My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 4031: Almost mean

Huo Liancheng is still in a daze--

When his entire body was swept by a golden air wave, that kind of power could not be countered at all! Now his eyes are full of broken flesh and blood, a total of more than 14,000 horror kings, and the casualties have been very heavy in one blow!

"The Star Domain Master has almost succeeded!"

Huo Liancheng suffered the most impact, but he has an ‘immortal body’ and he possesses unimaginable defensive power. He was only slightly injured!

But other horror king gods are different--

Above the high altitude, Nine-color Kunpeng seemed to be unable to resist the suction of the two black holes at all. Although the speed was not too slow, in the eyes of many strong people, Su Jin could not break free!

Li Shui'er and Ran Bingling are all watching this scene closely!

Dakong Earth, Ice Spirit Sea Clan, Hundred Cities Protoss, every Protoss is looking forward to it!

"He is going to be caught by the old man Xingchen. Once he is caught by the old man Xingchen, he will not be able to escape even if he has the power against the sky!" said the gods.

"Escape? How to escape? As the lord of the Western Regions, the old man Xingchen has dominated for countless years, and no one has been able to shake it. His original rules of the stars are enough to crush the old master—"

"Horrible! Really terrible! A stele of the Eternal Old Lord can cause such a great loss, and it is even more impossible for the Lord of the Southern Region and the Lord of the Western Region to let him go!"

"Let it go? How is it possible... It seems that we have been dealing with him? Besides, he may not be afraid, because he has slaughtered a domain master, the Great Destruction God of the Eastern Divine Region--"

"You're so courageous. I really thought that our Eternal God's Domain had no powerhouse comparable to him? Let's plant it!"

"There is indeed no escape. Once he is dragged into the star black hole of Old Man Xingchen, he will have a hundred lives. I am afraid it will be extremely difficult to survive!"

"Finally succeeded..."


No one knows the mood of Old Man Xingchen now--

The eternal old master is about to be beheaded by him!

That kind of feeling, even if the old man of stars who has lived for countless years, his mood is extremely surging now, and the fighting spirit that has not been ignited for a long time seems to be stronger than ever!

"Look at it, the old master you think will soon be dismantled and turned into dust!" Li Shui'er was wary of the dyed ice spirit while mocking her.

Bingbing Ling frowned slightly. The current situation is indeed quite unfavorable for Su Jin, but Su Jin now has absolute peak combat power without injury.

She felt that if Su Jin couldn't compete with Old Man Star now.

It might as well be softened earlier!

"Isn't he still dead? The old man Xingchen wants to contend with him, I'm afraid he almost means it." Unwilling to show weakness, Ran Bingling shot back at Li Shuier.

Li Shui'er couldn't help but sneered, and didn't want to talk to Ranbing Ling anymore.


In Li Shui'er's eyes, Old Man Xingchen had ninety percent hopes of beheading Su Jin! That kind of star power is definitely the power she needs to look up to, the Sea King!

Li Shuier is staring!

Bingbing Ling is very nervous!

Huo Liancheng was also a little nervous, during this period he continued to regain his strength and his broken body——

More than 14,000 horror kings and gods were directly crushed to death by the golden monument! The rest of the injuries, ran away, already afraid to get close to that golden monument!

Su Jin feels very strange now--

The old man Xingchen possessed this kind of power, which really exceeded his expectations. Although Su Jin is now turned into a nine-color Kunpeng, he is not without the ability to resist that kind of suction.

Su Jin thought to himself: "The two domain masters must kill one first."


One must be killed!

For the other horror king gods, Su Jin will wait for his mobile hands just like just now, but Huo Liancheng and Old Man Xingchen must die first, otherwise he will die in this battle!

"You harmed the creatures of God's realm, and the sins are horrendous. The ancestor will come to you today! Use your blood to sacrifice the dead gods!" The old man Xingchen's whole body strength, rolling into the black hole of the stars, circles of blue subtle lightning, Begin to emerge around the black hole of two stars!

Suction power increased!

"Do you want to drag me into the abyss of immortality?" Su Jinfa sneered and said, "Unfortunately, it almost meant--"


Almost mean?

What's the difference?

The old man Xingchen was shocked, but soon he laughed, "No matter how much you want to break your head and have no amount of power, can't escape my destruction! You just want to delay time!"

"Really?" Su Jin's voice was indifferent.


Nine-color Kunpeng's body instantly turned into a cloud of smoke!

Su Jin appeared! Carrying the sword of dragon scales!

"Look at me swallowing you!" The old man Xingchen laughed, Taotao's supernatural power, and refused to control it. Therefore, around his two stars black holes, blue lightning is also blooming divine light!

What a powerful force!

Su Jin directly stood up the dragon scale sword, and when the sword sounded, the sword country was displayed all around!




The vast sword kingdom, the sword mountains in it, one after another, were swallowed by the black hole of stars——

like water off a duck's back?

The suction power is not affected at all!

Su Jin was full of Buddha's will, and instantly wanted to escape into the "empty gate"!

Ok? Still useless!

The huge black star and black hole is already here!

Su Jin didn't hide anymore, his eyes appeared gray and blue--

"Damn it! It's a wordless secret!" The old man Xingchen almost vomited blood, he was only a few meters away, and he was able to kill the old **** master!

unfortunately! hateful! Annoying!

Huo Liancheng was still sluggish--

Can this be separated from the methods of the old man?

"Wordless Tian Mi! What a terrible method!" Huo Liancheng took a breath, with deep fear in his eyes.

He felt that Su Jin just seemed to be unable to return to the sky, and was almost doing a useless resistance. In fact, this approach was only consuming the combat power of Old Man Xingchen!

In this way, the origin of the old man Xingchen is extremely depleted, and then using "No Word Tian Secret" will undoubtedly maximize the benefits!

Except for the remaining 13,000 Terror King Gods who were seriously injured and were closing their eyes to recover from their injuries, most of the Terror King Gods were still sluggish before waking up.

"It turned out to be a wordless secret!"

"The means of the Star Domain Master was resolved in an instant!"

"This supreme secret is in the hands of the old master!"

"Tian Mi has a time limit, but I don't know how much time he can drag with'Wordless Tian Mi'. During this period, as long as he uses divine power, the effect of wordless Tian Mi will be instantly broken—"

"That's terrible too."

"No problem! He is not much better than us now. The old master's thing, the golden ancient stele, may also consume a lot of his power, not to mention that he has also used a Kunpeng technique to resist the old man for so long. !"


At this moment.

Su Jin glanced at the old man Xingchen and smiled: "Do you know? You are about to die—"

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