My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 817: He just hit me before

Su Jin stared at An Qianyi carefully for a while, but she still didn't respond--

He took a deep breath, and Su Jin observed some small details on An Qianyi's body. Although she was closing her eyes, her eyes moved a few times with her eyelids wrapped.

Without any hesitation, Su Jin reached out and hugged An Qianyi by her legs.

Her weight is about 94 Jin, which is nothing to Su Jin.

"Boss, is she okay?" Dong Lie is really afraid that Su Jin will go crazy now. Everyone can see how important An Qianyi is to the boss.

"I don't know, there should be nothing wrong." Su Jin couldn't hide his anger in his tone, "Go back first, I'll find someone to settle the account!"

This matter is not about Dong Lie's business, so Su Jin will not be angry with him, but these insiders, including the old guy, the planner, will definitely receive a strong response from him, he swears!

Su Jin stopped paying attention to the others and asked Dong Lie to follow him, then hugged An Qianyi quickly and drove away.

"Young Master..." In the earphone, it took a long time for Zhou Tianhu's voice to be heard. This Young Master's tone was full of helplessness.

Su Jin heard Zhou Tianhu's voice and knelt down, put An Qianyi on his lap, took out the earplugs with one hand, and before falling to the ground, he cursed, "Fuck you!"

If An Qianyi is okay, that's the best. The account always needs to be settled. He can leave the blame for other things, but if such a big thing deceives him, he will not give up without giving an explanation.

Soon after, the sound of the car moving, this time Dong Lie became the driver...


Gu Shuzhai was also in a mess at this time, and Tao Xiaolang and the others had already gathered back.

Among them, Sister Qin's face was flustered, and as time went on, her heart became more and more difficult.

"Don't worry, my husband will forgive you." Wang Mei Niu was sitting on the sofa stupidly, and she dangled on the side of the sofa with her bare feet.

"He is so smart, he can definitely guess that it was An Qianyi who I let go..." Sister Qin sighed.

"But what about guessing it? Can you stop her?" Tao Xiaolang said.

"You don't understand..."

"Okay, are you tired from living like this? Huh? Brother Su seems to be back!" Wang Mei Niu pointed to the two car lights coming by outside the door, and then a car slowly stopped.

Sister Qin was shocked.

"Dong Lie, you go back first." Su Jin's tone was flat, without stopping, holding An Qianyi and walking into Gu Shuzhai.

Dong Lie thought for a while and still didn't leave. After Su Jin walked in, he watched the boss go upstairs straight, without even saying a word to the other women downstairs.

Calm, calm as before the storm broke out!

Lively like Wang Mei Niu, seeing Su Jin's cold face, she didn't dare to show the atmosphere, Qin's face was very complicated at this time.

When Su Jin walked into An Qianyi's room, Wang Mei Niu pretended to say relaxedly: "Sister Qin, look, he is very calm, there is nothing at all."

"Maybe... people haven't come together yet." Sister Qin smiled bitterly: "The more he is like this, the more scared I am."

"I don't understand you." Wang Mei Niu shook her head.

In the room, Su Jin put An Qianyi flat on the bed and listened to her even breathing. Although he didn't know why An Qianyi hadn't woke up yet, he was pretty sure that it was only a matter of time before she woke up. She sleeps well, anyway, she has always been a very quiet goddess.

Su Jin likes to look at her quiet appearance, always likes it, even if he doesn't say a word to her, he just holds her hand and feels the strange slow-paced life, he thinks it is very good.

Holding that snow-white slender little hand, time passed slowly by one minute and one second.

About an hour later.

Su Jin's face was full of coldness, and he stood up very simply. During this period, Zhou Tianhu and the others had all returned! He wanted to know, Zhou Tianhu, Sister Lan, including the **** Lin Bingfan, he wanted to know what kind of answer they would give himself! He was obviously his own, but he was designed by his own!

Holding his trouser pocket, Su Jin strode down.

Zhou Tianhu's face was red, and I didn't know if it was because of nervousness or something else. He slanted his head, and Sister Wang Lan, who was on the side, also lowered his head. After they came back, they didn't even dare to sit down!

Sister Qin looked at Su Jin, her face pale for a while, and she gently stood up from her seat.

Su Jin glanced over each person one by one and smiled: "What are you doing so nervously, relax, Lin Bingfan, come out with me."

Lin Bingfan tugged at the corner of his mouth, and then walked out the door as he watched, with a wry smile on his face.

"Be careful." Mad Dog Ji hid his face and wept bitterly, and said pitifully to a few people: "He just beat me before—"

Lin Bingfan:...

No way, Su Jin called him, and he had to go out!

Seeing Lin Bingfan walking out, Mad Dog Ji said, "It looks like the boss is asking everyone to be named one by one. Fortunately, fortunately, he already..."

Before the words fell, screams came from outside the door--

Mad Dog Ji swallowed, and your eyes were all asking for happiness.

"I'm not afraid." Sister Lan snorted softly.

As the king of the ball, she has her own pride. As I said earlier, if she doesn't die, she will strengthen Su Jin! This time, she was planning to take actual action, and Su Jin couldn't run out of her palm!

Not long after the screams lasted, a few people saw an unrecognizable young man covering his face with one hand. He walked in, his voice changed, and said, "Brother Tiger, the young master is calling you."

It turned out to be Lin Bingfan! Where does he still have the handsome appearance of the past? All those who saw him being beaten now sympathized with him. Su Jin was really cruel to the handsome guy!

Zhou Tianhu felt guilty when he heard this.

In terms of age, he is much older than Su Jin. In terms of grades, he is short of Su Jin. He still has a long way to go. So Su Jin still keeps calling him Brother Tiger. What happened today, everyone did not authentically, but There is something in it, the young master is not clear!

Stepping forward, Zhou Tianhu walked out and watched Su Jin sucking a cigarette under the dim yellow street lamp.

Seeing Zhou Tianhu approaching, Su Jin took out a cigarette and handed him one.

Zhou Tianhu nodded and took it. The smoke was still the same as before, very bitter and spicy.

"Brother Tiger, talk while walking." Su Jin has already started.

Only then did Zhou Tianhu relax. From what he thought, Su Jin was just licking his mouth. He had nothing to say. Now he was treated like this and he was very polite!

"Young Master, I know some of the reasons, and now I will tell you everything I know!" Zhou Tianhu exhaled a deep breath, walked side by side with Su Jin, and said.

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