My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 4046: Repel strong enemies

"He wants to use the guillotine to kill our domain master!"

I don’t know how many protoss, with a tense expression and intense fear in their eyes, staring at a scene that is enough to suffocate them——

Li Shui'er and the two women dyed Bingling swear that they never saw such a terrible scene.

The mackerel queen women who were far away in the eternal sea were also dumbfounded.

Really, can it be cut off?

The strength that Old Man Xingchen showed from the beginning was enough to contend with Su Jin, right now there is not much difference between the two? At least Queen Shark thinks so now.

"It's terrible, the guillotine is--" Han Dieyi said flustered.

"The old man Xingchen may not be able to be cut to death, even if he pulls on the guillotine." Queen Yu also trembled in her heart. Of course she hoped that Su Jin would behead the old man Xingchen to death. In this way, Su Jin won the battle.

"The old man Xingchen is under control, but he is still resisting. Whether the guillotine can pull him over is still a question." Ye Qingying also said.

The tension is still growing.

At this kind of moment, even the more than 10,000 Horror Kings in the battlefield are terrified. Are they not paying attention to the condition of Old Man Xingchen——

It's already very dangerous.

The old man star robe swelled, and under the strong wind, the power of the stars spread all over his body was also fully contending with the power of the ‘guillotine’!

"Want to kill me? You are not qualified!" The old man Xingchen could no longer suppress his anger.

He is now chained to his head, and he seems to be tied into a zongzi. If he is ashamed, he will be ashamed. The key is to be in front of the gods——


A burst of dark blue starlight burst out instantly.

The old man Xingchen broke the chains fiercely with his arms, and the chains around his body and neck were instantly shattered!

Su Jin's eyes swallowed, staring coldly at Old Man Xingchen, but he didn't speak, and took a step forward directly——

The entire'Life and Death Platform', following his steps, instantly stepped on top of the old man star!

"Are you hiding?" Su Jin asked coldly.

Life and death platform!


A chain, like a whip, wraps all the space under the'Life and Death Platform'!

The old man Xingchen had just used his power to break free from the control of the ‘guillotine’. Now, the ‘Tao of Life and Death’ is covering the top of his head, and his entire body is constantly shattering chains——

But the chains under the stage of life and death seem to be endless, constantly evolving.


The old man Xingchen was really anxious.

"Big Star Art, Star Demon Absolute Light Slash!" The old man Xingchen was about to break the game. He lifted his hands into the sky, and his whole body seemed to be enveloped in starlight. Dark blue star origins erupted from his body, and the origin light seemed extremely sharp!


Every ray of starlight seemed to have turned into an indestructible hunting blade, and the space around the old man star seemed to have turned into a blade storm!


Cleared everything out.

With the help of the last strength, the old man Xingchen suddenly broke away from the restriction of the ‘Daotai of Life and Death’. This time, he stepped towards the area where the more than 10,000 Terror King Gods were located—

Approximate area.

"Escape?" Su Jin snorted coldly.

The old man Xingchen had to flee temporarily. He has several divine arts in a row, and even the current original power is scarce. If he can't integrate the power of more than 10,000 Terror Kings, he...I am afraid it will be difficult to compete with the Eternal Old Lord— —

"Is this escape?" Ding Bing Ling hugged Li Shuier tightly, and the surrounding ice continued to linger with brilliance, tusk in surprise.

I don't know how strong the resentment in Li Shui'er's eyes is.

The old man Xingchen took the lead and was going to more than 10,000 horror king gods, and wanted to be blessed——

This in itself was a big failure, not only Li Shui'er, even the gods had a big sense of frustration at this time!

"The old man Xingchen is in trouble. After using the Star Devil's Absolute Slash, he has little power left, but... can only retreat strategically!" When the Protoss with Duankong City said, his face became hot, as if he had just been beaten. It's as uncomfortable as a slap in the face.

"Unexpectedly, the old man Xing Chen is not his opponent, the eternal old master, the coming is fierce, we still need to work together."

"Where can I escape? The entire battlefield space is set up by the eternal old master. If he refuses to give the opportunity, I am afraid that the main domain will suffer."

"It's too ruthless, forcing the domain master several big moves in a row, now the domain master can only retreat in embarrassment--"

"Without the blessing of more than 10,000 Terror King Gods, the Lord of the Western Regions is nothing."


The old man Xingchen was now pale.

Especially when I walked to a high mountain, I have seen a lot of signs of the fall of the Terror King. Not far away, above a large area, the miasma is filled, and there are about three thousand Terror Kings trapped here!

"Domain lord! I am a strong man in the Western Regions, I have fallen a lot!" The horror king **** was covered in green and deeply disturbed by the poisonous miasma. When he saw the star domain master, he seemed to see a savior.

"Is there any ability to break this battlefield space?" The old man Xingchen lost his confidence, "All come together and bless me, there may be a glimmer of life when going out!"

"The eternal old lord... don't you kill it?" A Fear King asked the old man Xiang Xingchen. They didn't expect that this would be the case when the old man Xingchen would retire?

"Bing Linghai must have brought a lot of eternal fellows! As long as we go out, the chance will definitely be greater than now!" The old man Xingchen shouted.

"Good! Listen to the domain owner!"

"Domain Lord, here we are! We all bless the domain owner sooner—"


The old man Xingchen trembled when he saw the divine rainbow falling!

Up to now, the disabled, the wounded, the ten thousand horror king gods are estimated to be almost missing! In this battle, they were deemed defeated, and because the Lord of the Southern Territory had died, they were deemed completely defeated!

It's too late to say, then soon!

Thousands of horror kings and gods have begun to bless the old man star!

The strength of the old man Xingchen was quickly replenished. He now has the slightest thought that he wants to kill Su Jin again, but... but he really has no confidence--

Especially in the battlefield space, there are Eastern Emperor, Xingkong Ancient Emperor, and even suspected Sui Zu and Fuxi.


The old man Xingchen raised his arms and condensed a hammer of stars, rushing to the nine heavens, slammed the hammer, and smashed it!

"Broken! They... are going to run away!" Dran Bingling laughed to death, and said in Li Shuier's ear with a small mouth.

Li Shuier's eyes were complicated, even flustered!

The old man Xingchen and the horror kings don't care about her?

The rainbow is like rain, quickly soaring into the sky, rushing out of the battlefield space——

Li Shuier's face was pale, and there was no hope in her heart!

Su Jin watched the old man Xingchen leave with the Horror King God, but there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth. He knew that with his current state, he could not stop the opponent from leaving...

Immediately, Su Jin looked in the direction of Bingbing Ling——

Towards, Li Shuier walked!

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