My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 841: A thousand wolves dance

"Hey!" Yinyue still blocked her front with her arm tightly, and said: "You haven't told me why is there such an evil method?"

"Is this weird?" Su Jin laughed blankly.

"You don't know how terrible this method is, you will go to **** after learning it!"

"I don't go to hell, whoever rides the horse and loves it!" Su Jin said lightly.


Yinyue really couldn't see this guy clearly. He was arrogant, stubborn, and eager to win. He couldn't suffer at all, but he had a lot of incredible abilities. But then she has figured out again, if this kid is not smart and has no talent, how can he be such a noble position as the young master?

Seeing Su Jin with his bull's eyes wide open, as if dissatisfied with the fact that he was going to hell, Yinyue laughed again: "Yeah, you are angry? You can't let go of your women, right?"

Su Jin has to admit that he has weaknesses. The weakness is women, but he thinks he has the ability to protect them from harm! Especially when his wife and himself were on the way to New York, he couldn’t bear this kind of anger at all. Even if the old guy didn’t arrange Yinyue, if he knew that someone was in it and wanted to kill Xia Yuyan, it would be hard work. With this life, we will also destroy the other party! No matter how powerful it is, if it provokes him again and again, it should have this consciousness. Is he really muddled and vulnerable?

"Whatever you say, it's not an age group, there is a generation gap." How can Su Jin deal with her, such a strong woman, maybe she will fight on the opponent's territory, like that. ...The key, he is not necessarily an opponent.

"Hehe, you are getting more and more interesting." Yinyue waved her hand, "Go, my mother will be crazy with you this time!"

As this episode passed, Su Jin and Yinyue walked from this fairly open area towards a pine forest. In a blink of an eye, a lot of time passed. During this period, the two on the road were very alert, but The strange thing is that during this period of time, there was no such sudden situation as before, and the sky was also dimming at this time. Fortunately, after leaving the pine forest, after passing two clear streams, the two finally saw it. A ridge appeared.

"That is a lighthouse, the highest point of the Adirondack Mountains, and the highest peak in the United States." Yinyue pointed to the distance and said.

"It's dark, does it affect you?" Su Jin is not concerned about this.

"No effect."

"That's good." Su Jin clenched his fists and asked Yinyue: "Do you think the goddess of heaven will be inside?"

"Definitely among them. Since the construction of this place, very few people have been able to enter. Even if the other party knows that we are here, they will not leave here. The cold arrogance of the goddess is beyond your imagination."

"How strong is she--"

"I don’t know, maybe I’m not an opponent. According to legend... she has a super power behind her. The United States has a huge consortium, which is directly supported by Heaven. It has absolute rights in the parliament. Of course, I and her I haven't played against each other, I don't know the depth of her strength." Yinyue answered truthfully.

"It seems it must be a **** battle." Su Jin pondered, looking at Yinyue and said, "Does Sister Yinyue have any plans?"

Yinyue smiled lightly, "It seems that you want my old lady to show you both hands."

"I don't mind if you show it all." Su Jin said calmly.

"Hehe." Yinyue's whole body seemed to have changed another kind of temperament, and the voice of her laugh was also a little charming, Su Jin swayed slightly.

But she saw a brown grenade-like object out of the black armor in front of her.


Not a grenade, but an ocarina!

Yinyue held the ocarina in both hands, placed it on the indescribable pink lips, and blew gently.

"Hum hum ......" period of Ocarina some unique timbre to appear.

The transition from low to fierce, impatience filled the wilderness, Su Jin only felt that at the beginning, this voice was very sad, but then after the fierce tone change, a bit of fighting spirit became agitated! It seems that this kind of sound can make a person crazy, to the point of uncontrollable!

Su Jin was shocked and held his heart firmly before he ruled out the influence of music.

At this moment, in Su Jin’s eyes, Yinyue’s temperament changed, as if she had become a decisive female God of War. With her fingers playing briskly, Su Jin was taken aback by the next situation. of.

"Oh..." a loud wolf cry came out.

Followed by the second, third, tenth...

Even if it was far away, Su Jin could feel a pack of wolves constantly responding, this ubiquitous sense of crisis made him have to be stunned.

After the Silver Moon Wolf!

Su Jin reacted, and at the first thought, she understood why she was called the'Wolf Queen', and she had the ability to manipulate packs of wolves. If so, it would be terrifying! It is simply invincible in the grassland, invincible in the desert, and invincible in the forest!

At the end of the song, Yinyue raised her head and looked at Su Jin.

Glancing at each other, Su Jin suddenly felt a little in his heart, and forcibly resisted the thought of going back!

Yinyue absolutely practiced an extremely terrifying magic skill! Su Jin didn't know how terrifying he was at the time of the attack, but now seeing Yinyue, he suddenly smiled bitterly.

"Are you ready?" Yinyue's tone became cold and bitter, and there was a majestic aura in it.

"Yeah!" Su Jin was full of war, flipping his hand gently, and ‘Liying’ appeared!


Yinyue put away the ocarina, took the cold scimitar from behind, and rushed towards a hillside first.

Su Jin is unwilling to fall behind. Although he doesn't know how long it will take to reach the target location, looking at Yinyue's posture, it should not be far away!

Sure enough, this hillside was at the lowest point of the entire mountain range. After stepping over, there was nothing but a dark ‘valley’!

"Open your eyes." Yinyue said to Su Jin without emotion in her tone.

"Open your eyes!" Su Jin sipped, and the whole black world seemed to have changed. A hundred meters ahead, there was a shiny barrier, and underneath their feet was a scene covered with gravel. Upon discovering this situation, Su Jin immediately pointed to the barrier and said, "There!"

Before Su Jin could speak, Yinyue had already rushed in stride, and at this time a few fat wild wolves in black and white had already followed with red eyes.

Su Jin slowly glanced around with his sky eyes----

Good guy, a thousand characters full of wild wolves are rushing, except for some wolves that are a little far away, which are still running fast, most of them are almost here!

Su Jin felt an inexplicable arrogance. Seeing Yinyue staying in front of the white light barrier, he knew she was waiting for herself.

"Enter!" Su Jin's blood rose up, without hesitation, and then stepped across the barrier.

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