My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 4059: Tiandao Nine Turns

Regarding Su Jin’s ability, Ding Bing Ling and the others are not worried—

The Li family in the middle domain came with the clan gods, and among them there are more than a hundred terrifying king gods with good strength. Although it is impossible for the Li family to release all the elites, it is already quite good. Strength.

"What is the Li family doing?" Ran Bingling asked Xiang Wanyan Aoyue with curious eyes.

"It's very simple." Wanyan Aoyue nodded and said: "If Li Yeyang loses three moves to my lord, they will naturally be respected by my lord. No matter how many old gods come in these three days, they Li The weight of family in my lord's heart is also destined to be heavy."

"So, this Li Yeyang is very smart?" Ran Bingling was a little puzzled.

"Yes, very smart." Li Shuier also said.

"I feel that Li Yeyang is very strong..." Ran Bingling took a deep breath. Since she increased her power, the current she is able to withstand a super-powerful attack in a short time without dying, but that Li Yeyang left. When she came, it brought her a strong sense of crisis.

This Li Yeyang, even if it is not a super power, is not much difference-

Of such strength, Su Jin can of course see——

"Be careful." When Li Shuier finished speaking to Su Jin, he turned his gaze to it.

Su Jin appeared hundreds of miles away.

The surrounding battlefield space was instantly condensed by Su Jin——

"This Li Yeyang has gained fame thousands of years ago, and even took over the Li family a thousand years ago." Wanyan Aoyue took a deep breath and said, "Over the past thousand years, the influence of the Li family has been greater than that of thousands of years ago. It has risen sharply several times, all because of his existence."

"Don't worry, Xiang Gong can definitely defeat him within three strokes." Bingbing Ling comforted Wanyan Aoyue.

"It's not easy, Li Yeyang's power is infinitely close to the level of the domain master, so you can't underestimate it." Wanyan Aoyue said.

Defeat Li Yeyang in three moves——

Ways and means must be taken care of.

Su Jin looked at each other calmly, and the younger generation who could reach this level could really make him look more!

"I've seen the power of the old master, but! Don't take it lightly!"

Li Yeyang gave a soft drink, and gently stretched his hands forward, and a tiger-headed magic knife appeared——

"It's extremely easy to beat you." Su Jin shook his head, not paying as much attention as the other party thought.

"The first trick is my Tianwu Kaiyang Sword Technique! Old master, be careful!" Li Yeyang spread the power of his whole body, and all those regular powers were surrounded by his tiger-head magic sword——


Su Jin saw a very strange sight in the "Eye of Mohe Town Prison". He felt that Li Yeyang seemed to be a man with a knife, and the other party's rule of the King of Terror was actually a knife mark!

Could it be that the sword was condensed with the origin of the King of Terror?

Not bad, not bad, Su Jin barely played a three-point spirit, looking at the light around the battlefield space——

A world-shaking magic knife, as if being brandished by Li Yeyang!

"Old master! I locked you!" Li Yeyang shouted.


The tiger-head magic knife seemed to shed a million li of light, instantly smashing all the void where Su Jin was! In the entire battlefield space, it seemed that a million-mile sky crack had appeared!


Li Yeyang and the Li family gods in the distance, all gasped--

Su Jin stood there, the giant sword light just now, as if it had no effect on Su Jin at all, passed through, without hurting him at all.

"Your strength is very good, but compared with the old man Xingchen, the gap is not small. I have no effect in front of the old man Xingchen. It is a pity." Su Jin shook his head and judged.

Li Yeyang's complexion turned red and seemed a little dissatisfied——

The fact that Su Jin possesses the "No Word Heaven Secret" has been spread throughout the Eternal God Realm. Li Yeyang originally thought that the opponent would use the ‘No Word Heaven Secret’ to hide, but in fact... not!

"Heavenly Sword Nine Slashes!"

The tiger-head divine sword in Li Yeyang's hand once again waved, his entire body seemed to be illuminated by the light of the sword, and his body merged with the tiger-head divine sword in front of him——

There is only one sword on the battlefield!


The entire tiger head blade began to emit a strong destroying sword intent around it!

"Ah, the family took the initiative to use their tricks——" There are Li family gods, in the southwest direction, panic.

"The power of the old master should not be underestimated. The Patriarch knows that he is not the opponent of the old master.

"The power of the old master is enough to destroy the origin of the Patriarch! But we came to the effect, the old master should be merciful? However, if the sacred sword of the incarnation of the Patriarch is crushed by the old master... Patriarch..."

"The old master has a sense of measure!"


The gods of the Li family were all trembling with fear——

Su Jin's expression remained unchanged. He felt that the entire battlefield space seemed to be occupied by a powerful sword intent. Even every inch of space seemed to have great power to dominate everything.

Gradually, Su Jin smiled softly.

Appeared from the empty door of the Buddhist Dao.

"Old Master! Take my sword for the ‘Nine Turns of the Heavenly Sword’!" Li Yeyang’s voice came from the tiger-head magical sword——


Countless traces, turned into blade lights, quickly rushed from the battlefield space to the "tiger head sword" that Li Yeyang turned into!


Cut it with a knife! The huge knife shadow seems to occupy everything!

Strong, hot!

Su Jin stood on the spot, raised his hands, and blocked the knife for life!


"I took this sword with my bare hands!" Wanyan Aoyue is already good at swords, and especially likes swordsmanship. If Li Yeyang's sword is changed to her, she will undoubtedly die.

Only experts know how terrible Li Yeyang's sword is!

Ran Bingling and Li Shui'er, their faces were calm. If Su Jin was defeated so easily, he would not have gone all the way to the present. Although he was shocked, he would have expected it.

"The second turn!"


With bare hands, take the second knife!

Boom boom boom...

He cut down the nine swords that locked Su Jin in a row, each of which was more powerful. Su Jin stood there, as if it were a monument that never fell down, motionless, his palms should be closed, and he took the nine swords!

"The old master is too strong!" The clan **** with the Li family exclaimed.

"Nine ranks of the Heavenly Sword can't shake the old master at all--"

"Patriarch's sword is nothing to the old master, right? After all, the old master changed the battle in the Ice Spirit Sea with his own power and turned the old **** back into victory!"

"Is the Patriarch not convinced yet? And the old master hasn't made a move yet. If the old master makes a move, the old master still has a chance?"

"Even the'Nineth Rank of the Heavenly Sword' can't hurt the old master at all. The strength of the old master is probably only strong or weak compared to the time of the ancient **** wars, right?"


After Su Jin took the Nine Swords, he slowly looked at Li Yeyang, who was trembling backwards, and said calmly: "You don't need three moves, if you can take my one unbeaten move, the blood of the old **** will have nothing to do with you."

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