My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 840: Over the mountain

Yinyue's body shook--

In fact, her heart was broken at this moment, and it was the first time in all these years that someone spoke such words so straightforwardly in front of her!

"Golden you are tall!" Yinyue's eyes rounded.

Bold, it was too bold, Yinyue had nothing to do except to fight against Su Jin.

"Sister Yinyue, my name is Su Jin, not Jin." Su Jin laughed.

"I know! I mean the golden ratio!"

"Did I said wrong thing?"

"No... as if I have never seen a woman!"

"I just haven't seen a beauty like yours."

Su Jin is telling the truth. Yinyue is taller than an ordinary woman, so her limbs give people an indescribable roundness. That is to say, this kind of tall woman can grow a big watermelon by the side of the ditch. What do you think, he thinks so anyway.

"Be serious!" Yinyue shouted.

"You are big, listen to you." Su Jin spread his hands and became serious.

Yinyue touched her forehead, and now she was really angry with Su Jin, and gritted her teeth: "You are so bold, do your friends know?"

"My friend must know." Su Jin nodded.

"I've served you, let's go, let's go, don't try to get to the place before dark." Yinyue gave up without a trace.

Su Jin followed unhurriedly. Now honest people can't tell the truth at all, because no one likes to listen to the truth. His eyes are fixed on the long legs behind the Silver Moon Wolf from time to time, and his heart beats---

How should I put it, Yinyue now gives him a very wonderful feeling, her tall figure, covered with black leather armor, that kind of heroic temperament, the cliff has this kind of temperament than anyone Su Jin has ever seen. All women must be full-bodied! Looking down from the back of her upper body, there are two long snow-white legs without any silk socks. The legs are very coordinated and very attractive. There is also a pair of brown lace-up shoes.

Time passed away bit by bit.

The two of them gradually went deeper and deeper.

I don't know how long it has passed. Ten minutes ago, Su Jin saw that the sun had fallen west from a hill, and now the sky had transitioned from dim yellow to black.

In the middle of this, Su Jinfa vowed that he would never provoke Yinyue any more, but he blamed it for not going well. In fact, he had prepared in his heart before entering the jungle.

"How long will it take?" Su Jin asked.

"It's not far." Yinyue's eyes swept around with some alertness, and said: "Be careful."

"How far is it?"

"Have you seen that ridge?" Yinyue pointed to a large mountain not far away and said to Su Jin.

"I'm not blind, so I saw it naturally." Su Jin felt that it was not quite right. "Sister, shouldn't it be over the mountain?"

"Is this a guess?"

"When I was young, I leaned over the window and wondered, what is on the other side of the mountain--" Su Jin said with an exaggerated expression on his face: "Mom told me that it was the sea..."

"Mom tells you now, there are killers who kill people without blinking!" Yinyue laughed haha, being able to take advantage of Su Jin in his words, that feeling is absolutely exhilarating!

"I'm hungry--"

Su Jin looked innocent, and stared at Yinyue's beautiful eyes, then his eyes gradually fell...

"Damn!" As a woman, Yinyue couldn't help but yelled. He thought he was taking advantage, who knew he would react so quickly!

wrong! He was deliberate, absolutely deliberate!

Yinyue had never thought that a person could be so smart and could bring her into the pit with words.

She admitted that she had lost her temper now and hugged her in front of her with her hands staggered, blocking Su Jin's innocent and aggressive eyes. At the same time, she was very irritable, and she had a vague urge to kill Su Jin!

"Don't think about taking advantage of me, otherwise you will suffer a lot." Su Jin knew that when it was not a joke, his face became serious, "Let's talk about the mountain, how much do you know."

Yinyue secretly breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the ridge, and said, "I haven't been there, but I'm in New York. You should be able to think of it. I didn't come for a leisure holiday. I have detailed notes about it. Address, you are serious now, because we may not even rush in."

"Try it." Su Jin said.

"it is good!"

Just as Yinyue was about to leave again, her face changed lightly.

Su Jin naturally felt that the situation was not right, and pointed to the white smoke that appeared in the sky not far away, and asked: "What is that?"

"Shoulder-fired small missile -" Yinyue said: "Unlike others, this small missile has a heat-sensing function. Once the target is locked, it will not be destroyed or dropped."

"Oh, that means, let's carry it down with our bodies?" Su Jin asked.

"It depends on whether you are smart or not." Yinyue responded.

After she finished speaking, she took two steps back, wanting to see how Su Jin responded.

"It's so difficult to kill a girl, even heat weapons are used, but for those of our level, this play trick is useless." Su Jin said, gently closing his eyes.

Under Yinyue's gaze, Su Jin's fingers crossed his brows.

"Open Heaven's Eye!" Su Jin opened his eyes sharply and snorted.

At the same time, his right foot stomped gently on the ground.

A dozen or so washbasin-sized stones were wrapped in masses of **** red mist. Gradually, in Yinyue's surprised expression, a series of hideous expressions appeared on those stones.

The fierce demon seemed to roar silently, floating up violently, but the more it was, the more terrifying the atmosphere felt.

Whoosh whoosh-

Su Jin gently lifted his hands, and dozens of blood lights rushed into the sky with endless power!

Now these demon heads seem to have a feeling of fusion with him, extremely close, and naturally easy to manipulate. This ability was awakened by Su Jin when he dealt with those bounty hunters before. He could manipulate those blood fog smoothly, but now this situation can naturally be handled handily.

Boom boom boom boom!

Soon after, more than a dozen explosions sounded in my ears, and the sky seemed to explode like more than a dozen fireworks, and the flames were everywhere!

"Good boy..." Yinyue's eyes widened, what else is there to play with? This Heart Seed Demon Dafa is also too terrifying. Now that Su Jin is only as good as the fourth level, it is still unknown whether he can beat him or not when he gets through the difficulties again.

Su Jin snapped his fingers, turned his head to look at Yinyue and said indifferently: "The martial arts from the East, they Westerners would not understand."

"Don't look at me!" Yinyue realized a big problem and exclaimed, "You opened your dark eyes!"

It was discovered--

In fact, Su Jin can only see the white outline in front of her. The two key points are all hazy. Maybe his realm is not enough. I don't know if he can see through when he reaches the fifth level! According to Yinyue's statement, his strength will grow uncontrollably, and he must reach the fifth level very quickly. In fact, he finds it quite difficult! I don't know why she said that.

"Go." Su Jin said lightly: "Find her, and then kill her."

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