My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 803: Talented Su


The wonderful fragrance comes out, it is a very unique touch feeling, coupled with the touch of Feng Man's face, the hormone secretion is in a very extreme state!

Long Jiaojiao wanted to push Su Jin away, but the consequences were getting more and more serious. Su Jin vacated her other hand and placed it on her lap, then followed the skirt, gradually...

Her body stiffened and trembled twice, and Long Jiaojiao bit her lip, feeling more and more dangerous. This guy seemed to eat her.


At this time, the sound outside the door rang twice.

Damn it!

Su Jin sighed heavily, and Long Jiaojiao also got up in a panic, putting on the red coat and tidying up.

The revolution has not yet succeeded, and the boss still needs to work hard.

Su Jinduo glanced at Long Jiaojiao, she was indeed an actor, her face calmed down quickly, her emotions were so stable that she couldn't see anything else, he waved his hand and motioned her to open the door, even though the heat wave on his body was still rolling. , But it should fade away in a while, he thought.

"Haha, I'll be here first!" Long Jiaojiao opened the door and saw the three of them appear outside the door, and suddenly laughed.

"Where is the boss?" Bai Qiujin couldn't help asking when seeing that Long Jiaojiao was nothing unusual.

"Waiting for you to come." Long Jiaojiao said.

Song Keer and Bai Qiujin looked at each other at this time, before Bai Qiujin took the lead and walked in. Dong Yingying was doing her own business at this time, holding a paper bowl of ice cream in her hand, and she was constantly scooping it in with a spoon. Little mouth.

The four of them are already there. Although Su Jin had some regrets just now, it is a certainty to fix Long Jiaojiao. In other words, it is in the bag! The kind that can't fly away!

Su Jin looked at Dong Yingying at this time--

Then Dong Yingying blinked at him, opened her small mouth and stuck her tongue out, making a face.


What's wrong with this?

What the **** is the white ice cream on that little tongue?

This routine is a bit deep. Boss Su Da has thought a lot about it evilly. Maybe Dong Yingying wanted to eat ice cream. That must be the case!

The essential--

The key is, don’t be a school girl, don’t be so pretty!

Isn't this torturing people?

Just now there was a hot and fiery Long Jiaojiao, and the energy has not been relieved, now there is Dong Yingying, it is really difficult for a man...

"When you come here, the first is to familiarize you with the environment. Qiu Jin has already been here, and the other is to discuss with you. I plan to make a combination for you. I will start with singing. I will be famous and effective. I will I instruct the person in charge of the company to help you tailor an album. This is a good opportunity and you must seize it." Su Jin continued, "I believe my vision, what do you think?"

"Very good, I can sing." Bai Qiujin said.

"Not only to be able to sing." Su Jin shook his head, "The most important thing is to dance. Have you seen those Korean stars? You can sing in every concert, but people dance well. You will work harder later."

"That kind, it's a bit difficult, but it's not a big problem." Long Jiaojiao said excitedly.

"Okay, I'm here to call you. In addition to this, there is one more issue, which is the question of combining names. Do you have any tall names? Now I can discuss it." Su Jin scanned the four people.

Dong Yingying immediately raised her hand, gave the ice cream to Long Jiaojiao, and said, "I have a good name, how about the Star Band?"

"Bah, baah, it sucks." Long Jiaojiao was the first to disagree.

It's too vulgar, what kind of star band, there is no selling point at first glance.

"It's not very good." Bai Qiujin was far away from Dong Yingying, the name was obviously poisonous.

"Let's start again." Song Keer also shook his head and said.

"Hmph, no eyesight." Seeing the denial, Dong Yingying pursed her mouth and took the ice cream in Long Jiaojiao's hand, and continued to eat spoon by spoonful.

Long Jiaojiao raised her head and lowered her head, thinking hard, and finally she said, "What about the Four Flowers Band?"

"What's up? Unspeakable. Deny!" Su Jinjue's name is almost indistinguishable from Dong Yingying's name. He reminded him: "Use your advantages and find the bright spots."

In the end, the four girls all looked at Su Jin eagerly, and it seemed that the four talented women had trouble naming them.

"Boss, do you get up." Long Jiaojiao said with a smile.

"I'll start--" Su Jin rubbed his chin and started to ponder. He kept looking at the four people, waved his hand and said, "You four, stand in a row."

Bai Qiujin looked at Su Jin puzzledly, and didn't know why he asked them to do this, so all the obedient people stood in a row.

"How about the Swan Band?" Su Jin said.

"Puff..." The ice cream that Dong Yingying hadn't swallowed almost came out of her small mouth.

"Boss, are you comparing to our name?" Long Jiaojiao finished speaking with a silent expression on her face.

"Not good." Bai Qiujin also felt that her name was not good.

Su Jin scratched his head, his mother was awkward, and the talented person also had troubles.

He walked up to a few people, turned his head sideways, and looked over one by one, and suddenly had an idea, and said, "It's called a fairy tale band, how about it?"

"Huh? This is pretty good." Dong Yingying's eyes were also bright, and the meaning was also good.

"Fairy tales, boss, how did you think of it."

"Let your fans live in fairy tales in the future, because you are so beautiful." Su Jin said.

Bai Qiujin and Song Ke'er also agree more, at least apart from the tacky name, this name is better.

The four people expressed their opinions one after another and unanimously approved the name given by the talented Su Da. Su Jin shook his head with a sigh. No one can stop anyone who is talented. You can use any name. Ask who else in this world. ?

"Well, there is still a lot of time. If you think of a better name during this time, you can discuss with me." Su Jin said to the four.

"This is already very good, don't think about it, just this, I like it." Long Jiaojiao refused to change.

"I like it too." Dong Yingying said.

"Yes, I just want to say that you definitely can't think of such a good name for me." Su Jin smiled and said, "Let’s do it for now. I will make arrangements in the near future. Qiu Jin, dance is also your specialty. Let’s imitate the dancing styles of those Koreans. When that happens, I will send someone to find someone to do some dances for you."

"Okay." Bai Qiujin was the best dancing among the four, and immediately agreed.

"I won't practice today, I'm going shopping later." Long Jiaojiao said hurriedly.

"What about the afternoon class?" Dong Yingying asked in surprise.

"Escape. Just pass the exam then."

"Take you." Dong Yingying said.

Su Jin asked if he wanted to send them back to school, and then he learned that Song Keer had his own car, so he was relieved.

However, after the three girls left, Long Jiaojiao did not leave, relying on Su Jin alive, and said to accompany her to go shopping.


There's no time for school flowers--

"There was a little problem with the car, and I couldn't drive." Su Jin found a reason that was not an excuse, and said to Long Jiaojiao: "So, let's do something meaningful to society."

"Eh? The car is broken, no car is driving, so..." Long Jiaojiao flushed her face, with a different smell in her watery eyes, and said softly: "I had to... just drive me as a car— —"

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