My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 833: Rovere Ini

When Xia Yuyan was asked by Su Jin, she was so flustered--

Su Jin watched her, he understood his wife's personality very well, and if she lied, she would definitely have something wrong.

Sure enough, Xia Yuyan's gaze dodged, lowered her head and quickly raised her, staring at Su Jin in confusion and said, "So you kissed me stealthily."

Stayed, completely stunned!

Heaven, earth! My grandfather gourd baby!

Who did my wife learn from! Not only will he lie, but he will also smash it!

"Yes! President sister, your husband can do anything! In the presence of an outsider like me, I even deliberately made a move!" Chen Zhiyu said angrily, "Is it exciting? There is a problem in my heart!"

"Wife, let's calm down, think about it carefully, did you wake up in the middle of the night?" Su Jin patted his forehead, said to Xia Yuyan, looked at Chen Zhiyi and said, "Miss Chen, you can remember again, is it your ears? It's not easy, you got it wrong?"

"Your ears don't work well!" Chen Zhiyu said angrily.

I originally had an opinion on him, but now he is still cursing himself around the corner, which is really hateful.

"I'm carrying this pot!" Su Jin said seriously.

Although it is not clear whether he is his wife's kiss, it is a good sign.

"How long can we get to the destination?" Xia Yuyan asked at this time.

"At the current rate, three hours at most." Su Jin said.

"Is it so fast?" Xia Yuyan was surprised.

Chen Zhiyi answered Xia Yuyan's question at this time and said, "Yes, when I was on the plane, I just saw it can catch up with the plane. It seems to be faster."

Su Jin's eyes were faintly proud, and he patted the bird's back under him, "Dead crow, hurry up!"

"Hey, it saved us, how can you beat it?" Xia Yuyan blamed Su Jin.

"Yes, even if it is your pet, you can't abuse animals!" Chen Zhiyi also hummed.

"Don't be like this in the future." Xia Yuyan's angry look now is quite beautiful.

"Sister President, he can't change it!" Chen Zhiyu said.

"Yes, I believe him."

"No way, he is too rampant!"


Su Jin can only use his gaze on the faces of the two girls now, and move away——

More than three hours passed.

Manhattan, New York.

As a world-class super city, there seem to be more skyscrapers here than Qincheng. After all, they are among the top three cities in the world. The people from Su Jin quietly landed on the top of a skyscraper, although it still caused some people’s troubles. Flea chaos, after all, although the skyscraper is very tall, this bird is so big that it is impossible not to attract the attention of those foreigners.

In any case, they managed to get here!

"Should we find a hotel to stay in first?" Su Jin took the two women into the skyscraper and said, operating the elevator door in front of him.

"We are too embarrassed now and need to buy some clothes." Xia Yuyan said.

What she said was in Chen Zhiyu’s heart. She didn’t wear anything in the shirt in front of her, because this guy liked taking advantage of others the most, and she couldn’t bear Su Jin’s eyes from time to time in front of her. That feeling!

"I agree with what the president's sister said." Chen Zhiyu closed the jacket. "Isn't the president's husband's clothes also torn? There is still enough time, so don't worry."

Su Jin walked in first, turned around and looked at the two women who had come in, took out his mobile phone and said, "I'll call the family first."

"Yes." Xia Yuyan said, her eyes were a little red. No one had thought of what happened yesterday. Now my father and sister must know that something happened to the plane. It can be seen how sad they are now.

Su Jin doesn't care about international roaming charges, and is proficient in dialing Xia Honghai's mobile phone number.

Unexpectedly, Xia Honghai's call was connected in almost three seconds.

"Xiaojin...Is that you?" Xia Honghai's voice couldn't stop trembling, he was afraid, afraid it was not, even though it was Su Jin's mobile phone number displayed on it.

"Dad, it's my mobile phone, we are all fine." Su Jin's familiar voice appeared in Xia Honghai's ear.

At that moment, Xia Honghai relaxed all over.

"Good, good!" Xia Honghai laughed loudly, "son-in-law, you really didn't disappoint me! By the way, we suspected that you weren't dead before, but we just doubted it."

"You? Why are you suspicious..." Su Jin said strangely.

Xia Honghai told the story of Zhou Tianhu who came to the home to explain the situation shortly after the air crash yesterday. Su Jin was suddenly surprised. It seems that Brother Tiger is intentional, otherwise God knows what this matter can torture Xia Honghai, a middle-aged person. Son, in fact, Su Jin is the most worried about Xia Yunxi. Looking at it this way, there should be no problem!

"Dad, now we have just arrived in New York, so we are a little busy, don't worry, there will be no problems with Yuyan!" Su Jin promised.

"Thank you."

This is Xia Honghai's most sincere gratitude when he comes as the old husband. In this world, what is the use of more money? If one of his two daughters is missing, he will exchange his life for money, he is willing!

"No, it's all a family." After Su Jin finished speaking, he hung up the phone with Lao Zhangren, but instead of installing his cell phone, he put the call on Zhou Tianhu's cell phone. When the call was connected, he called Brother Tiger. .

"Young Master, you are sure you are okay, we are also relieved." Zhou Tianhu has hardly closed his eyes since the accident yesterday. Su Jin is the backbone of theirs. If something goes wrong, the old guy will be furious. The consequences of that are hard to imagine.

Su Jin gave a hum and asked, "Have Lin Bingfan arrived?"

"Here, I will give him your phone number later, and then you can meet each other." Zhou Tianhu said.


For Lin Bingfan and the others, Su Jin thought it was normal. After all, something like that happened yesterday and it was a long time delay.

"Young Master, don't hang up yet." Zhou Tianhu said.

"Anything else?" Su Jin asked.

"That's it. The old master learned of yesterday's affairs, and was very angry, saying that you should be careful in New York!" Zhou Tianhu hesitated after saying this, and said: "He suspects that someone is in there!"

"Making a ghost?" Su Jin frowned, "Are there any suspects?"

"Just before the plane accident happened yesterday, the high priest of the blood, Potobo, on behalf of some big forces, rushed to conspire with the goddess of the heaven. The old master learned that the high priest of the blood was carrying the blood of the ancestral blood. Yes, and heaven, a super power, holds power that is incomprehensible to ordinary people, so the old master is very annoyed. Let me tell you to be careful. After all, it is on other people's territory!" Zhou Tianhu said.

"The goddess of heaven, how many people are there?" Su Jin squinted, a cold light flashed in the corner of his eyes.

"There is only one goddess!"

"What is your name?"

"Rovell Yini."

"I order you now to find out where she is and send it to my mobile phone!" Su Jin snorted.

"Young Master, want..."

"I want to kill her!" Su Jin hung up the phone after speaking.

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