My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 4029: Terrible

The sharp five fingers spread out like the sky.

A piece of sky split, Su Jin's body was like a blazing rainbow, and he rose straight into the sky from where he was. He raised his arm like a sword, and instantly cut off a hundred swords rainbow!



Huo Liancheng, the lord of the Southern Territory, was shocked. The hundred sword rainbows seemed to be displayed by Su Jinyou in an instant, almost to the point that even he couldn't react to it—

"What a fast sword!" Huo Liancheng looked at the hundreds of wounds on his body, two of which were on his left and right arms, which had penetrated into the bones of his body, and both arms were almost removed by two Jianhong!

Long black hair, strong wind blowing! Su Jin holds the sword of dragon scales in his hand, encircling the blood dragon of fighting spirit, very calmly——

The terrifying wave of air swept across the battlefield at a speed visible to the naked eye!

After the old man Xingchen flew the four ‘Ancient Sacred Legacy’ again, he suddenly turned his head to look at Huo Liancheng, was surprised, and instantly joined the ranks against Su Jin!

"Big Star Technique!"

The six-pointed stars at the feet of the old man Xingchen intertwined with the original power, his hands are like big Pengs, unfolding fiercely, and the dim sky instantly turns into a starry night!

Behind him is a terrifying source of Dao map, and bursts of destructive power are manifested from the star **** map. This'great star technique' connects his origin of the rules of the stars, and instantly nets the stars, the earth, the void, and the power of the stars. , All for his use!

"Be careful! He is more terrifying than we thought!" Huo Liancheng reminded Old Man Xingchen——

Only when you really stand opposite Su Jin and be an enemy of him can you have this profound feeling.

And although his ‘immortal body’ does not say that the defense is the best in the world, even the super strong, it is difficult to leave a mark on his ‘immortal body’!

But Su Jin just... just swiftly swung a hundred swords, already hurt him!

This is not normal!

This is amazing!

Of course the old man Xingchen understood what Huo Liancheng meant, he had never taken care of it, otherwise he would not use his housekeeping skills in an instant when facing Su Jin!

On the other side--

Snow drifts, that kind of pure chill, when the wind blows, there is a very special mood in it.

"Are you still obsessed with not understanding?" Dingbing Ling stood on tiptoe and began to suppress Li Shui'er. "The Lord of the Southern Territory's undead combat body cannot withstand an attack from him, do you think you still have a chance?"

Like Li Shui'er, she kept fighting her with strong blue rules. When she heard the words, she couldn't help but glance at Huo Liancheng.


Take a step back!

Li Shui'er gritted his teeth and said: "His undead body can achieve true immortality in combat. No matter how strong the battle is, it cannot destroy him. Do you want me to be distracted?!"

"The trend is over, you and I are both sea clan. I don't want you to fall too deep, so I get awakened as soon as possible, otherwise even if I plead for you then, my lord may not be able to let you go--" Ran Bingling laughed .

"Rebellious! Die!" Li Shui'er was full of hatred in her heart, but even if she tried her best now, she seemed to be able to guarantee that she would not die!

Bingbing Ling is too satisfied with her own strength now. She knew that following Su Jin would still have this benefit, she might have already returned!

"Fine, suppress you, then I will let my lord enlighten you and serve my lord with me." Ran Bingling said softly.


right now.

Su Jin felt very strange. When the sun, the earth and the stars were abnormal, he felt that under the star power of Old Man Xingchen, his fateful gourd seemed to have been drawn——

This old star is really terrible!

Su Jin's eyes condensed slightly!

Tried a sword lightly, and stood directly on the vast star road map above the old man of stars——


The sword light flashed away, and the voice had a dull feeling.

The morale of Huo Liancheng is boosted!

More than ten thousand horror king gods have smiles on their faces!

Elder Xingchen, controlling the Western Regions, is it so easy to deal with? And he has the oldest qualifications, I don't know how many years he has been famous, and he is even higher than Huo Liancheng and the Destroyer God.

"Eternal Lord, that's it?" There is a Terror King God who is not so nervous anymore.

"Today I wait to accompany the two domain masters and kill the old master. We will become existences that are recorded in the annals of history. With the power of the star domain master, we have a great chance of winning over the opponent's transcendent swordsmanship, so we don't have to be afraid of him!"

"He just cut a hundred swords in an instant, and even the undead battle body of our Southern Territory Lord did not destroy. He may not know that as long as the undead battle body does not disintegrate, the more the battle continues, the more mighty it will be! Just wait for our Southern Territory Lord. Healing and recovering, even if he uses the same hundred swords, it will be difficult to cut through—"

"The lord of a realm, terrible!"

"Your Star Territory Master is also terrifying, take him a sword, no damage!" There is the Terror King God of the Southern Territory, exclaimed.

The two domain masters are in front, and their more than 10,000 horror kings and gods are behind, it feels like two billion-heavy mountains are in front of them——

I don't know how safe--

At this time, Su Jin seemed to be lost in thought.

Bingbing Ling was a little worried in the distance, and his shot became more and more ruthless! Li Shui'er deserves to be the newly appointed Sea King, and the **** of choice. Every time she can't resist, she will use the Sea King's mark to move a short distance.

"The eternal old lord you belonged to, the means fall into the unpredictable star map, like a stone sinking into the sea..." Li Shui'er said with cold eyes and a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Don't run! See if I'm not going to teach you a lesson." The ice-dyeing spirit pretended not to see Su Jin and the others, and pursued them again and again.

Su Jin's face was cold.

The whole person instantly leans forward and disappears into the void——

"Where is he?" Huo Liancheng seemed to have a stress response, looking around, but he couldn't find out where Su Jin was, nor could he perceive it.

Because between the Protoss, even if they are not locked, it is impossible to escape each other's perception, but because Su Jin's methods are very strange, and there is a Buddhist ‘empty gate’, Huo Liancheng and the others can only look for it carefully.

"He is on your left arm!" There was a Terror King God who seemed to explode his hair instantly, seeing Su Jin already starting to raise the sword of dragon scales——


A scene that surprised the gods appeared. Amidst the sky-shaking rumbling, under the dazzling light of the stars, Su Jin seemed to transform into an immortal **** of war, and he hacked with his sword!

This split, Huo Liancheng felt bad instinctively. Although his'immortal combat body' was strong, it was naturally not as flexible as usual. The opponent instantly slashed this sword, but he had no time to avoid it!

This split.

The vast undead arms like a mountain range were split instantly!

"Damn it!" Huo Liancheng roared hiss, his eyes bursting red!


The indescribable shock of the arm, as if falling from the sky, Huo Liancheng felt more than pain?

"Gravity Star!" The old man Xingchen suddenly shouted out——

Su Jin only felt as if there were hundreds of mountains hanging on his body, his body lowered, and the void beneath his feet instantly seemed to support an infinite count of weight!

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