My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 809: Crow grandma

"Thank you, I have always been handsome, I have never been surpassed!"

Su Jin saw that only Dong Lie was still standing in front, and after speaking to Sister Lan over there, he couldn't help walking towards Dong Lie.


Dong Lie pressed one hand on the ground and made a prone posture. Suddenly, wisps of red light visible to the naked eye spread along the ground, continuously toward the corpses killed by Su Jin.

In a moment, even the bones on the ground no longer exist, and the corpses are as clean as the world has evaporated.

"It's better to call you for murder in the future." Su Jin said to Dong Lie with a smile.

He is really satisfied now, and he has not misunderstood the wrong person. Dong Lie is indeed worth training!

"Boss." Dong Lie was embarrassed on his face. He knew that all of this was given by Su Jin. He praised him so much that he didn't know how to say it.

"You have understood what I meant at the beginning. If you want to get everything, you must be stronger than others and face the enemy. Unless you are beautiful, don't have any kindness!" Su Jin said.

"I understand." Dong Lie nodded.

"Okay! By the way, did you see Aji?" Su Jin was very happy. Dong Lie was really a master he had cultivated from scratch. He could become so strong with his own efforts, and he was also happy for him, but This is not enough!

"It looks like I'm on the other side, and I'm already facing a master!" Dong Lie said.

"Go, take a look."

at this time--

‘Jie Jie Jie Jie’.

There was a burst of dark laughter.

"Go? Where to go..." The ghostly voice appeared again.

Dong Lie was taken aback.

But Su Jin's expression remained unchanged, and he said, "Pretend to be a fool, come out!"

Just as his voice fell, a black wind blew behind him, and when it appeared again, a person was already standing opposite the two.

After Su Jin saw the other party's state, his face suddenly became weird.

It’s true that the other party is a person. His face is white and haggard. The robe feels a little bit generous. But anyway, Su Jin wants to make a complaint now, and it’s okay if you have a pale face. But what does this red makeup mean, a man pretending to be a woman, and scratching his head?

"Boss." Dong Lie's face flushed.

"Huh? Did you like him?" Su Jin glanced at him.

"No... I want to vomit." Dong Lie looked unbearable.

"Dong Lie, the enemy, especially the strong enemy, has to endure all kinds of tangible and invisible blows. This person is a bounty... Hunter, you can't be a soldier. You are still ugly, are you ugly? You have to... well, let me spit for a while." Su Jin spit on the side.

"It seems, it seems to be a mixed race." Dong Lie stepped back and exhaled.

"Well, it's an ugly half-blood." Su Jin touched his bangs, still showing Dong Lie's appearance, even though he was already very nauseous now.

After being pointed by the two, the weird man in the black robe couldn't help it suddenly, rubbing his voice lightly, but said a male and female voice: "Ah? Who is ugly! Shameless!"

"Here are the three of us, the two handsome guys are arguing with each other, so naturally they are talking about you." Su Jin stood up indifferently, and said, "I'm not educated, read a book, a dead lady——"

"Hahaha. The two boys have sharp teeth, and Grandma Crow likes your clever souls—"

The black-robed man called himself Grandma Crow, but he was leaning forward and back laughing while he was talking. The laughter was strange, as if it were continuous, and it seemed to be fading away.

At this time, under the gaze of Su and Jin, the figure of Grandma Crow gradually faded, and finally turned into a black, Peng——

The sphere exploded, the birds continued to scream, and a black crow appeared.

"Boss." Dong Lie had never seen such a weird thing before, staring at him not knowing what to do.

"It's just a blind eye." Su Jin sneered, put his fingers together, moved slowly between his eyebrows, and gave a soft drink: "Open your eyes!"

When Dong Lie was in Gu Shuzhai before, he had seen Su Jin used this skill. He was curious, could it be possible that the boss could still find that the other party failed?

The answer is correct!

A phantom appeared in Su Jin’s eyes. The phantom would change quickly with his steps, but then the figure of Grandma Crow stayed in front of them, with a greedy color in his eyes, and he stretched out his thin hair. On the white hands, the dry fingers, there are nails over an inch long.

Grandma Crow swung her hands empty, as if she was watching her most cherished baby. She looked at Su Jin with her eyes, as if she wanted to attack first.

After hesitating left and right, the crow was a little jealous of Su Jin, and decided to swallow the weaker guy next to him. He said that he couldn’t do this. If the realm that has been broken for a long time becomes loose, he will break through in one fell swoop. Getting Su Jin is as simple as sprinkling water.

Su Jinqiang held back a smile, and saw Grandma Crow walking up to Dong Lie, shaking her head mechanically from side to side, and grinning with snarling teeth. Upon closer inspection, Su Jinqiang found that the other party’s teeth were not like ordinary people, but Jagged, very sharp.

Grandma Crow stretched out her hand and swung her hands up and down in front of Dong Lie, only to see a strange wave gushing out of his hand.

Dong Lie's face changed. In an instant, his body seemed to be divided into two, without pain, but unable to move! And the brain was blank for a second or two. When he slowed down, flames burst out all over his body, and fire patterns spread all over his body.

"Ah!" Grandma Crow screamed, and screamed in fear: "Xing Huo, it turned out to be the fire of hell!"


Grandma Crow's two arms flew into an ashes...

If he is not resolute, the spreading Xing Huo will wrap his whole person, thus completely erasing any traces of him in this world!

And Su Jin looked at him coldly. He didn't think Dong Lie's strength could be comparable to Grandma Crow, but his attributes completely restrained him. He also blamed this guy for being unlucky.

There was a scream of crows. Grandma Crow’s figure appeared a few meters away. He looked at Dong Lie with lingering fears. He underestimated the enemy and caused his vitality to be severely injured. He wanted to restore his arms to their original appearance. how long!

"You hurt me! Well, wait for me! My grandma Crow won't let you go!" Grandma Crow hated the two of them. He knew that in this situation, it is no longer suitable to fight again. A little brother is so powerful. , How strong Su Jin should be!

Therefore, he had the heart to leave, and planned to wait for the injury to heal before he came to deal with Su Jin!

However, Grandma Crow’s words came to an end, and a black chain appeared out of thin air, which was directly wrapped around his neck——

"Dare you guys!" Grandma Crow gave a panic, then squeaked, was covered by a gold net, and finally shrank and shrunk again.

Su Jin stayed.

It was not the tragic situation of Grandma Crow, but the sight of two old friends...

Behind them, there is a hearse drifting--

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