My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 811: Eagle strikes the sky

The mad dog Aji practiced the "Four Elephant Madness Kungfu". This exercise sounds like a crazy way. Su Jin doesn’t know whether this exercise has affected Aji or Aji’s original character, anyway. Now he is very fierce!


One pick seven!

You must know that these seven people are all top killers. No one wants to provoke these bounty hunters, but now Aggie is very happy. Although facing these masters, he only has the power to fight and can do anything. In between, there is a feeling of ease in it!

No wonder Grandma Crow just found him alone, Su Jin thought to himself.

"Boss, what are you doing while watching? Really, I'm not tired--" Aji snarled, raised his hand with the power of the four elephants, turned into a red lion burning with blood, and bit at the other two. go with.

Of these seven people, three are Chinese, one is in their early twenties, and the other two are in their 40s or 50s. One of them has a strange shape with a bamboo basket on his back and a raised hand. The green fishing rod directly swung vigorously, constantly fighting against Mad Dog Ji.

The other four are all golden foreigners.

With the tremendous development of Qincheng in recent years, the domestic super first-tier cities have been offside in one fell swoop. Some strong people also secretly hide in them, leading a profligate life. All kinds of beauties are commonplace for them at night. No matter what happened, no, as soon as they received the task of killing Su Jin, the nearest bounty hunters appeared one by one.

One billion bounty is not a small sum for these people! Life is alive, it's hard to move without money! What's more, these people's professions are bounty hunters, and they were originally enjoyed by money!

"Aji, you step back and let me try to single them out!" Su Jin suddenly became excited. Although he didn't know how strong Aji was, if he could compete with these seven, would it? Does it mean that I can be comparable to Aggie?

"Okay! It just so happens to let me relax!" Aji immediately withdrew.

Su Jin greeted him.

Dong Lie was also proud at this time, and yelled: "Boss, I'm coming too!"

"Go away!" After Su Jin shouted to Dong Lie, it was already too late. The bounty hunter with the fishing rod was the first to pull at Dong Lie.

Dong Lie was full of flames, but the opponent’s attack was too weird. After he was able to do all this, the fishing line on the fishing rod was drawn directly towards him, without the slightest fluctuation. On him.

Suddenly he was pumped away--

"Huh?" The strong man carrying a bamboo basket holding a fishing rod gave Dong Lie a surprised look. Anyone with experience can definitely see that this kid hasn't practiced for a long time, but the other party's techniques are too weird. It just hurt Dong Lie a lot.

Su Jin's eyes were cold, and he raised his hands, his guns appeared!

A wave of blood-red strength permeated the two guns-

Boom boom boom boom! The eagle hits the sky, and the muzzle seems to be roaring constantly!

Su Jin's figure flickered to the left and right, as the red light swept across, the seven masters were also in a hurry by this indiscriminate attack, but they soon discovered that this attack seemed to be ineffective to them. Hurt them!

"Your name is Su Jin?" One of the foreigners spoke in a bad Chinese language, and said to Su Jin, who was posing cool.

Su Jin blew his gun, and without looking at him, said lightly: "It's your father."

"Those who are dying, dare to speak without shame." The young young man from China in his early twenties snorted, but his voice was also very clear.

Su Jin looked over and smiled suddenly: "You are finished, you are completely finished, I will not be merciful when I meet someone like you."

It seems that there is something wrong with his appearance. You can meet handsome guys casually. This makes Su Jin a little bit Alexander, but since he is an enemy and just killed this guy, then he is missing a handsome guy. Su Jin immediately feels that he is good. clever.

"Huh! Try it!" The Chinese killer sneered.

He was not convinced, they were all young people from China, how could he be so mad—

Su Jin threw the double guns in his hands backwards without looking.

Aji caught it, and was a little looking forward to Su Jin's performance. He also wanted to know how strong Su Jin was under his full strength! Because Young Master is the young man with the best performance since he lived this age, not one of them.

The "Liying" in Su Jin's hands is now! He lifted Liying, pointed at the seven, and said only one word: "Come!"

Seeing that Su Jin was so arrogant, one of the black men with golden hair suddenly became dissatisfied and roared... it was not like a human voice! With his anger, his figure gradually increased, and then increased! The shaggy body hair continued to grow, making fists with both hands, constantly beating his chest.


Or chimp in frenzy! It's nearly four meters tall!

"Be careful, this meat shield is not easy to deal with!" Aji reminded not far behind him, apparently seeing how powerful the other party was just now.

Su Jin didn't care about it at all, such a stupid big man, rushed to shoot him for a while, but couldn't he shoot him into mud? He had never seen this kind of situation, but he was in a state of'opening the sky' very quickly. He looked over attentively and found that this raging chimpanzee was only a product of energy, but it seemed even more difficult to handle. .

People who are stupid use brute force, and this is true. The other party ran over on all fours, and the ground shook violently. Far away from Su Jin, he stretched out his sturdy long hand, facing the endless fish.

If Su Jin was caught in the same spot, he could be pinched to death with just one shot.

Su Jin is the kind of person to be slaughtered?

Naturally not!

He shook his right shoulder lightly and threw forward blankly.

If anyone who is familiar with him knows that he is taking this matter seriously, at this moment he flashed before and after the black stupid figure, but a very crazy idea appeared in his head.

Is it better than strength?

Then compare!

Since Su Jin broke through the fourth level, he still hasn't really understood how strong his pure power is. This person just used brute force, and it was just like him! When he made the forward pounce, his whole body's strength was transferred to his left hand, and at this time his left hand was already clenched into a fist!

Fight, have a great time!

As if facing a mountain, Su Jin leaned forward and rushed in, his face turned hideous because of too much accumulated power, and then he roared, and his fist also carried endless momentum and bombarded the gorilla's belly. !

This is his most powerful blow, he wants to see, who else in this world dares to compare his strength!

Who else!

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