My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 813: Will there be a miracle?

"What's your name?"

In a daze, Su Jin fell into the memory. He once asked the beautiful girl like this.

"An Qianyi." In exchange for the icy goddess, she responded coldly, ha ha, it is not an exaggeration to describe her as ice as frost when I saw her for the first time.

From then on, he fell in love with An Qianyi, who cherished her words like gold, especially staying in her elegant and antique hut, holding her little hand quietly, it was a very luxurious enjoyment.

After some time, the two have become familiar with each other.

"Why don't you go out for a walk when it's okay? You will get sick if you are bored in the room." He asked this before and boldly approached her, especially looking at each other, making face-to-face contact at almost zero distance.

"You are getting bolder." An Qianyi responded.

"I'm going, seven words, you actually said seven words to me! Talk more, it's good for you!" Only he knew how happy he was at that time.



"Recently, be careful." She once reminded herself that she naively thought she was just caring.

"I have always been fine. Do you want to tell me something?"

"I don't want you to die." At that time, An Qianyi's gaze seemed very confused, but now that it is very wrong, she still has something to hide from herself.

"The person who can make me die is not born yet, don't worry."

"coming soon."

Scene after scene, like a movie clip, Su Jin quickly flashed through his mind, and the heavy past with An Qian has now become a mystery, a big question mark!

Dong Lie, Lin Bingfan, Sister Lan, including Mad Dog Ji, all watched the scene before them with dull expressions, they couldn't believe it, and they didn't want to believe it!

"Boss!" Dong Lie's body just got up, began to tremble, and screamed frantically.

Master Yi and the old **** stick clenched their fists unconsciously. Once, they were also very optimistic about the kid Su Jin, but now--

"Brother, is this his fate?" Master Yi asked.

"Yes, we reminded him at the beginning, but his weakness is a woman, and he will die in the woman's hands in the end." The old **** stick sighed.

"I should have reminded him just now." Master Yi's face went dark, if the brother didn't stop it.

"It can't be changed, he is the only one who can change."


at this time.

"You are... the ninth person." Su Jin closed his eyes lightly, not wanting to see that beautiful face again. He just saw it and it was An Qianyi, not a illusionist or a pretender.

"Hahaha!" An Qianyi showed a different state than usual, squeezed the handle of Su Jin's heart, smiled but shed tears, "Finally killed you, you wretched man! I said Yes, one day I will kill you myself!"

"Pull it doesn't hurt."

Su Jin said softly, he felt that she was crazy, and it felt as if she had suddenly changed herself, speaking crazy without any reason.

Afterwards, as if feeling something, Su Jin opened his eyes fiercely, trying to push An Qianyi away. Several other people might see that he was not dead yet, and could not help but a wave of attacks coming from the sky.

"Ah----" A few thin, big sword lights passed through An Qianyi's body.

Blood splattered out, her strength, after all, could not withstand other people's attacks!

An Qianyi leaned back, but violently pulled out the dagger inserted into Su Jin's heart with both hands!

What kind of hatred is there that is so persistent in not giving a chance!

Su Jin felt the pain of cutting, the blood from the wound sprayed out like a column, and his body... seemed to be getting weaker and weaker.

My eyes also seemed to be muffled with paper, and I couldn't see clearly.

Too tired, all of this makes people feel like they stop and have a rest. Su Jin slowly fell down, sweet in his mouth, a stream of blood flowed out to the ground, and next to him was lying down. Local...An Qianyi.

There was Dong Lie's roar in front of him. He ran over, but was stopped by Aji. Although Su Jin didn't see it, he could feel that Aji seemed to know something. There was also Zhou Tianhu. He knew that An Qianyi was wrong. Tell him that there are nine people, but eight people appear. Is it all just to make himself dead? If the old guy wants him to die? laborious.

"An Qianyi, Hong Yuji, on the road..." Master Yi's yelling sounded in the ear.

Su Jin's consciousness became more and more blurred, and he was almost at the threshold of annihilation. He vaguely heard Master Yi's call.

An Qian Yi Su Jin knows, but who is Hong Yu Ji!

Unfortunately, Su Jin felt that his limbs no longer had intuition, as if this body was no longer his.

"I can't die... can't die..." Su Jin was plunged into the darkness. In a special state, he kept meditating on this sentence, lying motionless.

"Su Jin? Su Jin?" Master Yi, as a bad guy, could not see anyone else, walked up to Su Jin and called twice.

No reaction at all--

The old **** stick frowned and walked over, in the same way, trying to call out Su Jin's soul, "Su Jin? Su Jin! Get in the car!"

There is no sound either!

"Brother, is he not willing to come out?" Master Yi asked.

"No..." The old **** stick's expression became serious.

"This kid is so ridiculous at this point." Master Yi couldn't laugh or cry. Although it was a pity in his heart, he was fateful. A paper book appeared in his hand and said: "Let's look up the copy of the book. You are right. If he really refuses to come out, we will use the judge's pen to circle his name, so that no matter how strong his spirit is, his soul will have to leave the body. Follow us."

"Alright, just follow what the younger brother said." The old **** stick had nothing to do. They checked before that Su Jin's life is exhausted today. This feeling is only known when he really became a bad guy. There is almost no one. Can escape.

Master Yi turned over the page with Su Jin on the copy of the Book of Life and Death. He turned his hand and took out a cinnabar pen, circled the word'Su Jin' in it, and said in a solemn tone: "Su Jin! Come out, on the road. ...Follow us!"

Almost every copy of the book of life and death has a copy. If you encounter a guy with strong mental power and not very obedient, it is cruel to use this method of naming to teach, because there will be all kinds of things. Torture, such as the pain of the soul and soul, or ninety-nine and eighty-one times of torture, will be imposed on the body, which is a thousand times more terrifying than the top ten tortures in the real world.

"Hey, it's weird!" Master Yi looked at Su Jin's body and then at the circled name on the copy of the book of life and death. He was completely puzzled. This is a strange thing that they have never heard of. Never appeared!


The puzzled Master Yi suddenly changed his face, looking stupidly at the copy of the sudden spontaneous life and death book in his hand, a little at a loss——

Paralysis, not good! Master Yi shook his hand and shook off the copy of Flame Master's Life and Death Book, and almost jumped up, staring at Su Jin firmly.

It seems that Su Jin is not dead!

Will there be... a miracle?

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