My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 820: Can you blow harder?

No morals-

No bottom line!

"President Husband, you should be good at this, right?" Chen Zhiyu said stabbingly.

Deliberately pretending to jump off the building, so as to forcefully kiss himself, and also tell a lot of truth, use her mentality to not tell the matter, what other superb man can do such an unethical thing?

"You all know this! I am indeed very good at it." Su Jin confessed openly, driving the car without looking back, and said with a smile: "Then I said it."

"Say it." Chen Zhiyu squinted and looked at him coldly.

The official Su said with a smile: "Recently, an American farmer planted a sweet potato. Because of the windy horse fleas, he said in an interview that he couldn't bear to eat it."

Chen Zhihui:...

Xia Yuyan:...

"Shut up." Xia Yuyan rubbed her cheeks with blushes.

She knew that Su Jin was not good at speaking out. What is all about this? If you continue to ask, he will definitely be bullied invisibly. If she is alone with this guy, it will be okay. The problem is that you can sit back Is there Chen Zhihui?

As Su Jin's wife, she blushed, and Chen Zhiyu was not much better. She went on to say: "No wonder the president likes you. You can tell such jokes casually."

Su Jin frowned slightly. Chen Zhiyu's words meant to remind his wife that he was good at picking up girls?

"She likes me because of revolutionary needs, know?" Su Jin snorted.

"It's so stinky, concentrate on driving!" Xia Yuyan glanced at him, being able to speak so cheaply, and still being indifferent, like no one in the world——

"Wife, tell her, do you like me?" Su Jin looked like you couldn't deceive me.

"I don't like it!" Xia Yuyan replied simply.

Chen Zhihui also said at this time: "The president's husband is too self-confident, and I still believe that there are still many decent and good men in the world."

This is to scold myself for being serious, and I want to provoke my feelings with his wife.

Su Jin raised his eyebrows sharply and said in a rather serious tone: "Miss Chen, please pay attention to your words. I know that because of my looks and ability, many girls in the group have a crush on me and admire me, but they are so handsome. The attention received by so many people is not what I really want to see in my heart. You should also be able to hear it. I am very helpless. I have seen a psychologist because of my appearance. The psychologist is a sister. When I saw me , I exclaimed, you are so handsome... I... I ran away and I had no way. This is a worldwide problem that cannot be solved. I have been unhappy since I was a child, why have I never been University? Because I didn’t lay a good foundation since I was a child, it’s not that I didn’t want to, but as soon as I entered the kindergarten, all the little girls in the school rushed to kiss me and swelled my face into a watermelon... That kind of pain, you are forever I can't experience it."

"Can you blow harder?" Xia Yuyan asked with a smile on her face and her eyes wide open.

"I am more than 20 years old, and my name is Su Jin, handsome and handsome. I learned literature at 7 years old, learned martial arts at 9 years old, can pick up girls at 13 years old, knows astronomy and geography at the bottom of my life, every time I go out, I often attract beautiful women to look back. The handsome guy jumped off the building. He was kind-hearted and helpful. In a Chinese class in elementary school, the teacher explained the meaning of the word'handsome'. I was puzzled. I secretly handed a small mirror at the same table. I took a photo: Oh, I understood in an instant ."

Su Jin's face was not red and heartbeat, and he didn't care that the two women were already dumbfounded. Then he went on and said: "It is said that after birth, my grandfather has glaucoma for more than ten years, and he has been unable to distinguish between a person and a dog one meter away. When my mother hugged me and appeared in front of him, the old man always burst into tears and kept his eyes open. He never saw the sun, saying that he did not want to see people again, so as to avoid endless troubles.

"Haha." Xia Yuyan finally couldn't help laughing twice.

Although Chen Zhimao had some opinions on Su Jin, she was a **** who could say this. She smiled no weaker than Xia Yuyan.

"Wife, you smiled, it's so beautiful." Su Jin glanced at Xia Yuyan, and said with a daze.

"Don't tell me, you are very handsome, let's go!" Xia Yuyan felt like holding her stomach, the power of this joke is really strong——

"I can feel that you really said this sentence." Su Jin responded.

Chen Zhihui:...

The car hurried to the airport quickly--

The joy is endless during this period.

If the president went with herself, the atmosphere might not be so good, Chen Zhiyu thought, but no matter what, Su Jin would be the one who kissed her unreasonably. She felt that she could never be coaxed by him. People can still stay as far away as possible!

Qincheng Airport.

Su Jin parked the car and the three got off.

But who knows, after getting out of the car, regardless of men and women, their eyes are cast over, as if everyone's eyes are contagious, all of them are swept away...

"Now you know, I'm not bragging, right?" Su Jin took off the blue light glasses and said lightly.


Chen Zhiyi couldn't help but said, "Is the president too good today?"

"This is not right or right." Su Jin chuckled lightly, "No one in this world is qualified to be by Yuyan's side except me."

"My husband is too handsome." Xia Yuyan gave Su Jin this face, and then took the lead and walked towards the airport gate.

Chen Zhihui found that she was too stupid. The president and Su Jin were in the same family, so naturally they helped Su Jin to speak!

Su Jin walked past Chen Zhiyu, smiled and said softly, "liar little liar."

Chen Zhihui collapsed a bit-

She really didn't lie, Su Jin is really not very handsome! Crazy crazy, she's going crazy!

Finally, Chen Zhiyi stomped her feet severely before trotting to follow.

The three entered the airport.

It was about ten minutes before I boarded the plane. Su Jin felt quite looking forward to the upcoming trip to New York. Imagine that there were ‘canaries’ everywhere. It was completely exotic, so how could it feel bad.

But Su Jin would not be comfortable either. After all, he was not in Qincheng for a few days. If something abnormal happened, he might not have handled it well here in Qincheng. He didn't know when Lin Bingfan and Aji arrived, he was better than them. It's for sure to go to New York first.

"I'm going..." Su Jinzheng wanted to tell Xia Yuyan to go to the bathroom first, when the mobile phone in his pocket rang.

Su Jin took it out and took a look, and then said to the two women: "I'll answer the phone."

"Just pick it up here." Xia Yuyan pursed her mouth.

Afraid of being a woman's phone?

Su Jin nodded, put one hand into his trouser pocket, put the phone to his ear, and said, "Brother Tiger."

"Young Master. Something happened to your brother!" Zhou Tianhu reported a very bad news.

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