Enter the barrier! Yinyue will follow!

The inside of the white light barrier was different from what was expected. The first thing Su Jin felt after coming in was that it was very bright, as if the whole world was under the kind of bright fluorescence, without moonlight or sunlight!

Su Jin stepped on the flat ground made of cyan stone slabs, but the cyan stone slabs were slightly different. There were a series of weird and special patterns and veins drawn in it. At a distance of tens of meters, the terrain could not help but rise. The steps appeared with the steps made of snow white holy jade. At a glance, how many levels are uncountable in a short time!

Yinyue's eyes were wary, and said to Su Jin: "Don't rush, the legend is actually true!"

"What legend?" Su Jin stared at the end of the high stairs with his fists clenched. There were five people standing side by side at this time. Among them was a young man who surprised him and was very upset. This person actually disappeared. Lin Hao for a long time! These five people, headed by the woman in the white dress, have two on each side. It is worth mentioning that there is only one foreign old man with a big beard among the five people, and the other four are not very old.

The one who frightened Su Jin the most was the woman in the middle, who should be the legendary goddess of heaven, but with his heavenly eyes, she couldn't even see her looks! This is really strange!

"The Archangel Saint Ladder, this should be the headquarters of'Heaven', no wonder the goddess has been here for a long time! Have you seen those white stairs? If it is correct, it should be the so-called'Archangel Stone' and under our feet These western six-pointed star arrays, once activated, the meaning is endless! This heaven still hides such secrets here." Yinyue's face was very solemn, and suggested: "I suggest retreating. With these reliance, they are invincible. Up!"

Su Jin's eyes were still on the five people at the top. At this time, Lin Hao's face already showed a mocking expression, which could not help but irritate him severely.

Raising his hand, Su Jin pointed to the five people and said, "Why can they be so high?"

"Because of strength!" Yinyue said.

"Strength? If that kid Lin Hao is in front of me, I must fight him out!" Su Jin snorted coldly, "If you are afraid, then leave!"

"Why don't your kid listen to persuasion!" Yinyue became anxious, "I have a life-saving technique, you don't!"

"Get out!" Su Jin glared at her.


Yinyue was slightly dulled by Su Jin's madness. Although the strength of this kid is strong, it is not strong enough for her! Scolded her? ? ?

However, Su Jin's eyes faintly spit out red light, it is indeed so terrible, even though he is angry, but Yinyue is weakened by Young Master Su from the momentum, and there is no retort!

"I want to see if the Western formation is as powerful as my Eastern formation!" Su Jin was full of blood and vigor, and the'Liying' in his hand held back.


Liying's blade cut through the palm of her hand, and a drop of red blood flowed out from Su Jin's hanging right hand, slowly dripping to the ground.

Yinyue watched the dripping blood and stepped back two steps in an instant. When the blood dripped, it was as if a ignited seedling had fallen into a barrel of oil. The **** formations all around appeared, and the yin fish and the yang fish slowed down. Flowing slowly, the demon head that stunned the soul and soul kept roaring in the red blood, Yinyue's pale complexion forcibly resisted the impact that could harvest the soul, that is, the strength is as strong as her, and the body is so obvious in the formation. The feeling of, from those hideous monsters constantly mimicking and illusion, the Silver Moon Wolf Queen knew that this awakening ability had been going on for a while, otherwise it wouldn't let Su Jin have such a deep understanding.

When Su Jin's array was lit up, I saw the heavenly goddess, holding a generous scripture book, gently opening it, and turning a page.

The dazzling white light from the western six-pointed star formation also lit up in her movements.


The rhythmic sound stuns the earth, and every stepping can give people a strong shocking ability. I can only see the corner of the huge six-pointed star. From the white light, a little western girl secretly reveals her head, and then she moves a small step. The entire compact figure also appeared in its entirety, and it felt like a little girl who had done something wrong, secretly opening the door and entering.

This little western white girl has purple hair, with two sides of her hair draped over her shoulders, with slightly curled ends. She has a small melon face and big eyes twinkling. She holds a snow-white teddy bear in her arms. She is only about one meter tall and looks very strange.

I have to admit, this loli is a little cute and cute...

"Brother, did you see my little bear?" The little girl grabbed the white teddy bear, bounced around and walked into Su Jin's formation with her bare feet, ignoring the strangeness in the middle, with her eyes wide open. Seeing Su Jin asked.

The little girl’s Chinese language was so slippery.

What the hell...

Su Jin glanced at her coldly. Under her pair of small feet, the demon heads screamed and did not dare to attack her, which was very problematic at first sight.

"In your hands." Su Jin said coldly.

"I forgot again, I always forget." The little girl with Zifa Budding seemed to be troubled by a question. After Su Jin's reminder, she smiled and bent down and put the teddy bear on the ground, straightened her body, and pointed at the The snow-white teddy bear, the adorable command said: "Get bigger, get bigger and play with me! Always keep getting bigger..."


With a violent roar, a huge figure appeared, reaching a height of three or four meters almost in the blink of an eye!

After getting bigger, the big white bear stretched out his paw to fish, and the little girl was picked up by it and placed on its shoulder!

Su Jin:...

Is there anything like this?

Su Jin was taken aback for a moment, even though Xuan's expression changed, it seemed not easy to deal with!

"This is the'White Bear Lord' Rita in the holy scroll! Be careful!" Yinyue reminded.

"Hehe, it looks very cute, I want to raise one, but this kind of trick, I will too!" Su Jin yawned, slammed his foot, and cried up to the sky, "Come out! Dead crow!" "

The black bird standing in the sky a few miles away suddenly turned into a cloud of blood and disappeared!

And as Su Jin's voice fell, Grandma Crow flew out of the formation and turned into a burst of small normal versions of crows, violently starting to swarm towards the white bear...

"Wow, it's fun and fun!" Rita Pink's pouting mouth yelled. She sat on the white bear and kept patting her hands, but then a bow and arrow about the height of her appeared in her hand. Then she pulled it hard, as if her strength was not enough to pull the bowstring, it was lovely.

Rita's attitude is very serious, and finally waited for her to draw a full bow, and the raven's attack followed!

"Be careful!" Yinyue exclaimed.

Su Jin's heart suddenly sank--

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