My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 4058: After the old god

Wanyan Aoyue still thinks that Su Jin can save the Qiangwu people--

But it seems that Su Jin didn't care too much about the old god.

When the words came to her lips, Wanyan Aoyue could only change to silence.

"The old lord... we are devoutly surrendered, and hope to bring back the dead clan **** of our clan! As long as we save my clan, the Qiangwu clan will definitely be the strongest support of the old lord three days later!" There is a Qiangwu clan elder looking at Su Jin Want to go, hurriedly shouted.

"The power of the gods and Buddhas of the old master can bring the gods back to life. We Qiangwu need you--"

"Old Lord! Please be kind!"

Looking forward to those back figures, it was a pity that all the gods, including the Wanyan tribe, disappeared in the eyes of all the Qiangwu in an instant.

An elder was furious and shouted: "The old master is too unfeeling! From now on, our Qiangwu people will not be at odds with the old master! We are ashamed of the descendants of the old god!"


Night fell.

A lake next to the forest.

"I didn't make any contribution, and still want Xianggong to waste his strength?" Ding Bing Ling embraced Su Jin's arm and laughed as he watched the bonfires burning.

"Everyone has a choice." Su Jin was not too entangled.

"The blood ancestor of the old heaven, I am afraid it can bring great help to the **** master. The old heaven is not the blood ancestor of his old god. The ancient gods fight, after the old gods are defeated, most of them escaped into the old heaven." Wanyan Aoyue said Su Jin said.

On the bonfire, the animal meat has been roasted to flow oil, and the fragrance has begun to radiate——

Su Jin smiled indifferently, "It doesn't matter, one more is not more, and one less can change nothing."

"Dragon and Phoenix Nest fight, is the grandfather confident?" When the Bingbing Ling asked, his eyes were fixed on the beast meat on the campfire, and he did not leave an inch at all.

"Not sure." Su Jin shook his head.

In the previous battle of Ice Spirit Sea, although the Eternal Protoss suffered heavy losses, the loss was obviously not enough for the entire Eternal Protoss.

There are too many Protoss in the entire Eternal Gods Realm. After countless years of development, the strength is beyond Su Jin's imagination. If it is said that the most valuable battle, it would be the lord of the Southern Realm.

But it's just a lord of the Southern Territory--

Li Shui'er faced the vast Shenyue in the gods, walked along the lake to the distance, and slaughtered the gods, which she could not accept. Although Su Jin just said that she did not have much confidence, she had already seen Su Jin's power.

"The power of the divine master will be able to win the battle of the Dragon and Phoenix Nest!" Wanyan Aoyue now has full confidence in Su Jin, and that kind of trust has exceeded any time.


Su Jin coughed slightly and shook his head with a smile, "It's a pity that the biggest power in the Protoss can't help me, otherwise the odds of winning will be much greater."

"Which power?" Dingbing Ling was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Su Jin.

Wanyan Aoyue also looked at Su Jin curiously--

"Eternal Sea Clan." Su Jin said lightly.

That's right.

The overall power of the Eternal Sea, I am afraid that compared with the Continental Protoss of the Eternal God Realm, it can be evenly divided.

"The Sea Clan in the Eternal Sea can't go ashore and can't form combat power." Ranbing Ling said.

"The power of the king rank can be powerful." Su Jin smiled.

Of course, what he uses now is only the Queen of Shark.

It's a pity that in the entire Eternal Sea, there is only one shark queen, but it can't be said, otherwise, Su Jin's power will be much less-

Dianbing Ling reached out his hand and touched the beast meat, and asked Xiang Su Jin: "Can you eat it?"

"Yes!" Su Jin gave a very accurate response.

"Well, is your injury completely healed? Hurry up and eat, and I will accompany you to continue healing after eating, sister Aoyue, try the craftsmanship of your husband, you will definitely fall in love." Ran Bingling said with a smile.

Su Jin:...

Wanyan Aoyue's face was reddened, and she glanced at Su Jin. What kind of injury did she need to assist in healing?

"Good." Wanyan Aoyue said.

"Your God Lord, you have suffered a very serious injury, don't you know? You have to help in a while, or else, you can choose some women from your Wanyan family from those magic arrows." The Bing Bing Ling said something.

"Follow... Follow your orders." Wanyan Aoyue's eyes dodge, a little at a loss.

Su Jin smiled, "Don't worry, I will teach you some kendo experience in a while——"

"Thank God Lord!" Wanyan Aoyue had gratitude in her eyes.

In the previous battle with the Great Onmyoji, Wanyan Aoyue knew that she had a big problem. If it were not for Su Jin, she would not be able to get out of the prison set by the Great Onmyoji at that time. The gap was too big, and she wanted to improve quickly. strength.

The smell of meat, from the bonfire, I don’t know how far it has drifted. Many of the Wanyan family’s clan gods are mostly obsessed with the dew, just like the days before they dyed the ice spirit, but now the smell of meat drifts across the lake, it also lets Many clan gods of the Wanyan family looked forward to it.

About half an hour.

By the lake!

Bingbing Ling hasn't eaten it yet--

Rows of powerful coercion began to overwhelm from the southwest of the lake.

"Who?" Dye Bing Ling was stunned.

Li Shui'er also returned to Su Jin's side instantly, with a solemn expression.

Wanyan Aoyue was startled, she was still thinking about the problem, waiting for the moment the pressure appeared, she still did not react.

"After the old god, Li Yeyang came to ask the old master for his power!"

Protoss is coming.

It was a young man who was oriented towards the elegant, and there were hundreds of prominent Protoss not far behind him!


Ran Bingling, Li Shui'er, and even Wanyan Aoyue, all appeared in the void with Su Jin.

"The Li family, is also the queen of the old gods?" Ding Bing Ling was completely stunned, Li Jia's prestige was well-known in the eternal midfield, and many dead war gods had appeared.

"Is the old god, how come to ask for advice?" Wanyan Aoyue asked Li Yeyang.

"It's very simple, I am ashamed of having the blood of the old god, and ashamed of the descendants of the old god!" Li Yeyang sneered, "The old master appeared, and the clan disputes continue. I came to calm the clan chaos!"

Quell ethnic chaos?

It seems that the appearance of the old master really made some of the descendants of the old gods at a loss. For example, among the Qiangwu tribe, only the Wanyan family was willing to help. This was also the situation in the previous Binglinghai War.

"What do you want?" Su Jin asked calmly.

"Three strokes! If the old master can defeat me within three strokes, I will carry the entire Li family in the middle domain and join the old master again. If within the three strokes, the old master cannot defeat me, then the Li family can naturally follow the old master. Regardless of the relationship, from now on...well water does not violate river water!" Li Yeyang said.


In the Protoss behind Li Yeyang, a woman in a snow-colored brocade dress hurriedly spoke. She never expected that she would come to the old master after discussing it, but now... Now she did not expect that the big brother would have another idea now.

Su Jin said calmly: "Okay."

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