My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 4047: Willing to do anything?

Even if Bingbing Lingdang unlocked the ice, she still controlled Li Shuier tightly!

"Master, I caught Sea King." Ding Bingling smiled slyly and said to Su Jin.

Su Jin was covered in golden armor and quickly turned into a normal height.

Now, Li Shui'er had an expression that would rather die than yield! With resentful eyes--

"You have merit." When Su Jin said to Ranbing Ling, his eyes were on Li Shui'er.

Li Shui'er is not inferior to the dyed ice spirit in terms of body and appearance. It is probably the reason for the "Sea King's Mark". The Sea King selected by the Sea King's Mark will have a sacred feeling from his bones.

"What do you want to do?" Li Shuier panicked and asked quickly.

Su Jin's face was cold, leaving an extremely deep impression on Li Shuier! I saw him strode forward and directly grasped her wrist—


Yan Bingling's face was also very nervous, for fear that Su Jin would be wrong and would kill Li Shuier.

Subsequently, Li Shuier was also stunned.

Su Jin just grabbed her and then let her go.

"Advise you to give up your status as Sea King, now... you are already the king's slave girl." Su Jin sneered.


Dianbing Ling immediately smiled again: "Look at your wrist—"

Li Shui'er was startled, and saw five-finger gray-black handprints appearing on his wrist.

"What did you do to me? I can't give in, absolutely impossible!" Li Shuier's face changed drastically, staring at Su Jin and said.

"God's curse, you are much better than me. He grabbed someone's calf last time. Fortunately, after admitting him as the master, he helped my sister to lift the curse. Also, you can't speak for nothing, you have already lost. Give it to me." Ran Bingling frowned and said to Li Shui'er.

Li Shuier:...

Lost! Yes, she lost.

But she was unwilling to become a rebellious god!

"She said that if I surrender to you, I can gain strength!" Li Shui'er looked up at Su Jin, as if made up.

"Of course." Su Jin said lightly.

"It seems that you have figured it out." Ding Bing Ling is extremely comfortable, as if winning a game is more important than anything else.

"Okay! I declare here that I recognize you as the master!" Li Shuier gritted his teeth.

Su Jin gave a faint smile and put away the ten ‘Ancient Sage’s Legacy’, the Eastern Emperor Bell also fell on his waist, and the many mysteries in the battlefield space disappeared in an instant——


Su Jin took Li Shui'er into the ancient enchantment under the sea...

The time crystals began to melt and retreat.

At the sealed altar, Li Shui'er sat cross-legged like the previous dyed ice spirit.

"Why don't you help her to lift the curse?" Bingbing Ling asked Su Jin through voice transmission. She wanted to ask, she wanted to say when Li Shui'er announced that she had become a rebellious god.

Su Jin said indifferently, "This girl is rebellious, and she may not really surrender to me. If you want to lift the curse, you need to see her future performance."


Isn't it true?

Dianbing Ling's eyes changed slightly, watching Su Jin operate, and began to improve Li Shuier's strength——

Around the Bingling Sea.

The powerful enemy waited on him, and the old man Xingchen retreated to a safe range with other horror king gods. He couldn't suppress the injuries in his body and coughed up blood!

Su Jin didn't even expect that after this battle, there would be so many powerful enemies in the Eternal God's Domain.

"Master of the Stars, hurry up and heal your injuries, and then you will leave it to us." An elegant young man with vertical eyes on his forehead said slowly, holding a fan in the west.

"Although the eternal old master was not destroyed in this battle, his golden armor is hard to get rid of, and he must have been devastated. This ice spirit sea is where he was buried, and no one can save him!" There is super power coming. , Carrying a heavy weapon.

"If the old lord dies, the star domain lord, should take the lead. I think he is a seriously injured and dying guy, it should not last long."

"Most of the sea people in Bing Linghai have already gone ashore. We only wait for the old master to show up, we must let the old master sink the body of Bing Linghai!"

"Then what if he doesn't come out..."

"It's impossible not to show up!"


Ice spirit sea, the bottom of the sea.

Outside Zhu Qiang couldn't see through the scene in the ancient enchantment--

Su Jin used the ‘wheel of years’ to set up the formation in the entire enchantment. In the entire enchantment, time slowed down, and he did not care about Bing Ling and Li Shui'er, so he found a place to sit down alone.

The injury is too heavy!

It's hard to imagine!

Compared with the injury caused by the ancient cold dagger, his current injury is many times more serious—

"If I disarm, there is a 80% chance that my body will collapse." Su Jin thought to himself that he could only start trying to heal his injuries like this.

But he didn't feel much in the state of high tension before, and now, once he sat down, bursts of weakness came out.

In the state of looking inside, Su Jin saw a piece of crystal red indestructible body, with cracks all over the place. Although some were subtle, they were deadly enough.

Su Jin mobilized the nine powers of Qi Hai and began to repair his body... But he tried for a short time, only to repair a crack.

The body is densely packed, and the cracks are innumerable. If he repairs this way, how young will he be able to heal?

He can't wait any longer--

Su Jin endured the pain and opened his eyes.

"How's it going?" Bingbing Ling walked over and asked nervously.

"Not optimistic." Su Jin shook his head.

Li Shui'er appeared from a place not far away, looking at Su Jin, and tentatively asked: "Should I use the power of the sea king to heal you?"

"No." Su Jin refused.

It is very difficult for him to recover himself, only Li Shuier, using the power of Sea King to heal him? Isn't this funny? Moreover, once Li Shuier finds out his injury, I am afraid...

"You don't believe me--" Li Shui'er looked at Su Jin coldly.

"Well, she is now cursed by God, and it is impossible to harm you. Let her try. After all, I once had the Mark of the Sea King, and it really has the effect of healing." Ranbing Ling said.

Su Jin shook his head, not wanting to communicate at all.

Ding Bing Ling was still young, she had never thought that Li Shui'er would rather give up herself in the battlefield space before, and submerge in the space vortex.

"You really surrender to me?" Su Jin stared at Li Shui'er.

"of course!"

"Willing to do anything?"


"Okay!" Su Jin said lightly: "If you two help me recover, I will give you a chance after I recover, no less than the chance to get the strength of the old man! But if you have a ghost in your heart, murder me... "

"Don't scare me, I must really surrender, those guys outside want to kill me..." Dianbing Ling waved his hand quickly.

"I will create a method of reversing Yin and Yang, which can help me heal quickly, and your sacrifice will be great..." Su Jin looked at Li Shuier's face——


Hearing this, Li Shuier's face suddenly paled.

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