My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 4048: Take the initiative?

Will the sacrifice be great?

Li Shui'er stared at Su Jin stubbornly, not knowing how much she wanted to yell at him, but now she can only endure——

"Then you hurry up, as long as you can kill it alive, anything will do." Dye Bing Ling said quickly.

Su Jin nodded, his eyes swept across Li Shuier's face.

The cold wind swept across the ice spirit sea.

No one knows what's going on under the bottom of the sea. Without the help of Sea King Li Shuier, some super powers would not dare to go to the bottom of the sea. Besides, the entire Ice Spirit Sea is so big, who can find that ancient enchantment?

Time passed by one minute and one second.

For the Protoss in the Eternal God’s Realm, the old lord is immortal. Every minute and every second keeps them in their throats, very tormented——

"It's been two days, will the eternal old master die below the seabed because of his severe wounds?" In the Protoss army, there are constant suspicions of the Protoss.

"It's hard to say that now the old man Xingchen's injury has been cured by the great Onmyoji and other superpowers, and the strength has been restored. Now our lineup will only be stronger."

"Such a serious injury, even the armor cannot be removed, and without the help of the gods, it is impossible to recover faster than the old man Xingchen?"

"According to the news, if two days later, if the Eternal Old Lord does not appear again, he will have super power to activate the magical powers, look for the ancient barrier, and determine the situation of the Eternal Old Lord——"

"Also be wary of the traces of some old gods. If you find the old gods exist, just kill them on the spot."


neither knows.

In the deep seabed, in the ancient enchantment.

The time here is almost a terrifying gap compared to the outside...Here, one day has reached the point of 13 years.

Thirteen years a day!

Two days is twenty-six years!

Su Jin's thirteen years of fading his armor, and twenty-six years, most of the cracks on his body have been repaired! I have to say, thanks to Ranbing Ling and Li Shuier, this effect can be achieved——

"I'll catch some octopus again." Dingbing died of greed, and accompanies Su Jin's treatment every day. Not to mention tired, it's still very boring here, but under Su Jin's guidance, she and Li Shui'er can use 'Seal Altar' practice.

Li Shuier sat in front of the barrier, watching the chaotic water flow outside. Because of the time change here, the outside seemed chaotic, and it was difficult to see the scene clearly.

In addition to practicing, except for ‘assisting’ Su Jin, she would sit here every day, quietly watching outside——

"Outside, how long has it been?" Li Shuier asked with cold eyes at Su Jin not far away.

"Two days." Su Jin said lightly.

Two... Only two days have passed?

Li Shuier looked at the time engraved on a stone again--

Twenty-six years?

If it is to practice cultivation, this time is nothing. The key is that Li Shui'er spends every day in this situation. She feels that it has been a long, long time, and that long time is enough to let her fade the hatred in her heart!

"In a few days, if you want to leave, tell me..." Su Jin closed his eyes again, without looking at Li Shui'er, just stretched out his fingers and gently picked some plants not far away.

The colorful corals exuded a strong breath of life under Su Jin's finger. While he was healed, Su Jin also thought about some problems that made him unreasonable.

He pointed at the creatures with his fingers, and those creatures grew crazily, and many of them even broke the ground to regenerate a piece of coral. He didn't use any power.

Just one thought, one finger.

Li Shui'er's eyes flickered with cold light and did not respond.

"I'm hungry." Li Shuier spoke for a long time.

In these "years" under the sea, Su Jin surprised Li Shui'er more than once or twice...especially the cooking skills, even if the initial ingredients are exhausted, some creatures in the ice spirit sea are almost inexhaustible.

Sea salt, plus some fat from sea beasts, a little cooking, you can get an endless aftertaste——

Su Jin sighed and waved forward slightly, a space quickly expanded...

Mountains and mountains, clear lakes and oceans, and even flying birds and beasts, all seemed to appear when he flicked his sleeves.

Li Shui'er stared at Su Jin, this kind of sight is not strange to her.

Su Jin's attainments in "Evolution" may have reached the highest level in the world, but every time he used it, the world of Evolve would be wiped out by him with his hand.

"Your injury is getting better?" Li Shuier asked calmly.

"Alright, it will be another day at most, so... it's time to get ready to go out." Su Jin didn't hide Li Shui'er, after all, she was very qualified during this period.

Have to wait, thirteen years--

Li Shui'er was a little moved.

"After I go out, can I not destroy my Sea Clan?" Li Shuier looked at Su Jin blankly and asked.

As the newly promoted Sea King, Li Shui'er hadn't been so profound before. Although the Ice Spirit Sea is large and the number of Sea Clan is large, it can't stand the blow of Su Jin at all. Obviously, here for twenty-six years, Su Jin's growth can also be seen by her.

"After going out, will you still stand on the opposite side?" Su Jin also looked at Li Shui'er with curious eyes.

Su Jin had already solved the curse of God.

Li Shui'er got up and walked a little further, without proof to answer Su Jin's question——

"Wow, Xiang Gong, how did you evolve a world again... when can we go out?" Dianbing Ling came back with empty hands, looking at Su Jin and asked.

"It doesn't take long." Su Jin shook his head, "This time, we have to take the initiative."

Take the initiative?

Ding Bingling's eyes lit up and asked, "But, as long as we show up in the Bingling Sea, we will definitely be discovered—"

"You look down on me too much." Su Jin smiled without explaining.

Another thirteen years! It's just one day outside!

The derivation world opened by Su Jin has also existed in the ancient barrier for thirteen years!

But even in this way, Su Jin still failed to return to the peak, and his injury was only 90% healed, but this has made him very satisfied.

"Are you going to leave?"

Ran Bingling's face was ruddy, and he got up from under the altar. On the other side, Li Shui'er also cast a curious look.

"Let's go." Su Jin said lightly.

The old wounds, even if they are more than 13 years, are useless. Although his body has not fully recovered, his strength and perception have risen to a level.

"How to leave? I feel that I can now contend with some less powerful superpowers." Ran Bingling looked forward to it.

After all, these'years' have been cultivating under the sealed altar, and her rule power is extremely in line with the power of the altar. Her progress is completely incomparable to Li Shuier—

Su Jin sneered at the corner of his mouth, "Pass the space, leave the Ice Spirit Sea, and surprise the Protoss army!"

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