My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 806: Nine cages

Why did Su Jin do this?

Because An Qianyi recently gave him only three words: abnormal.

From the time when she said something that would kill her inexplicably, until now she is going to take part in the action at night, he felt that something was wrong.

First, he tends to recognize An Qianyi's strength, but the people to be dealt with tonight are the bounty hunters, and they are not good characters!

Second, why did Sister Lan participate? This is not who he is biased, but Sister Lan is more suitable for long-range combat. If An Qianyi is allowed to fight those people close, can Su Jin rest assured?

Third, Su Jin has always felt that An Qianyi is very mysterious. He doesn't know how to follow the old guy. He only knows in his heart that he wants to say that the most important person in his heart is ranked, except for the Xia sisters. She An Qianyi can definitely be ranked third, there is no doubt, so he does not allow her to appear in any situation.

An Qianyi lowered her head and followed Su Jin upstairs.

And Wang Mei Niu took the opportunity to walk to Aji the mad dog, not knowing what she was asking in a low voice, anyway, Aji had a very embarrassed expression on her face.

Mu Mu looked at a room of people. These people seemed to have a generation gap with her. They were the kind of new humans who had just met in isolation from the world. She always felt that getting along with these people was a little out of tune, although the beautiful women inside were all like very much! But it seems that Su Jin is even better in this regard!

"Weirdo." Mu Mu stepped aside and sat down, as if she was sulking with herself.

After going upstairs with An Qianyi, she originally wanted to talk to her in the hallway. Who knew that she opened the door of her room and looked at him with a smile on her face, obviously meant to let him in.

Su Jin thought about it and walked in gently.

"Qianyi." Su Jin said: "I won't give anyone any chance to hurt you, so don't even think about the action tonight!"

An Qianyi stared at Su Jin in a daze, and smiled and asked, "You think, I don't look good in red clothes?"

Su Jin was immediately dumbfounded, "There are many words in this sentence--"

"Does it look good?" An Qianyi suddenly became unhappy, and asked some blame.

"I didn't see you walking through, but let's talk about the action at night, what did you say about wearing clothes." Su Jin said very puzzled.

"I just want to ask." An Qianyi has a blush on her face.

"Sister, can't I call your sister? What's wrong with you lately? Can you tell me?" Su Jin asked anxiously.

"I will wear it for you..."

An Qianyi lowered her head, bit her lip lightly, and turned around.

Wear it for yourself?

Su Jin's face was instantly stunned, and then he was dumbfounded.

I saw An Qianyi pulled up a screen in front of the bed. No way, she liked some retro things, but this screen was white with a lot of ink paintings on it.

Su Jin kept looking for a chair to sit down, An Qianyi's figure appeared in the screen... She dressed in a white dress quickly raised her hand, and the dress disappeared--

That slender figure appeared on the screen, the peak was full, with a faint pink color, Su Jin immediately thought, is it possible that she is wearing a bellyband? She has this kind of clothes, which is not in line with modern women! But it's interesting.

Although she didn't see her, Su Jin was already so excited that she was going to wear a red dress, is it a cheongsam or a red dress? What about color saturation? How should she dress herself?

look forward to--

Su Jinjue, because he has time anyway, Brother Hu hasn't said the time to do it. It seems that it will be impossible to do it until the night is quiet.

Ten minutes, fifteen minutes, half an hour.

The screen opens...

An Qianyi's graceful figure appeared.

At this time, Su Jin was already staring blankly.

Su Jin always thought that An Qianyi liked to wear black and white colors because of her personality, but he never expected that she would have a different taste in her dress!

Red, really red!

It was a very dazzling big red red dress. An Qianyi seemed to have prepared this dress for a long time. It also fits her body perfectly. Although the hairstyle on her head has not changed, it feels like she has been combed again. Two strands of blue silk draped in front of him, and ink hair was like a waterfall behind him.

Su Jin also found that not only her lips were painted with rich red, but she was able to step on a pair of red shoes.

"Does it look good?" An Qianyi asked with her eyes wide open.

"Goddess, don't move!" Su Jin took out the phone from his trouser pocket, "Qianyi, do you want to be popular? Come on, I will arrange a set of pictures for you. Our company now specializes in this business!"

Good deed, if you take a photo and upload it to the Internet, An Qianyi must be so popular all night!

It's a pity that An Qianyi's attitude is very serious, and she doesn't make poses. Daguan Su kept making funny moves, and only real estate was shot—

Although Su Jin tried very hard to make An Qianyi pose, but in the end it all returned without success, and the human goddess turned into a less talkative appearance.

It just got worse and worse.

"Haha, forget it, I'll keep this picture, I will look it out when I miss you!" Su Jin put away his phone and said, "I will go down and see if Brother Tiger is waiting for me, you behave. Stay in the room."

After speaking, she left her room without waiting for An Qianyi's response.


A little rush!

Su Jin went out of An Qianyi's door, and his face became gloomy. What does An Qianyi mean? Is he really stupid?

Second Olympics!

The big red is good-looking, but Su Jin doesn't know why, but there is a trace of uncertainty in his heart.

After going downstairs, Su Jin walked to Sister Qin and sat down under the gaze of everyone, and stretched out his hand to signal her to come over.

Sister Qin's ear was close to Su Jin's mouth.

"Don't go anywhere at night, just stay in Qianyi's room and keep an eye on her!" Su Jin said in Sister Qin's ear.

"Okay." Sister Qin turned to look at Su Jin, and asked in a low voice, "Is it really unnecessary for me?"

"No." Su Jin took out a cigarette from the cigarette case on the coffee table, lit it, and squinted through the smoke to see that the others were already on standby. Brother Tiger hadn't come out yet.

About twenty minutes later, Zhou Tianhu hurriedly walked downstairs.

"Young Master!" Zhou Tianhu came to Su Jin with a solemn expression.


"They know our existence, and I sent someone to warn each other, but these people seem to have formed an alliance and ignore our warning at all! It seems that they are bound to really want the life of the young master this time!" Zhou Tianhu snorted Scream.

"There are too many people who want my life, the old guy, don't give the slightest support from people?" Su Jin asked puzzledly.

"I don't know what the old master thinks!" Zhou Tianhu smiled bitterly. "The nine bounty hunters who came this time are not lower than the Black Dragon Guard level, and some of them are even stronger!"

"The stronger the better!" Su Jin sneered, "Brother Tiger, you teach people to do things for me now!"

"Young Master, please speak." Zhou Tianhu listened to his instructions.

"Help me make nine cages!"

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