My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 839: I beat you to death

"If you want to be a knight, you have to do it." Yinyue sneered, then returned to her natural expression, and said, "I really don't understand you men."

"I still don't understand your women!" Su Jin said.

"What can't you understand?" Yinyuejue's Su Jin asked curiously.

Su Jin clicked his mouth, spit out a mouthful of smoke, and said, "Look, girls like to buy a lot of beautiful clothes to wear in order to attract men's attention, but we men want to see girls who don't wear anything. "

Silver Moon:...

Seeing Yinyue's speechless expression, Su Jin asked, "Is it unreasonable?"

"I really want to know, who is the guy who can tell such a great truth--" Yinyue looked at Su Jin with interest.

Su Jin snapped his fingers and said to her simply: "Poet! In fact, I have a lot of identity, others don't know it, and I am also a calligrapher."

"Poet? Calligrapher? Haha..." Yinyue was amused. Now this niche group has not disappeared. It should be gone for a long time.

"Don't believe me?"

"Believe you to blame!"

"Would you like to improvise on the spot?"

"Okay, you make up for me."

"Then listen well." Su Jin pretended to be serious and looked at Yinyue. Then, with a weird tone, he raised his tone and said, "Before the bed, Yinyue, Light, clothes lost, on the ground, cool!"

"I'll beat you to death!" Yinyue raised her hand. She had never blushed in front of Su Jin, and now she was red like a monkey butt.

"If you kill me, there will be no handsome guys in the world. In that case, today is definitely the darkest day in human history. All the beautiful women in the world will be sad for me!" Su Jin's face was full of grief, "Come on. , Kill me, anyway, I am so dazzling, and I am very tired."

Su Jin knew that she would not attack herself. When she said this, her heart didn't beat. They were all the same, so how could she attack her.

Yinyue dropped her hand and smiled and said, "I have seen a lot of crazy little guys, but you are among them, thick-skinned like bulletproof vests, really no one can compare——"

"Haha, Sister Yinyue, don't you know that there is a saying... arrogant people are saved, and inferiority people are not saved?" Su Jin narrowed his eyes and said unhurriedly: "You don't understand me."

"It's as if you have no shortcomings." Yinyue saw Su Jinfa's emotional voice, and she was so angry now... I have to admit that she can't say this little bastard!

"No, there are many advantages in front of you now, haven't you seen it yet?"

"What's the advantage?"



"Yes, I have two advantages in appearance." Su Jin said: "First, I am handsome, and second, I am generally recognized as handsome."

"Puff--" If Yinyue drinks water now, she will probably be smiled by Su Jin's confidence. She then asked: "What else would you do besides this talking mouth?"

"This will be, and that will be."


Along the way, joy and laughter continued. Although it was the first acquaintance, the Empress Silvermoon Wolf had gradually become accustomed to Su Jin's character.


The United States has done a good job on the road infrastructure. A few hours later, it was more than three in the afternoon, and the two had reached the destination of this trip, the United States of America, Adirondack National Park!

The car stopped on the side of the road, Su Jin got out of the car, looked at the endless forest and grass, and felt a little bit of heart--

This piece of land is too big!

"Surprised, right?" Yinyue got out of the car and said while opening the trunk of the car.

"Really surprised, let's go in on foot? How long will it take?"

"This park, 13,000 square kilometers, is larger than several states in the United States, but they are only within two hundred kilometers to the northwest. This is the best place to drop off, the closest distance." Yinyue said .

Su Jin saw Yinyue take out a peculiar... machete from the trunk!

This machete is about one meter in length, and it is shaped like a crescent. It is covered in blue and black with many weird patterns on it. He can feel it held by her when he is several meters away from the silver moon. The suffocation came.

So strong

After Yinyue put the scimitar on her back and walked to Su Jin, Su Jin felt that her pores were a little tingling. Although it was not strong, she could still feel it. It seemed that the Silvermoon Wolf Queen was more confident than Aji. It is not unreasonable.

"Everyone is not a good person, what are you doing looking at me like this?" Yinyue glanced at him and asked.

"Sister Yinyue, she is still a woman who can achieve this level of strength. You really make me admire." Su Jin had to convince.

"What's the matter with women?" Yinyue snorted coldly. "Women, have never been playthings in your men's eyes."

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just curious about your experience, nothing more." Su Jin said lightly.

"Nothing curious, let's go and see if you can keep up with me." Yinyue walked in front to lead the way, her figure flashing again and again, she had already dived into the jungle and disappeared.

"Can labor and management convince you a woman on the road?"

Su Jin didn't want to fall behind, and when he pressed his right foot on the ground, he quickly chased after him.

After entering the jungle, Yinyue changed to a normal walk, but it was also much faster than ordinary people, and Su Jin walked to her.

"Smelly boy, remind you." Yinyue said to Su Jin who was beside her with her eyes on the road ahead.

"Tell it!"

"If something unexpected happens, you must listen to me! Otherwise, I will definitely leave you there and let you fend for yourself."

"Hehe, it sounds like I am afraid."

"To tell you the truth, I bit the bullet and took this task. I haven't provoked them so actively," Yinyue said.

"Provoke? I'm afraid this word is not so appropriate!" Su Jin said coldly, "They provoked me!"

"Young people, although they have the strength of a hero, they should also have a mansion like a hero. From many places, we can sanction them in another way." Yinyue sighed.

Su Jin shook his head and rejected Yinyue's thoughts. He continued to stick to his own philosophy and said, "Hehe, it will rain, my sister is going to marry, and some people want to die, I can't help it!"

"Hurry up, if there is no block, I should be able to arrive before dark." Yinyue pondered the time, she knew it would be useless to persuade Su Jin now.

"Okay, I'm following you, you can't get rid of me." Su Jin said.

"Why are you walking behind me?" Yinyue turned her head and asked as she watched Su Jin fall behind her.

"The beautiful long legs with the golden ratio can make me more energetic!"

Su Jin said something owed.

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