My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 4030: The power of the ancient monument

boom! boom!

With Su Jin as the center, the surrounding void seemed to be instantaneously like a spider web, bursting directly after being trampled on. The black sky crack made the gods' hairs horrified, and their scalp numb——

Su Jin gritted his teeth and closed his eyes, as if the mighty power in his body was making resistance!

"I'm going to die!" Su Jin suddenly opened his eyes, and the crystal red light burst out——

Under the gaze of Huo Liancheng, Old Man Stars, and more than 10,000 Terror Kings, Su Jin's whole body seemed to begin to bloom with crystal red light!

That kind of crystal red light, you can't look directly at it!

Under the burst of crystal red light, Su Jin's figure seemed to have turned into a black shadow!

It's like being in a state with the sun and stars as the background--


The sky was torn apart.

The entire battlefield space seems to be shaking!

For a while, Bingbing Ling sensed the strangeness and couldn't help but stop, and couldn't help but look at it.

Li Shui'er was shocked!

In that crystalline red light, there seemed to be an extremely violent power. Vaguely, that shadow seemed to be intertwined with lightning in an instant!


An arc of vigor, emitting a brilliant red light!

Su Jin seemed to instantly transform into an origin that was smaller than the tip of a needle, and then suddenly rose to the sky, that golden origin actually cut straight wherever it went!


The world is shocked! A nine-color Kunpeng, the eyes are crystal red, and every feather is burning with extreme fire! When the wings are spread out, they will cover the sky and the sun, even the light of the stars will be covered up!

"Kunpeng!" The old man Xingchen shouted.

More than 10,000 horror kings suddenly screamed!

The nine-color Kunpeng instantly swept the tail wing, and the **** battle instantly turned into a hell-like battlefield!

Hundreds of horror king gods could not directly stop them, and their bodies were cut open directly!

Huo Liancheng raised one arm, trying to grab that feather feather and sweep away——


Huo Liancheng screamed again, his palm was cut directly from the middle!

"Nie barrier!" The old man Xingchen swayed up, and his robe began to change color, it turned out to be starlight pleats, like a starry sky robe——

Sweep the sleeves!

The sleeves of the old man Xingchen directly seemed to be transformed into an incomparably mysterious black hole in the starry sky, possessing unstoppable swallowing power, and suddenly restrained Su Jin’s nine-color Kunpeng on the spot——


Su Jin used the nine-color Kunpeng body to instantly open his mouth and spray out a ‘golden ancient monument’.

But the golden ancient stele is not to suppress the old man of the stars... but... to suppress other horror kings!

With a huge bang, there are more than a thousand horror king gods, as if they were turned into an ‘ancient monument’ on a golden mountain! Turned into a wisp of gray air, floating like dust!

At this moment, all suffocated!

The old man Xingchen stared at him, dumbfounded-

Huo Liancheng was dumbfounded!

In the Eternal God Realm, I don’t know how many Protoss watched this battle!

"Is this the old master at the pinnacle? Killed more than a thousand horror king gods in one blow! Moreover, Huo Liancheng was chopped, and his hands and arms were almost hard to use!" The Protoss in the Dark Night God City was almost scared I was so guilty, every pair of eyes was filled with great amazement...

"The nine-color Kunpeng he transformed can even kill more than a hundred horror kings in one blow! Fortunately, we have the Star Domain Lord!"

"The strength of the old man Xingchen is definitely not inferior to him! And he has begun to use his original power, and the world will be used by him! The'Nine Color Kunpeng' transformed by the Eternal Old Lord has been controlled by the black hole of the stars!"

"What if he was swallowed into that black hole of stars?"

"I will be trapped in the realm of stars that cannot be recovered! I will be suppressed to the Jedi by trillions of stars and cannot survive!"

"The old man Xingchen deserves to be the lord of the Western Regions! Under such a prestige, he is even stronger than Huo Liancheng, the lord of the Southern Territories—"

"The Big Star Technique is extraordinary, he can display invincible power with his hands and feet—"


Just now!

The old man Xingchen shouted: "Huo Liancheng! Take his ancient monument!"

Huo Liancheng couldn't take care of the pain, his divine power began to penetrate everywhere in his body, and he shot the broken arm from the bottomless void, and then his hands began to recover!

"Leave it to me! You can sacrifice to kill him with peace of mind!" Huo Liancheng knew that his arm hadn't fully recovered, but he couldn't take care of it anymore. He almost stepped to the ‘golden ancient monument’!


Huo Liancheng reminded him that he was already huge. Now, he seems to be stepping through the air, and he feels that he is being reduced.

He raised his head!

How sacred is the golden monument! Every **** character above is shaped like it was just created and carved out, Jin Huicanlie!

"How to move this!" Huo Liancheng smiled bitterly, he could only grow his body again——

But every time the'immortal combat body' grows, he sees the golden monument rise by three points!

"The domain master is affected by the magic of the golden ancient monument! is estimated that it will be difficult to remove the ancient monument! Let us go too!"

The remaining 14,000 horror kings and gods, drinking together, approached the "Golden Ancient Stele" directly!


More than 14,000 horror kings and gods, all bursting out of divine body light, constantly rising from the ground, together with Huo Liancheng, hugged the vast and sacred ‘golden monument’!

"Get up!" Huo Liancheng roared with blood spurting.

Except for the horror king gods who are working hard to lift the monument, the Protoss of the entire hundred cities are stunned, watching this scene——

The golden ancient stele is too heavy!

Sink to the point of incredible!

Huo Liancheng and more than 14,000 horror king gods, I don't know how much power they used to lift the "Golden Ancient Stele" a foot from their toes!

"Brother Xingchen! Move...Where to move?" Huo Liancheng shouted.

The old man Xingchen is still exerting a lot of mystery, firmly holding the ‘Nine-Colored Kunpeng’, upon hearing this, he stared at it——

The tip of the golden ancient stele has risen infinitely, and the more than 14,000 Horror King Gods have only now raised their fart height.

How to move this?

Where can I move?

I'm afraid I will be exhausted if I move away! Moreover, apart from the old master, no one can put away this monument by hand!

"Be careful! Run away!" The old man starred under the starry sky, staring and roaring to remind him, he saw the top of the golden ancient stele, and another circle of golden light instantly fell along the body of the stele——

But it's too late!


The world-destroying golden circular air wave fell directly below...




More than 14,000 horror king gods, including Huo Liancheng, were instantly thrown high, and then fell instantly! Screaming one after another!

The old man Xingchen has an ugly face, how many Western Region masters are he going to die?

"I want you to die! I want you to pay for your life!" The old man Xingchen was furious, and had lost his reason. He waved his left sleeve robe again, and another star black hole emerged from the robe sleeve——


The'Nine-Colored Kunpeng' that Su Jin transformed began to slowly move towards the two black holes!

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