My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 827: Angry wave thousand feet

Chen Zhihui had never seen such a terrible side of Su Jin.

This action was simply too frantic, as if he couldn't control his behavior and became a beast.

Now Chen Zhiyu’s only feeling is that his body is as heavy as being held down by a big mountain, and he won’t be able to push him--


Panting heavily, Su Jin arched her jade neck with her big mouth, and kept downward...

A **** the fragrant shoulder was torn off, revealing a small piece of white skin.

Then, a big mouth appeared on the peak.

Hold it!

Chen Zhimao shook her body, her eyes closed tightly, two tears slipped from the corners of her eyes. At this time, she was desperate in her heart. Why... do it to her.

"Ah----" Su Jin stopped abruptly, his sudden headache made him yell, and he got up from Chen Zhiyu, and ran out of the cave...

On the beach, under the blue sky, the wind was very strong, and the original snow-white waves came and disappeared.

"Daoxin seeding a demon!" Su Jin had a splitting headache, and the sweat on his forehead not only dripped down, he held his head and shouted from the sky: "If I want to be such a demon, I would rather not plant a demon!"

The explosive atmosphere emerged, Su Jin's eyes were filled with red light, and he stepped heavily on the beach, the whole thing was like an arrow, soaring into the air, and directly ejected into the sea!

Chen Zhihuan in the stone cave wiped away her tears. She naturally heard Su Jin's roar. Now, although she was lucky to escape in an air crash, how could they survive without Su Jin on this uninhabited island? Moreover, she felt that Su Jin really wanted to do the situation just now, although she didn't know why he stopped suddenly.

Regardless of being shy, she lifted the top of the pink cloth that was full of peaks, where the straps broke. She had only this way, and then fastened the coat buttons so that it wouldn't be too bad, and she chased them out.

But out of the cave, the sight in front of her made her look stupidly.

Like being pushed by a very large bulldozer, there is a two to three-meter passage in the middle of the dense jungle. The trees are all gone, and the ground is covered with black ash. If you use a metaphor, it’s like shaving your hair. Yes, a path was cut out smoothly.

Without thinking about it, she followed this passage between the woods, all the way to the beach.

But what about Sujin?

There was a touch of fear in Chen Zhihui's heart. If Su Jin were not present at this time, she would not even dare to think whether she and the president would survive here.

What is certain is that Su Jin did arrive here just now, but where can he go in such a short time?

One minute, five minutes, ten minutes passed.

Chen Zhiyu's inner panic is getting stronger, what can she do now? Nothing can be done!


Under Chen Zhihui's inadvertent gaze, she noticed that the sea in the same place seemed to be a little unusual!

Suddenly, on the original sea surface, a large area of ​​sea water suddenly lifted and lifted, then lifted again...

It's like a water mountain rising from the ground, the blue color, although it looks very beautiful, it is also a little bit strange!

Soon Chen Zhimao took two steps back in fright. The swept sea water turned scarlet, and there were faint faces on it, making all kinds of expressions, either happy, angry, sad, or happy, but more There are so many hideous expressions! More importantly, the rising sea water also lifted too high, at least several hundred meters!


Water splashing...

Waves surged to the sofa where Chen Zhiyu was, and her face paled in shock.

But soon, she was struggling in the sea, a persistent arm wrapped her willow waist, and quickly led her to a safer beach.

The short vision only lasted less than a minute, the water wave subsided, and the beach was calm again.

Black hair, black eyes, strong physique! Who is Su Jin who appeared in front of Chen Zhiyu?

Su Jin just couldn’t control himself, he couldn’t help but got into the depths of the sea. He wanted to dissipate the energy in the body first, so that he might return to normal as soon as possible. Who knew that the movement was so big, he didn’t expect it. Fortunately, he is now back to normal.

"You, are you okay?" Chen Zhiyi couldn't help but stared at Su Jin and asked.

"I have peerless martial arts, but something goes wrong, and sometimes I can't control myself, so it scares you." Su Jin looked at her quietly and said.

"Is anyone so good?"

Chen Zhihui had curious eyes. If she hadn't seen Su Jin's performance, she would definitely not believe it, but from jumping off the plane to the person who just appeared in front of her to prove the huge wave, it was all true.

"If you believe it is true, if you don't believe it is false, why ask so much." Su Jin shook his head. After speaking, he glanced at the peak in front of her more, "Beauty, your clothes are soaked."

Not to mention it’s okay, it may be because the weather was too hot. She didn’t feel the state of her body. After Su Jin’s reminder, her little face turned red. Moreover, Su Jin looked at her like this. She felt uncomfortable all over, and she seemed to dodge.

"You go to see the rain and smoke first, I'll find some firewood and food, and when the state recovers, we will hurry." Su Jin turned around and left. It seems that this is not a good place to stay. They always want to return to humans. international.

Chen Zhihui looked at Su Jin's back in the same place for a long time. For the first time, she had a great curiosity about a man, such as how he practiced his peerless martial arts...


In the cave.

Su Jin came back twice in a row.

For the first time, I brought a lot of dry wood back and set up a fire for the two women. At this time, the wife was still not awake.

This second time, he brought a few chubby coconuts, each of which was big and green, and you could get sweet juice by knocking it on.

"Do you want to wake up the president?" Chen Zhiyu asked.

"No." Su Jin smiled and sent two coconuts to Chen Zhiyu, "Which one to drink?"

Chen Zhihui glanced around, and she was in a good mood. When she raised her hand to take it, she felt something was wrong.

Slapped down--

"Su Jin! You are too bold!" Chen Zhimao scolded with flushed face.

"What are you doing... Is there anything wrong?" Su Jin asked innocently.

"You are so cheap, does your wife know?" Chen Zhiyu lowered her voice. Just now, this guy put the coconut in front of her. That position is so embarrassing to look at! This guy is definitely on purpose, absolutely!

"I don't understand what you are talking about." Su Jin knocked on a coconut alone, took two sips, and handed it to Chen Zhiyu: "Drink."

"Who wants something you've drunk!" Chen Zhiyu said. Seeing Su Jin was about to take the coconut back again, she immediately hugged the coconut with an unkind expression, "I am a refugee now, can't I drink it!"

At this time, she found that Su Jin's expression was wrong, as if... as if he had noticed something...

Su Jin stared at her blankly. If she remembers correctly, one of the straps she was wearing was torn off by herself, but when she was out, she seemed to be gone?

Well, he has to look carefully!

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