My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 807: The style of the king

Nine cages-

Everyone was shocked, and Su Jin's words caused all but A Ji and a few others to take a breath.

"Blindly forbearance will not solve the problem. Just get rid of it all at once." Su Jin looked at the others, "If you are afraid of death, you can quit."

Everyone on the scene knows what kind of power to face. No one is a fool. Apart from the mainstay Su Jin, only Aji can deal with those tough and incomparable masters, even if Lin Bingfan does not resort to some special methods. , It is impossible to defeat the opponent, and as for Dong Lie, the practice time is too short!

"Boss, don't worry, no one here is afraid of death!" Zhou Tianhu said, "I'm going to ask someone to prepare a cage and install the heads of those people!"

"Don't... I'm afraid."

At this time, a discordant voice came out.

Everyone glanced over.

What Mu Mu said, the time she joined in was too short, she knew from the atmosphere at this time, it might be a matter of life.

"Sister paper." Su Jin's expression suddenly became weird, and he walked over to Mu Mu.

Mu Mu was immediately affected by a strong and domineering aura, and couldn't help getting up.

Su Jin stretched out his hand, placed it on her cheek, patted twice, and said: "I didn't say let you go, why are you so scared?"

"But, you are all gone, what am I doing here?" Mu Mu said angrily.

"Not fun?" Su Jin squinted, squinted at her, and clicked his mouth.

"It's boring." Mu Mu said immediately and confidently: "Also, don't call my sister paper, I will go to the hospital for surgery another day!"

"Haha, in fact, you don’t need to have surgery. You wrap your upper body tightly and you can hardly see it." Su Jin laughed and continued: "Actually, I really don’t understand. If you find it boring and not very fun, then If you close yourself in the room and play with yourself, maybe you can still have a few seconds of comfort."

Hearing Su Jin's words, many people laughed.

"Bah, you rascal! What's so fun about yourself!"

Analyzing Mu Mu's tone, she must be angry--

"It seems that you haven't tasted that kind of fun yet. It's okay. When I finish my work, I will teach you how to play with yourself." Su Jin picked up his pocket and turned away from her.

Mu Mu made a grimace behind Su Jin, and she didn't know what she was muttering in her mouth. She looked angry. She was so angry that she was scorning herself in front of so many people. She really didn't know how to play with herself. Well, it's too underestimated! Um, do you play by yourself!

"Brother Tiger, report the coordinates of those people." Su Jin waved his hand, "Everyone discuss it."

"Okay!" Zhou Tianhu had just finished making the call to make a cage, and then turned on the black laptop computer placed aside, and everyone began to discuss countermeasures.


At night, it was a bit cool.

The moon hangs diagonally at a 45-degree angle, and the sky is full of stars.

This is Qishan Town.

Qishan Town is the name of a town. It is said that there were mountains in this place before. However, in order to carry out large-scale development, the mountains were dug out to make land, and a small hill was dug out with modern equipment and filled with Xiaochen River.

Qishan Town is a suburb seventy miles away from Qin City. As the strategy moved eastward, Qin City continued to expand along the coast. Qishan Town, which had great prospects and was heavily developed, was gradually buried and became a city. A veritable ghost town.

And Qishan Town is the location agreed by Zhou Tianhu and the other party!

Thinking that there are a few bounty hunters who surpass the Black Dragon Guard, they think they can sweep everything! ridiculous!

Su Jin quietly closed the car door, looked at the waist-deep thatch all around, and watched Zhou Tianhu driving the car, carrying Lin Bingfan and Sister Lan, and stopped by his side.

"Dong Lie, are you scared?" Su Jin said to Dong Lie who appeared next to him after getting out of the car.

"Not afraid, on the contrary, I am very excited now!" Dong Lie shook his head.

He is no longer the young man who is being bullied by gangsters, is often charged for protection, and has to be turned upside down.

"In actual combat, when testing a person's abilities, I will try my best to guarantee that you will not die, but there are accidents. Perhaps I have too high expectations of you. In short, be careful and think about it. You have a younger sister." Su Jinmu Looking at the darkened town ahead, occasionally, there are a few lights that light up from those small high-rise buildings, and then go out after a while.

"I can." Dong Lie was very confident.

"Okay, let us brothers, kill each other without leaving a piece of armor!" After Su Jin finished speaking, Zhou Tianhu and the three also got out of the car.

Zhou Tianhu got out of the car and walked to Su Jin, and said, "Young Master."

"Is everything ready?" Su Jin said.

"In the trunk!" Zhou Tianhu took out a radio earplug, handed it to several people, and said: "This **** battle, it doesn't matter if it fails, I will do my part as the commander-in-chief! If there are other changes in secret, I will signal to retreat. , There can be no hesitation!"

"Just let your kid chuckle." Aji snorted softly.

Zhou Tianhu:...

Apart from being afraid of Su Jin and his little sister-in-law, Aji didn't see anyone else in his eyes, which also made Zhou Tianhu speechless. However, the strength of others is arrogant capital! Not convinced.

Several people put the miniature radio earphones into their ears. Zhou Tianhu made a simple debugging and said that there was no problem, and then took a deep breath and said, "Young Master, it's all right!"

"Everything goes according to plan, they may already know that we are here, even though we are ahead of schedule, but these tricks, the other party can't be wary of these tricks." Su Jin patted Dong Lie on the shoulder and said, "Spread it away."

After Su Jinfa issued the order to disperse, Lin Bingfan executed the order without hesitation, quickly dived into the thatch, and began to walk towards Qishan Town.

Zhou Tianhu also drove the car and disappeared. Here, after all, it is too dangerous! He wants to retreat to a safe place!

"Big Brother, I'm leaving." Without looking back, Dong Lie turned in the other direction with great skill, hidden in the thatch, and disappeared.

Only, there was one person present who did not leave, and that was Sister Lan.

What Su Jin wanted to say to her, who knew that Sister Lan walked up and hugged his neck aggressively, and the ruddy and attractive little mouth gnawed up.


"Don't be careless." Sister Lan used the posture of being a super king to fill Su Jin with the peak in front of her. Before leaving, she smiled and said, "No matter what, if you can live this action, even use Strong, I want you too!"


Shouldn't Lao Tzu say such domineering words?

Su Jin severely wiped off the faintly scented lip gloss on his lips, squinted his eyes and watched Sister Lan disappear, and said silently in his heart, let's see who is strong against whom!

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