My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 810: Is the dead time coming soon?

The two of them were Master Yi and the old **** stick.

Seeing these two masters again, Su Jinjue is so good--

"Smelly boy, are you shocked?" Master Yi's eyes were watery, with an inexplicable smile.

"I feel very funny." Su Jin's character that is not easy to be amused, was made by the two people's current state and laughed straightly. He pointed to the mounts under them and said: "The two mounts are very special. ..."

It's two fat, white and round pigs...

You read that right, it is almost the same as the "Sanyuan" raised in a small farmhouse.

"You know what a fart." Master Yi blushed, and said: "This pair is a'recruiting fortune and treasure pig'. It is a sacred animal. The brother and I work in the place where other bad guys want everything. No way!"

"Anyway, I didn't see where the **** is." Su Jinqiang stopped laughing and looked behind the two'Lucky Jinbao Pigs'. The two beasts were pulling a car with black and white long banners. There were rows of people sitting on the car, old and young, men and women, most of whom were elderly, all with nervous expressions.

Dong Lie was at the side, unable to see what Su Jin was seeing at all, and there was a trace of blankness in his eyes. He stared blankly at the imprisoned purple-hatted weird little beast, seemingly It still looks uncomfortable when it goes up, and it can't move even if it wants to struggle.

"Boy." The old **** stick looked at Su Jin indifferently, "Junior Brother and I are now acting as bad servants. Don't ask too much or think about it. No one can change anything that is destined."

Su Jin's eyes rolled around, pointing to Grandma Crow on the ground, and said, "What is this?"

"Dark monster, there are only a few monsters in the world that specialize in soul cultivation. However, according to other negative reactions to it recently, there seems to be a lot of dirty things that shouldn't appear." said the old **** stick.

"Brother, what are you telling him about this? This is the basic knowledge of our Maoshan Taoist school. Although he is considered a half circle insider, he has practiced a dark eye, and has no intention of inheriting our Maoshan Taoist school! "Master Yi said.

"Haha." Su Jin squinted. These two old guys became ghosts, and they both cared so much about themselves. It was a bit surprising.

"Junior Brother, you have to put it all down, you don't want to leave it alone, the world has nothing to do with us." The old **** stick said.

Su Jin casually turned the "Eagle" in his hand, and finally squeezed the **** of the rifle, and said lightly: "You must have checked... Tell me, is my time of death coming soon?"

In the past, he didn’t believe in eccentricity, but since he opened his dark eyes and gained some cultivation skills, even if he lives in a big city, he has to believe that there is such a thing. I remember that he had read some news before. It is the feelings of 3,000 people who are dying after being rescued. Most of them have the condition of being ecstatic and the soul stripped out of the body. Some patients with incurable diseases can even see some What impressed him the most about the spiritual thing was that he once saw a report that a terminally ill young man posted a'write a memoir before death' on the Internet. It is said that at that time, he saw a small red dress sitting on the window. The boy disappeared soon after.

"Su Jin, you..." Master Yi was about to say something.

The old **** stick raised his hand to interrupt Master Yi, and slowly shook his head.

"It doesn't matter." Seeing that the old **** stick refused to talk, Su Jin couldn't help but said: "Two, are you going back for business?"

Riding two pigs back is also unnecessary.

The old **** stick smiled, "Morning, you are working from 9 to 5, and we are working from 6 to 4 in the evening. Moreover, we have to wait a while to take away three very important people."

"All right, Yin and Yang are separated, anyway...Don't stop me, I will deal with those people." Su Jin said.

"Stop you? I hope you hurry up." Master Yi said with a beard and staring.

"Well, you follow me!" Su Jin squinted, turned his head to face Dong Lie with a confused look, and said, "Go, look at Aji!"

Dong Lie didn’t dare to be careless. He knew that Su Jin must have seen something unclean. He knew something about Su Jin’s business dealings. To be honest, he didn’t believe it before, but now He believed it very much, because something incredible had happened to him!

Seeing Su Jin's figure, Dong Lie followed, but he felt chilly behind him, as if he was being watched by some ghost.

"Brother, why didn't you tell him..." Master Yi couldn't help but ask in a low voice. When he was alive, although he couldn't understand Su Jin, he finally felt that this kid was pretty good, and his slickness was interesting. Now he is deliberately thinking. If you want to help, I don't know that the brother would not tell me.

"There are some things, if you say more, you just talk too much. It's better to let the flow go, and the rules are all set by people. You can't tell him, he will die later?"

"But it's written in the book of life and death like this--" Master Yi sighed.

"Let's take a look. Even if you tell him, you can't do anything about it now." The old **** stick said, "Moreover, it is not certain whether you die or not. The rules are determined by people, and the life and death books are the same."

"If he really..."

"That's also fate. It's his fate." The old **** stick said with a strange brilliance in his eyes, and said softly: "Junior Brother, have you noticed that there is something very defying about him."

"What?" Master Yi glanced at Su Jin's back, and then nodded: "There is something hidden, and that kid, who actually practiced Xing Huo, although he is the lowest."

"It seems that you still haven't seen it." The old **** stick squinted, "Let's go, if he is really dead, we will accept him!"

"Oh, good." Master Yi lowered his head, and then rode one of the pigs under his hips, behind him was still a car of souls confined in a hearse.

The old **** stick used his hand, and the golden net that imprisoned the black demon instantly turned into a three-inch soul bag, which he firmly grasped in his hand and fastened it.

The two of them were keeping their distance from Su Jin unhurriedly. Dong Lie muttered and asked beside Su Jin: "Boss, why do I always feel that there is someone behind me?"

"I think someone is right." Su Jin said, "It's two friends, don't ask anymore. They appear here. I have a somewhat vague premonition. I really don't know if I have been too nervous recently."

Seeing Su Jin's frown, Dong Lie didn't dare to say anything, and the two of them had already reached the edge of the battlefield with the sound of fighting, which was actually just a corner tens of meters away!

At this time, Su Jin naturally discovered Aji——

This guy deserves to be called a mad dog!

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