My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 821: Who can control this kid!

"Who." Su Jin moved in his heart.

Then Zhou Tianhu's voice came from the phone, "Zhang Xingxing, the one from the Film and Television Academy."

"What can happen to him?" Su Jin was puzzled. He had already helped Zhang Xingxing solve You Mingjie's affair before. If You Mingjie is not an idiot, he shouldn't bother him again. Is it itchy again? ?

"Just last night, this kid entered the hospital and stabbed a rich second-generation named You Mingjie!" Zhou Tianhu said.

"Stuck it?" Su Jin raised his tone.

Second Austria-

I really didn't see that this kid still has such courage!

But why? Didn't this cause him trouble? Everyone knows that he Zhang Xingxing is his own cover, not only that, but I also plan to sign a contract for him with a million, this kid has no future? Fight with enemies?

"How is You Mingjie?" Su Jin glanced at Xia Yuyan and knew that the two women had obviously heard what he had just said.

"It's not dead, but it's also abolished. Zhang Xingxing stabbed twice, one of which was clearly directed at the opponent, and he is still in the ICU." Zhou Tianhu said on the phone.

Su Jin said with a hum, "Where is Zhang Xingxing?"

"This kid is really tough. He ran out and surrendered to the police station." Zhou Tianhu said: "I also just received the news, young master, this matter..."

"Give you half a day to settle things." Su Jin said lightly, "You Ming is outstanding about this. His family will definitely not let it go. I think you should know how to do it and tell them that it's still light. We will pay the compensation in advance. Don't make compensation. Don't even think about getting anything. Su Jin, I don't mind playing with them."

"Yes." Zhou Tianhu then hung up the phone.

Su Jin secretly had a headache. What happened to make Zhang Xingxing so angry and to abolish people? Before this kid's courage, a little richer and more powerful, can scare him to the ground by farting.

Could it be--

Is it because of the girl named Xiao Qian?


Su Jin received the phone in his pocket and looked at the expressions of the two women with strange expressions. He couldn't help but curiously asked, "What are you doing looking at me like this?"

"What's going on? It feels very serious." Xia Yuyan said nervously.

"It's nothing, a potential newcomer who just signed a contract with the company. He dismissed a rich second-generation for a girl." Su Jin said with a cold expression, "The young people nowadays are just not sensible. It's like me--"

"You? Are you still sensible?" Xia Yuyan doesn't feel like...

"Yeah, that kid doesn't do things cleanly, anticlimactic, with that kind of energy, just go ahead, don't do it or not, it would be great to kill people." Su Jin said.

"You, you." Chen Zhimao's face turned pale, and then said angrily: "Are you scaring us?"

"When you say scare, you mean scare." Su Jin spread his hand.

What else can he say--

"Is it serious, do you want to go back?" Xia Yuyan said. She had heard her father say that Su Jin has a big backer and a big identity. Saying this is definitely not bragging, it just depends on him. Think about it.

"It's not a big deal. Send someone to get him out in half an hour." Su Jin waved his hand and said, "I'm lazy to make a call, otherwise it would be fine."

"Sister President, your husband can really blow." Chen Zhiyu has seen Su Jin's best in these days.

Xia Yuyan narrowed her mouth and said in a low voice, "He can."

Chen Zhihui still heard the president's response, and couldn't help taking a breath, staring tightly on Su Jin's face, this guy--

Supernatural powers are vast.

Chen Zhihui feels that she must be careful, this guy can easily settle this kind of thing, it seems that this trip to New York is very dangerous for her...if he has that kind of thought to himself.

I can't imagine it!

At this point, Chen Zhiyu didn't think much anymore, took out three tickets from his pocket, and said, "The green channel is open, and the boarding window is over there."

"Let's go." Xia Yuyan got up and said to Su and Jin.

Without hesitation, the two followed suit.



I heard the announcer spreading knowledge about safety and precautions. Su Jin and the others did not bring much. The journey was only on the plane and it took a day to go back and forth. Xia Yuyan was really careful. The cabin was first class. All three of them work together.

I don’t agree that Su Jin has ever been on any plane. I don’t know if it’s a special reason for the first-class cabin. There is a lot of space here, and every location can be regarded as a small air room, and even the special design can even shower in the air. The velvet seat can be flattened into a small bed about two meters, which is tantamount to having a private space of your own.

If you want, you can close the electronic door with your friends and enjoy a small gathering between relatives and friends.

Everything is perfect and exquisite. But it is also very expensive.


There is also a golden flight attendant.

Su Jin's eyes lit up, and he already found a smiling American flight attendant approaching here.

Xia Yuyan had already opened the three-person space door, and the space suddenly increased a lot.

"Hi." Su Jin called.

"Sir, is there any need?"

Huaxia speaks quite well.

As for the needs-you can't meet them.

Su Jin thought to himself, then turned to look at his wife and Chen Zhiyi, and asked, "What do you want to drink?"

"Champagne." Xia Yuyan said.

"Okay." Su Jin said to the American flight attendant: "Two bottles of champagne."

"Please wait."

Su Jin looked at her back, she was a beautiful woman, and her skin could be seen, she was white...This leg can be so white without skin care products, especially when she saw her blue eyes just now. Master feels very tasteful.

"The 13-hour journey requires jet lag...I haven't read the prepared information yet." Xia Yuyan stretched out his hand while saying, Chen Zhihui took out the laptop knowingly and handed it to her.

"Wife, isn't it-you still have to work on the plane?" Su Jin asked in surprise.

"Why don't you work?" Xia Yuyan gave him a white glance.

"Play games." Su Jin said.

"What game to play?" Xia Yuyan was taken aback.

I have to say, she thought a little bit more--

Su Jin pointed to a large virtual screen in front of him, with a delicate handle underneath, and said: "Watching TV, watching movies, playing games..."

"Let's play." Xia Yuyan shook her head and stared at the laptop.

Chen Zhiyi and Su Jin looked at each other, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little more subtle.

"Then I will play with you?" Su Jin asked Chen Zhiyu with a smile.


Too bold!

What is playing with me?

Hey, your wife is here! God, who can control this kid?

Chen Zhihui immediately looked at Su Jin foolishly...

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