My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 812: unbelievable!


A roar like thunder appeared!

The body of the gorilla that was flooded with energy was tens of thousands of catties. At this time, Su Jin was hit with a heavy blow and flew out!

The six people behind him secretly shouted badly, and moved away extremely fast, but the space here was not too big. After they moved away, all of them were a little embarrassed.

The dust is flying~

Su Jin stood on the spot, straightened with his hands and looked at the people on the opposite side with a calm expression.

In fact, his hands shook twice behind him, and he cursed inwardly, it was so painful! This person's defense is too strong. His attack just now seemed to hit a steel plate. Fortunately, his strength is also strong enough, otherwise he would have to be planted here today!

"You guys, let's go together, otherwise it won't be enough." Su Jin's voice was not loud, but it was clear to several people's ears.

For this kind of contempt, the people on the opposite side were very angry. Even if they had just faced the mad dog Ji, who was stronger than Su Jin, they didn't panic, but they didn't expect Su Jin to be so arrogant when he arrived, knowing that their strength does not stop there!

"I want to compare with you!" The Chinese youth who had previously challenged Su Jin raised his hand and pointed at Su Jin.

"Xiao Yong! You..." The other middle-aged man, who was also a bounty hunter, was suddenly startled and persuaded him.

Su Jin’s mouth has a successful smile. He has never been arrogant. The only breakthrough for these people is this young man. After all, they hug each other and make up for each other. Even the mad dog Ji can temporarily resist, and the others People, either older or foreigners, are more mature in mind, but this young man has a more arrogant personality. After he said this, the other person would definitely want to compete with himself, and he would do it if he was himself. The master will never tolerate the other side's contempt for himself!

"Don't worry about me!" Xiao Yong stared at Su Jin with his eyes, and walked out.

"You are not my opponent. Let's go with the adults behind you." Su Jin said with a light smile.

"I know you are using the radical method." Xiao Yong had only Su Jin as the only goal in his eyes at this time. After saying this, he said: "However, unfortunately, I will tell you that they are getting old. I am the only one here. Strong! And you, will be at my feet and eat me back what you said!"

Su Jin was ridiculed by Xiao Yong. Not only was he not angry, but he was not happy. How young, younger than himself, but unfortunately, the enemy is the enemy. Since he is a profession with his head hanging on his belt, the blood on his hands must not be stained. Less, can it be a good crop?

"Young Master, he is a genius, don't be careless!" Aji reminded him again.

"Genius? The genius was only on that day, so I can only win or lose." Su Jin narrowed his eyes, and the "Liying" in his hand was already trembling.

His voice fell.

Neither of them moved, including the few people behind Xiao Yong who watched quietly. They naturally knew Xiao Yong's true strength, but the current mission had better be more secure, and it would be good if you can smoothly kill Su Jin. I am afraid that there will be variables, if there are variables, then the result is unacceptable.

In the battle between masters, apart from the initial temptation, there are only initial observations and flaws. Therefore, no one wants to take the lead, and then the strong, unless there is a big gap, otherwise, if someone catches a small mistake, they may die.

Su Jin didn't have the habit of taking action first. Xiao Yong didn't underestimate this person. Being stared at by this person would make him feel uncomfortable.

At this moment, a roar broke through the air!

Sister Lan shot!

It was a millimeter armor-piercing projectile. The king of the ball has all advanced ammunition, and the bullet is also very accurate and hit Xiao Yong's heart!

It was only a momentary event. If Xiao Yong were hit by a bullet of this level, his heart would definitely explode a hole the size of a fist, but can such a master resist armor-piercing bullets?

Xiao Yong's reaction was far beyond ordinary people. In the tenths and tenths of the gunfire, his hand with fingerless black gloves burst into a wave.

The bullet hit the wave, its speed stagnated, and it couldn't get in anymore!

"Ding." Xiao Yong flicked his expressionless fingers, and the armor-piercing bullet fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

Sister Lan is already dumbfounded-

Who are these people!

After doing this, Xiao Yong saw that Su Jin refused to do it first, so he could not help but raise his hands towards his shoulders and stretch out, there is a long knife there! Hold the long knife handle directly behind the head with both hands, cold light folds in the eyes...

"Drink!" Xiao Yong firmly grasped the handle of the knife, and was directly cut out from top to bottom from the top of his head.

A snow-white blade light rushed towards Su Jin's face at a microsecond speed.

And almost at the moment when Xiao Yong made the drawing action, Su Jin had already started it. Although this blow seemed to be quite tense in the eyes of others, it was just a cut!

Xiao Yong was not disappointed when he saw the blow. If Su Jin was really killed by this blow, he might be disappointed. Almost instantly, his figure disappeared.

An evil red light appeared where Xiao Yong was standing, and Su Jin also missed!

Su Jin suddenly felt pressure in his heart. In terms of strength, this person is much stronger than Li Changnan of the "Daomen"! He just had a meal operation, it was almost perfect, but he was still avoided. You know, that was his fastest speed!

"You can't stay here!" The other people saw Su Jin concealing Xiao Yong. You must know that Su Jin just carried another bounty hunter. Although it only caused minor injuries to that hunter, I'm afraid It took a lot of energy, but Su Jin was still so strong at this time, it made no sense! Therefore, under the same eye contact, several people have the intention to join forces.

"Are you going to go together? Come on, come on!" Su Jin grinned arrogantly. Following his laughter, two scarlet scarlet faces rose on his arms, directly towards each other. Caught it.

Although Xiao Yong frowned and was slightly dissatisfied, he still had deep fear in his eyes, and he also acquiesced to the idea of ​​jointly controlling Su Jin. He watched other people have attacked, and he swung a sword with all his strength.

Su Jin's fighting spirit was overwhelming, and the blood mist rose. At this moment, a red shadow flickered, and his mouth still made a cold voice: "Su Jin, I'll help you!"

"Naughty!" Su Jin was very anxious. Even if he took off after playing with Aji behind him, he would not die, but as soon as he heard the sound, he knew that An Qianyi had appeared, and he was so anxious!

Hong Ying quickly, Su Jin had to withdraw the two long demon heads and wrap them up towards An Qianyi, at the same time, the strength of his whole body also increased to the extreme. Protect An Qianyi from harm!


Su Jin dodged the opponent's attack twice, and finally pulled An Qianyi into his arms with joy. He thought about it. Now it's not the time to blame the goddess. He yelled at Aji behind him: " Aji, you..."

His heart hurt, he couldn't say any more.

The smile condenses--

Su Jin slowly lowered his head, looking at it in disbelief...

Looking at the dagger that had fallen into my heart.

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