My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 826: Nameless island

As one of the best beautiful employees in the company, Chen Zhihui has an arrogant personality and is not approachable. Now, she looked at Su Jin nervously.

Su Jin was sitting and enjoying the blessings of the people, looking at the top of her messy shirt, the collar of a button that he had secretly torn off before, his body couldn't help but feel hot.

Among them... faintly from the soaked state, there are two touches of pink cloth, it is those two pink cloths that wrap the protruding peaks——

"Still don't watch it." Su Jin shook his head slightly, "I'm afraid to scare you. I didn't catch you on purpose just now because it hurts too much. I have to find a way to relieve the pain."

"You, let me have a look!" Chen Zhiyi squatted down.

Su Jin still wanted to refuse, but after thinking about how she would see it, she agreed...

Following that, he was helped by Chen Zhiyi to sit down.

After seeing Su Jin's state, Chen Zhiyu took a breath... and looked dumb—

Can a person survive such a severe injury?

Su Jin's injuries were burns and contusions. If it was a small area, it would be fine, but his entire back was bloody, and there were some fragments inserted in the flesh, constantly bleeding.

Su Jin's injury was caused by the heat wave mixed with fragments after he ejected from the plane. He just cared too much about the two beauties, one of whom was his wife. How could he not give all his strength to protect him? But he did not expect that the burst of energy would be so terrifying, it would directly hurt him!

After he was out of danger, he felt the pain.

To be honest, Chen Zhiyu looked at his injury, tears of fright rolling in her eyes. She didn't understand why she and the president were not injured, but Su Jin was injured so badly. This guy has special skills and must be protected by him. Myself and the president, but myself--

"What to do..." Chen Zhiyu couldn't bear to look directly at his injury.

"I don't know." Su Jin shook his head, "Find an island first. Someone is best, but if there is no one, wait until the wound is treated."

"Yeah." Chen Zhiyu looked at Su Jin and said softly, "Thank you."

"No thanks, it's a pity that you found out. I have always done good deeds without leaving a name." Su Jin groaned, his shoulders moved, but the pain was unbearable.

It seemed that this injury was a serious one, but there must be some blessings if you survived a catastrophe, and he felt very lucky.


Soon, on an unknown island.

The small island is quite big, about three or four kilometers in diameter. Since coming down, Su Jin hasn’t seen any traces of anyone. Think about it, this is the Atlantic Ocean, and it’s far from New York. Where can anyone exist? !

Su Jin found a stone cave. I don't know where the beast lives. It is surrounded by towering trees. The beach is 100 meters in front, which looks pretty good.

At this time Xia Yuyan was still asleep, Su Jin put her down on the stone wall, raised her head and said to Chen Zhiyu: "You have to do me a favor."

"How to help?" Chen Zhiyu asked.

"Pull out the fragments of the wound." Su Jin said lightly, "Are you competent?"

"I haven't done it, I can try it!"

Now there is no other person, Chen Zhiyu can't do it, she can only do it!

"Okay, come!" Su Jin sat down, he must hurry up to treat the wound and recover from the injury, otherwise he will waste time on the journey!

Chen Zhiyi came to Su Jin's side, looked at the horrible wound, and said, "You bear it."

After speaking, she stretched out her hand tremblingly, and gently pinched the exposed piece of blood-stained fragment. This should be a small piece of body material fragment, about four centimeters in the exposed area. I don’t know how much it was exposed long.

After hesitating, Chen Zhiyu's face was anxious, but there was no movement in her hands.

"Pull!" Su Jin said in a deep voice.

"You will be very painful, without anesthetics—"

"Hehe, Miss Chen, who has always hated me, actually cares about my pain or not? You don't want me to die?" Su Jin's voice fell, and his hand gently squeezed the snow-white legs of Chen Zhiyu's skirt...

Chen Zhiyu gave a burst of anger, and directly pulled out the pieces...


Second Oneima, it hurts!

This girl really hates herself, her actions are simply swift.

"Does it hurt?" Chen Zhiyu found out that she seemed to have made a mistake and asked hurriedly.

Su Jin panted heavily, sweat dripping from his forehead, shook his head and said: "It doesn't hurt! Come, treat me as your murderer's father and enemy, and quickly clean up the debris."

In the next movement, Chen Zhihui was more careful. After about ten minutes passed, all the debris, including the parts she had opened the wound and checked with her hand, had been removed.

Official Su has never been so embarrassed!

"Your eyes are so terrible." Chen Zhiyi couldn't help saying after finishing the work, looking at Su Jin's face.

That is real red...

"I don't know why, I am very angry now." Su Jin gritted his teeth, "It is the kind of anger that can't be suppressed..."

"This is a natural disaster, it's already very good to survive!" Chen Zhiyu said, anyway, she felt so.

"You go away... I'm afraid, I will shoot you." Su Jin closed his eyes fiercely, running the technique with all his strength, trying to suppress the mania in his heart.

"We are all fine, why are you angry, don't be angry—"

Chen Zhiyu comforted, where there was the high cold when meeting her before boarding the plane, she didn't even know why she couldn't get angry with Su Jin now, and he became more and more pleasing to her eyes.

How many people in the world can take people down from a height of 10,000 meters to achieve this calmness...

Not to mention, it is a miracle that the three of them can survive!

"Don't be long-winded! Get out!" Su Jin cursed.

"You, I kindly advise you, you actually... I'm so angry!" Chen Zhiyi suddenly became angry, staring at Su Jin with wide eyes, and was about to get up.

However, when she was about to get up, Su Jin suddenly grabbed her arm.

"Why..." Chen Zhiyu stiffened.

A wicked smile appeared at the corner of Su Jin's mouth, and his eyes opened suddenly...


Red like blood!

"Su...Su Jin." Chen Zhiyu shook his big hand that was holding his arm, but didn't shake it off.

But after she did this action, Su Jin gently applied force and she was pushed to the ground!

Then a sturdy man, propped on the ground with both hands, pressed her tightly on top of Chen Zhiyu, in front of a fierce breath.

Chen Zhiyu's small mouth opened slightly, and the peak man who was propped up high in front of her was feeling the pressure brought by that strong chest!

"Su Jin! Do you think... what do you want to do..." Chen Zhiyu asked with a trembling voice in a scared tone.

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