arctic Ice Spirit Sea!"

"Look at that ice-stained spirit! She had just cast off the crown, and now I don't know what kind of opportunity she got in the ancient enchantment. It seems more beautiful. At first glance, she has a sense of blasphemous guilt."

"She is like a flawless ice and snow **** jade. Now, in terms of temperament and strength, she seems to have surpassed Li Shui'er... This is ridiculous. I feel that the current Li Shui'er, the current Sea King, may not be her opponent either- "

"Obviously, the Lord of the Old Gods has improved her strength! She fought with Li Shui'er before, and her strength is slightly inferior to Li Shui'er. Now she is stepping up to Ningxue, not knowing how far she has been promoted."

"It must be an increase in strength, otherwise, with her timid and fearful of death, she should not dare to face two domain masters and more than 10,000 horror king gods with the old **** lord!"



Most Protoss, whether it is Duankong City or other Hundred Cities, nearly half of the Protoss are discussing dyeing ice spirit! Her beauty is like the pure and pure eternal ice, and the attraction is not too strong.

To the battlefield.

The opponent's horror king **** is over!

Su Jin and Bingbing Ling walked straight away——

Dian Bingling feels his feet are soft!

"I'm telling you! I only fight with Li Shui'er. If you get black hands, the eternal old lord will instantly kill you. By the way, I still have God's curse imposed by him. Don't blame me if you get infected." Bing Ling said.

Su Jin's eyes changed directly--

"Be confident, ten or eight horror kings still can't compete with you." Su Jin felt ashamed to have such a teammate, calmly said.

"Really? But there are more than ten or eight on the other side, so be steady." Bingbing Ling responded with a voice transmission to Su Jin.

Let her go!

Although Su Jin sighed deeply in his heart, his eyes were as sharp as an eagle.

"Li Shui'er! Come out!" Ran Bingling pointed at Li Shui'er, "This is a battle between you and me. No one will interfere."

Li Shui'er hesitated slightly, nodded, and gently brushed his sleeves, her figure already appeared elsewhere.



Dying Bingling turned into a ray of ice almost at the same time, and directly raised his hand to shoot at Li Shuier——

Li Shui'er was shocked, she naturally felt the difference in the ice-dyeing spirit. In an instant, she used a mysterious wave to instantly move aside to avoid the blow!

Ding Ding Ding~~

The imprint of the ice-dyed spirit, on the center of the eyebrow, a snowflake mark began to shine! The world is cold, the void snow, the earth frost!

The world is gloomy, dark clouds cover it! As the thunder rumbling, a thick snow of goose feathers slowly fell.

"Ice Spirit Dharma Realm!" Dye Bing Ling's toes lightly picked, hands stretched out, beautiful white legs, like swan dancing in place!

Li Shui'er had been hit by Su Jin Yanhua before, and now he saw the heavy snow around him, and those snowflakes seemed to carry an unimaginable sharp power——


Su Jin no longer watched the battle between the two women, and slowly raised his head, one person... looked at the two domain masters opposite, and the more than 10,000 horror kings!

The fighting spirit, as if turning into a tangible power, swept through the body, rolling into a circle of blood dragons visible to the naked eye, around!

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