My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 802: This school flower is a bit bold

Su Jin also knew why Long Jiaojiao said to come first. This kind of girl is more normal. She is just for one word, money!

With development, there will be money naturally. It is very difficult to make such a forward-looking girl have feelings, because although he saw that Long Jiaojiao and the others did not show how arrogant character to themselves, but they treat some ordinary people , Even if you are handsome and don't have money, they won't take it for granted.

How many people have been poisoned in this capital society--

But in Su Jin’s impression, Bai Qiujin is the only exception. This girl has a dream. Even if she doesn’t become a star, she can live very well through her own efforts. This is also the only way she can sign with a small amount of money before. The important reason for her, just imagine, other companies bid millions of dollars to sign, but I only offered her hundreds of thousands.

Therefore, the choice is the most important thing. If it were not for liking her character, Su Jin would not lose his blood and raise her treatment to the same level as Song Keer and the others!

Soon after, Su Jin appeared in Luan Yan Media.

Except for a few people who met him, Lan Yan didn't even know that he was coming. He shut himself in the office, first took out his mobile phone and called Brother Hu.

The call is naturally to remind him to stay in Gu Shuzhai in the evening, including Mad Dog Ji and Lin Bingfan! After finishing the call, Su Jin tapped Dong Lie again and asked him to gather at Gu Shuzhai before the evening.

Tonight, there are opportunities for performance!

It was destined to be a night of killing. Su Jin was a little excited thinking about it. What kind of masters would he meet at night, he was looking forward to it.

Half past one, two o'clock.

As time passed by, Su Jin closed his eyes quietly and practiced the exercises. It was still relatively quiet here, because there was a blue face, and he didn't have to worry about everything. The shopkeeper was already seated.

Outside the door, a voice suddenly appeared.

"It's here, right? Thank you." It was a rather sweet voice.

After hearing the sound, Su Jin opened his eyes, a strange look in his eyes.

It's really anxious, it seems--

Just as Su Jin opened his eyes, the knock on the door had already appeared.

"Come in." Su Jinfa said.

A flaming figure appeared, then opened the door, laughed, and said, "I'll just say it, people must be the first to come!"

It's Long Jiaojiao...

Today's dress is very hot, it's not like her before. The mouth is painted with light red lip gloss. With that aggressive look, Su Jin can't help but look at her. A few glances.

It's really good. The upper body is red jacket, the cuff openings are relatively short, and the western style is partial. The lower body is a red thick cloth skirt. Two snow-white slender legs appear. On the small feet that are not much larger than the palms, there is a gray and silver height. Covered with sandals, it has a special flavor.

"Yes, you are the first to come." Su Jin nodded and said.

"Boss, can I see it now?" Long Jiaojiao turned around and asked.

"In fact, it is better not to wear beautiful clothes," Su Jin said in a weird tone.

"Huh? Boss, you are clearly taking advantage of others."

"Am I not telling the truth?"

"It's a fact."

"Oh, I actually like your outfit like this." Su Jin stared at her and asked: "How come I look more and more like a stewardess uniform?"

"It was originally..." Long Jiaojiao said with a smirk.

"Well, why didn't other people come with you? Isn't your usual relationship very good?" Su Jin asked in surprise.

"They are busy for a while, not as fast as me."

"Are you not as fast as you, or did you secretly go one step ahead?"

"It was me who took the first step--"

Long Jiaojiao admitted generously, and then said, "Boss, your place is so big. When I first came, I was walking around and it was so hot. Will I turn on the air conditioner?"

"No." Su Jin said with a smile.

"Don't open it." Long Jiaojiao opened her eyes wide, and simply took off the red short-sleeved stewardess jacket and set it aside, without evading Su Jin in the slightest.

Su Jin:...

This school flower is a bit bold.

And it's not just bold.

Long Jiaojiao now only has a white camisole with a low V on her upper body. Two large peaks filled Su Jin's eyes. There are two bean-like things on both sides--

Su Jin looked at him for a while, only to realize that Long Jiaojiao didn't know when, walking towards him, and had already come to his eyes. He moved his eyes to other directions and said, "Jiaojiao, you don't usually wear underwear. Habit?"

"It's only that I'm not used to wearing it today, and this kind of clothes looks good in this way." Long Jiaojiao twisted her waist in front of Long Jiaojiao, and then said, "If you don't believe me, look at it."

"I can't see it." Su Jin said.

"Haha, I didn't expect the boss to be so conservative."


The old wolf is conservative...

Who gave you the courage?

That official is not welcome! Su Jin sat down and quietly began to look at Long Jiaojiao at this time, and Long Jiaojiao also looked at Su Da boss directly, without the slightest stage fright.

Long Jiaojiao put her hands on Su Jin's desk, slowly leaned down, leaned over the table, and said, "Boss."

Like other men, Su Jin instinctively focused his gaze behind that streamlined tower. His body was hot now, and he secretly cursed this girl for being a charming little fairy.

"Say." Su Jin hummed.

"I think Luan Yan really has great potential. I have been in contact with many film and television companies, and those bosses are different from you." Long Jiaojiao said with a small mouth.

"Where is it different from me?" Su Jin was a little curious.

"I heard that I’m very anxious. I haven’t tried it, and I don’t know. Anyway, I thought, if you were like them, when I just came in, you would not be able to hold it anymore. But now, I should do it. You've done everything, why haven't you reacted yet." Long Jiaojiao's tone changed a little at this time.

"That's because I am a gentleman." Su Jin smiled slightly.

"Oh, I'm not sick." Long Jiaojiao belonged to the type who said whatever he wanted, and couldn't hide words in his heart.

You are sick--

Su Jin's face turned dark, and he felt that if he didn't prove it, he would simply be sorry for Long Jiaojiao's kindness to the door!

"Haha." Long Jiaojiao said weirdly: "Boss, I was joking with you."

"Joke also has a price." Su Jin said.

"What generation--ah." Long Jiaojiao shook her body.

Su Jin took the opportunity to stretch out her hand, grabbed her arm and tugged gently, and Long Jiaojiao became the sitting posture in his arms...

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