My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 818: On departure

What Su Jin wants is Zhou Tianhu's words-

"Actually, Qianyi had to hide this matter from the young master as a last resort." Zhou Tianhu's face was serious, "Sister Qianyi asked for this."

"She asked for it?" Su Jin opened his eyes wide, and didn't expect Zhou Tianhu to answer that way.

"Yes." Zhou Tianhu smiled bitterly, "It's just that I didn't expect the consequences to be so serious, and it was the old master's instruction to hide it from you."

"Tell me why she did this." Su Jin couldn't figure it out.

Zhou Tianhu said, "Young Master, haven't you actually felt it? Originally, An Qianyi was damned in the mission of the blood temple in Ozeril last time... But the old master dragged it there for some reason. At this point. With the strength of the dragon's teeth above, it was impossible not to be able to draw people."

Su Jin felt strange at the time! Only send An Qianyi to go alone! But why would the old guy want to kill her? You know, she was the one who used to follow the old guy, and she had a great influence in Longya.

Could it be--

Is it related to that Red Yuji?

"Red Yuji..." Su Jin's eyes flashed with cold light.

"Yes, the young master is really smart." Zhou Tianhu sighed, "Actually, An Qianyi has been fighting the man named Hongyu Ji in her body. If she doesn't take the initiative to explain all this, I am afraid that even the old master will not know. "

"What is the reason, why is there a Hongyu Ji dormant in her body?" Su Jin frowned.

"I don't know about this. I heard from the old master that this Red Yuji seems to have something to do with the young master. She wanted to put the young master to death. An Qianyi found me alone and gave me a dagger. , Let me kill her.” Zhou Tianhu said a secret, “The young master likes her so much, how could I do that? She said that it’s too late and I don’t know how long I can live. In order not to hurt you, she would rather Let me kill her, and she couldn't even do suicide. At that time, I felt it was very serious and only reported to the old master. Our Longya will arrange a lot of life and death tasks every day. Zeriel’s mission is for her to die in the mission, so you won’t know how to..."

"Then why did the old guy change his mind again, call me and ask me to save her?" Su Jin asked.

"It has to be said that the old master really cares about you, and he becomes more and more uncomfortable. Just imagine that there are so many powerful people in Longya. If An Qianyi is deliberately arranged to be alone, the mission fails, causing her to die. How does that young master think of him?" Zhou Tianhu said.

"So, just keep dragging it down."

"Yes, I have been procrastinating. I dragged it to the end, and even just almost killed the young master. It was too fast at the time. Maybe the consciousness of Hong Yuji took over the body of Sister Qianyi. I had told Lin Bingfan before. Sister Lan, if things are not right, shoot..."

"Humph!" Su Jin sneered, "Although it happened so quickly that Sister Lan didn't have a chance, Lin Bingfan and Aji definitely have a chance! It seems that I blamed them! But you are hiding from me and do not discuss with me. The problem is a big mistake!"

"Yes." Zhou Tianhu admitted honestly.

"Fortunately, it didn't cause a big mistake, Young Master is fine."

"It doesn't matter if I have something to do, it doesn't matter if Qianyi is fine!"

"Then... what should sister Qianyi do now?" Zhou Tianhu felt really tricky.

"What to do? The Hong Yuji has been taken away by the gangster, Qianyi was brought back by me, and she will be beautiful in the future, and she will no longer be harassed by Hong Yuji!" Su Jin hummed lightly.

"Really?" Zhou Tianhu's eyes lit up.

"Of course it's true. You don't have to worry about her anymore, Hong Yuji won't show up again." Su Jin said.

"If that's the case, naturally the best." Zhou Tianhu was relieved.

At the same time, Su Jin was very puzzled in his heart, Hong Yuji...what is the relationship with him? He has a very good memory, and he doesn't know what hatred he has with the other party. How much resentment does it take to do it?

For some reason, even though Su Jin said to Zhou Tianhu, he still faintly realized... Hong Yuji didn't seem to give up so easily.

But in order to dispel Zhou Tianhu and the others' worries, he still said that. He had no choice but to hope that Hong Yuji would leave with the old gods and them, reincarnated and reincarnated as a human again, just don't pester him.

Su Jin and Zhou Tianhu talked a lot...

The dimly yellow street lights keep one after the other, but in the black sky, there is always a dark shadow across the night. If you look closely, you will find a bird-like little beast is conscientiously at the highest point in the dark. Observing the surroundings, there is no sound.

Finally, Su Jin and Zhou Tianhu returned to Gu Shuzhai.

Without saying a word to other people, he went upstairs and opened the door of An Qianyi's room. So far he has not come out all night.


A ray of sunlight came in from the window, and Su Jin was lying on the side of the bed, tilting his head, and sleeping beside An Qianyi.

After a while, Su Jin opened his eyes lightly, shook his head, smiled at An Qianyi who was closing his eyes, and said: "I really don't understand. I obviously woke up after three o'clock and closed my eyes. Is it uncomfortable?"

Hearing Su Jin's words, two tears rolled from the corner of An Qianyi's eyes. She really woke up, but she didn't know how to face Su Jin. Last night... she almost killed Su Jin.

"Okay!" Su Jin sighed deeply, got up and said, "Anyway, I'm fine, and I don't mean to blame you at all. Don't feel pressure. I'm going abroad these days and I can't see you. ."

After speaking, she shook her little hand, leaned over and kissed the red lips, smiled and put on her pants pocket, turned and walked to the door, and opened the door.

"I think..." At this moment, An Qianyi suddenly spoke.

Su Jin stopped and didn't look back. He knew that An Qianyi must be watching him now, and he asked softly, "What do you think?"

"I want... to marry you." Two blushes appeared on An Qianyi's face.

Su Jin's eyes lit up, "Haha, take a good rest! When I return from abroad, I will marry you!"

Afraid of An Qianyi’s embarrassment, Su Jin walked out the door after finishing speaking. In fact, the official Su was very excited now, and he also scolded himself for being too stupid at the critical moment. The first time I saw An Qianyi wearing it yesterday It should be thought of when the clothes are so festive! Who knows, that kind of thing will happen later! However, it's all over now! The trend is great!

Leaving Gu Shuzhai happily, even Wang Xiaojun was surprised. Su Jin took the initiative to say hello to him, which was unimaginable before! But the young master is happy.

Su Jin then drove all the way back to the Xia Group. If it counts well, his wife should call him in a hurry.

Back at the Xia Group, he rushed to his wife's president's office.

"Don't hurry, you can see me soon!" Su Jin hung up Xia Yuyan's call in the elevator, and when the elevator door opened, he hurriedly walked to the president's office.

Open the door——

After seeing the situation in the room, Su Jin's heart couldn't help but stared blankly at a beautiful temperament next to Xia Yuyan...

Damn it, shouldn't she go too!

Second Olympics! Want to play ball!

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