My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 832: Leave the island

Chen Zhiyi is actually working hard!

I saw Chen Zhimao dragging heavy woods, and the gray face was fluttering with dust. It seemed to have a different taste, a little embarrassed——

Xia Yuyan looked at Chen Zhiyu, then focused on Su Jin's face, and asked, "Why do you let her do this as a girl..."

"Wife, who will do it if she doesn't do it? Is there anyone else?" Su Jin asked.

"You." Xia Yuyan said.

"Me?" Su Jin pointed to his face and said seriously: "I am wounded..."

Xia Yuyan suddenly, she had forgotten about it, but there was such a big man as Su Jin on the scene, so she instinctively said about him.

Seeing Xia Yuyan's face eased, Su Jin said, "Look, her body is good for exercise, except where there should be meat, which is thinner!"

"But your injury is healed!" Chen Zhiyu put the heavy wood on the still smoking ashes and said: "You did it on purpose."

"Miss Chen, if you don't have such a slander, can the injury be so fast? Besides, on the surface, there are no internal injuries?" Su Jin pointed to the edge of the wood, and then said: "Wait for the fire. , Just put the little wild boar on the fire, about ten minutes, and we will set off after breakfast."

The corners of Chen Zhimao’s mouth were slightly raised, and she stared at Su Jin squintly. Even if she has more dissatisfaction now, she can’t be honest with this guy. Who made him really hurt? From her point of view, Su Jin was clearly just in Gentle Township. Refused to come out. Not long ago, she woke up first, who knew this guy would call him five and six and let her do heavy work! She also said that more exercise is good for physical and mental health, and she also said that it can be rich. She wanted to kill him at that time. The part in front of the old lady clearly exceeded the standard line a lot.

Judging from Chen Zhihui’s expression, Su Jin felt she was dissatisfied--

No way, a man like him, a woman can't accept it!

"Su Jin..." Xia Yuyan looked at him and asked, "How are we going to New York now?"

"I have a mount. Didn't Miss Chen tell you?" Su Jin said in surprise.

"I said it, but I haven't seen it yet." Xia Yuyan shook her head. She only learned about what happened after jumping off the plane after she woke up, so she had never seen Su Jin's mount. what does it look like.

"I'll call it to show you later." Su Jin nodded.

"Can it bring us to New York?"

"Yes! It seems you don't believe it?"

"It's not that I didn't believe it, but I didn't see it--" Xia Yuyan smiled bitterly. She was on a business trip, and she did nothing to encounter such difficult things.

Su Jin wanted to say something, and suddenly raised his tone to Chen Zhiyu and said, "Hey! Stinky girl! Is this what you do?"

Chen Zhiyi dug up the coconut and poured the juice on the little wild boar, but Su Jin stopped him.

"Is there anything wrong?" Chen Zhiyi took a look at him, and continued: "That would be too slow. Using the principle of heat conduction, it will be faster."

"Have you eaten like this?" Su Jin asked back.

"No--" Chen Zhiyu shook his head, "I only know that this saves time the most."

Xia Yuyan saw Su Jin like this, and said in a reproachful tone: "What are you doing, why are you blaming her."

Su Jin waved his hand, "Forget it, go ahead."

Anyway, he doesn't eat.

Since he was young, he didn't like the sweetness of meat. There may be people in some places who like it, but he rarely eats it like this.

Chen Zhimao was also angry now, staring at Su Jin, her breathing became disordered, if it weren't for the strong character that she had cultivated since she was a child, she would probably have tears down, but she just endured it without crying.

Su Jin stood up, stuck his waist, facing the sea, looking at the red-rimmed clouds in the sky, and said nothing for a long time.

Recently, his temper has become bigger inexplicably, he knows the reason, because of his own practice! The Dao Heart Seed Demon is not a fun thing when he hears it, but he doesn't understand why this is the case, the old guy still has to give it to himself, is this practice really suitable for him?

Behind him, Xia Yuyan did not regard Chen Zhiyi as a subordinate. You must know how many people are in trouble together, so you should encourage each other if you are so unlucky, so after Su Jinfa's temper, she has been comforting Chen Zhiyi.

As time went by, Su Jin witnessed the magnificent scene of the rising sun, during which he didn't say a word.

After the two women finished their breakfast, both pairs of beautiful eyes looked at Su Jin's back.

Su Jin stood with his hand in his hand, his face had already recovered indifferent, and his mood was even more peaceful at this time, he yelled at the direction of the stone cave: "Dead crow!"

Nothing happened.

Xia Yuyan had doubts in her eyes, but soon she was shocked!


A huge black shadow rises into the sky! Then, as fast as an arrow, it only took a few seconds to pounce in front of the three of them.

"Eat it." Su Jin pointed to the roasted fragrant pig that had hardly moved and said to Ming Ya.

Ming Crow made a hoarse grunt from his throat, without any hesitation, two big steel-like claws walked up to the roasted little wild boar, almost without the children and daughters seeing the situation. Next, the meat has been eaten whole.

Xia Yuyan dumbfounded--

It turned out that they didn't lie to her, this is true!

"On the road! We need to get to the place as soon as possible, and then contact home." Su Jin glanced at Ming Ya, don't know why, he seems to have an illusion, this girl, it seems to be bigger again.

"Yeah." Xia Yuyan was also worried about this.

Almost without help, Ming Crow cleverly lay on the ground, and the three of them stepped on its back smoothly.

"Hurry up!" Su Jin said.


The dark crow rose into the sky, and below it was already a blue sea reflecting the blue sky.

Xia Yuyan is in a very good mood. This kind of experience is something she has never had before. It is very different from flying. Although it is not as stable as an airplane, the sea breeze blows and there is a lot of scenery. I am afraid it can only be the only time!

Lying on his side, Su Jin looked at Xia Yuyan's face and was drunk.

Su Jin decided that she could not let her admire in a daze, and he stretched out his hand and turned her face to himself.

"What are you doing--" Xia Yuyan was puzzled.

"Wife, do you think it would be better if you don't have a light bulb?" Su Jin sighed, said lightly, and didn't lower his voice intentionally.

"Very good." Xia Yuyan smiled.

The wife laughed again, so relaxed.

Smiling Qingcheng, then smiling Qingguo probably meant that.

"If there is no follower, at least I can kiss you if I want to kiss you... Originally, when you were alone, you were embarrassed." Su Jin said.

"Stop talking!" Xia Yuyan's face blushed slightly.

Chen Zhimao mumbled at this moment, "Come on here--"

"Miss Chen, what do you mean by this? Xiu Enai still not let me?" Su Jin sat up, looked at her and asked.

"Don't you kiss my wife enough at night? Do you really think I'm asleep?" Chen Zhiyu said bluntly.

Second Olympic...

Su Jin licked his lips and focused his gaze on Xia Yuyan's face, as if he had discovered a new world.

"Wife, you have to explain to me about this to prove my innocence!"

Official Su is depressed--

Why doesn't he remember such a thing!

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