This is a rectangular black suitcase, not too small. It feels like Su Jin is specially made to hold special things.

Sister Lan opened the box sideways, and Su Jin's eyes widened because of the things displayed inside.

Most of them are firearms--

Unlike Lin Bingfan, Sister Lan likes more advanced firearms. The box contains everything from pistols to special sniper rifles to several black egg-sized grenades.

Su Jin picked up one of the silver-colored pistols. He was already attracted by its fierce appearance. The pair of guns were about 30 cm long, the same body of silver, smooth lines, and extremely detailed workmanship. People like him who have never liked guns a little can't move his eyes.

Seeing this, Sister Lan smiled and asked, "Do you like it?"

"Not bad." Su Jin did not admit or deny it.

"Send you off if you like it." Sister Lan smiled.

"Give it to me? Sister, you have been generous to me several times."

Su Jin shook his head. Although this set of firearms is not made by a manufacturer, it is definitely made by a master. I heard that some people play with guns, but they won’t buy them from the manufacturer, but look for those who are old. Old master, handmade.

"Even if you want your sister, sister will give it to you, let alone two guns." Sister Lan did not shy away from the existence of other people, saying in a very ordinary tone.

Others kept peeking at each other, and they all agreed that Sister Lan was worried about the young master not a day or two, but this sense of trust was too strong.

A person who likes guns understands the heartache of giving away his cherished things. The things in this box are Sister Lan’s treasures. Usually they never show them to others. Who knows that they will be given to Shao in an instant. The main thing.

Su Jin nodded, held the pistol in both hands, and asked Sister Lan, "What are their names?"

"Eagle." Sister Lan said.

"It looks good. It should be expensive, right?" Su Jin asked again.

"Expensive is not expensive, hundreds of thousands, but the whole world is such a pair." Sister Lan gave Su Jin a few boxes of ammunition in the box and continued: "Phosphorescent bullets come in various colors."

Su Jin took it, removed the magazine, looked at the full bullets, and said with a smile: "It seems to have more capacity than a normal pistol magazine."

"Yes, an ordinary pistol is only about 17 rounds, and the standard design of this pair of double guns is 25 rounds." Sister Lan and Su Jin looked at each other: "Brother Su, actually I don't think you should just look at it. Shuai, don’t you mean, don’t pay attention to appearance, performance is the most important thing."

Su Jin shook his head, "No need to try it. I looked at it. This design, accuracy and rate of fire are all top-notch, thank you Sister Lan, I like it very much."

"No thanks, you like it." Sister Lan said, looking at An Qianyi who was slowly walking downstairs with provocative eyes.

Seeing An Qianyi walking down, Su Jin thought that she wouldn't have to go upstairs to look for her again. When this sister came here once before, she was so mad at him.

"I want to shoot." An Qianyi looked at Su Jin blankly and said four words quietly.

Su Jin shook his head, "I don't need so many people. Just me, Sister Lan, Lin Bingfan, Aji, and Dong Lie."

"Su Guoguo, don't you take us?" A room door was opened, and it turned out to be Wang Meiniu, who was already fully armed, and there was another person with her, Tao Xiaolang.

"Do you have peerless magic?" Su Jin asked while looking at the two.

"You have peerless martial arts." Wang Mei Niu said with a lovely dissatisfaction.

Su Jin smiled--

He smiled very happily. He didn't ask the level of this question. In fact, he didn't want to show off. It seems that he still needs to be high-profile.

In one, he also wanted to try, how strong he is under his full strength.

Shocked all over, expressionless.

The whole room seemed to begin to tremble slightly, and the eyes of everyone present condensed on Su Jin's body.

Last time, I fought Li Changnan's life and death, and the super devilish blow that happened to me later, if nothing happens, Su Jin can now control it, and he can control it more than once!

Strands of black and red vigor swiftly wandered around Su Jin's whole body, and soon condensed three identical scarlet demon heads. Suddenly, the whole room was filled with a taste of tension. The face of the demon with a long neck is terrifying. If you look closely, you can see that the expression is constantly changing again. It is so fierce!

"Oh, my God--" Aji's face flushed, and he was a little eager to try. Although he knew that Su Jin was practicing devil power against the sky, he still wanted to compete, and he thought that Su Jin's strength had become a hot topic. .

But soon, Aggie suppressed this thought forcibly, and now it is not the time to compete, it will ruin this place!

Su Jin gradually recovered his energies, glanced at Wang Mei Niu faintly, and said, "Is it acceptable?"

"Wow, my husband is so amazing -" Wang Mei Niu clapped her little hand, "It seems that she can't help me."

"No, you can help." Su Jin shook his head and said, "The rest of the people, all go to protect the Xia family, understand?"

"Oh, I understand." Wang Mei Niu's words about Su Jin now have reached the point where they are obedient.

Su Jin felt that Aji was strange at this time, and no one else noticed it!

"Aji--" Su Jin frowned.

"Grandma's!" Aji was uncomfortable for a while. After hearing Su Jin's question, he scratched his head and turned around twice, and said: "When will the fight begin!"

Su Jin put his fingers together, flicked between his eyebrows, and snorted softly, "Open!"

"Tap..." Aggie jumped up, "Boss, you too!"

"Don't move!" Su Jin was deeply shocked. When Aji was walking, four peculiar beasts followed him like a shadow, and when he was not moving, they merged with his body. Could it be that this Is it Aji's exercises, produced by the Sixiang Madness? Really ruthless, kind of peculiar.

Aji stood honestly, with a bitter expression on his face, and said, "Boss, with this skill, you don't go to see beautiful women and see what I do. I am not your enemy."

"Why do you want to see beautiful women?" Wang Mei Niu was puzzled, and asked Aji: "Tell my sister-in-law."

"No, nothing." Aji was afraid of being targeted by Wang Mei Niu.

Su Jin waved his hand, "Everyone is ready, where's Brother Tiger?"

"I'm communicating with people from the intelligence department." Sister Qin said at this moment.

"Very good." Su Jin glanced at An Qianyi on the side, exhaled deeply, and said: "Qianyi, you come upstairs with me, I have something to tell you."

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