My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 844: Because i am the young master

Rita trot in front of Su Jin, pulling her little face with her two little hands, bending over her little tongue constantly, making faces--

What is this...

Still more speechless, Rita looked at the two in a daze, raised her little hand, and said in a sweet voice, "Hug, hug me."

It's so cute...

Su Jin reacted and looked at Yinyue, and had to stretch out his hands and hug her in his arms.

"It seems that I have accepted a ghostly girl." Su Jin said to Yinyue.

"I envy you a little bit." Yinyue said, "What are you going to do?"

"Bring her up."

"Developed? She didn't grow up."

"This is not the time to talk about this." Su Jin glanced at the wolves that were pouring in behind him, and said to Lita: "You and sister will play for a while, and I will fight the bad guys first."

"Beat bad guys, I want to hit bad guys too!" Rita firmly grasped Su Jin's collar with both hands, "I am the best at hitting bad guys."

Su Jin:...


After finally tearing her off and handing it to Yinyue’s hand, Su Jin was not relieved. He stared at the tall people with sharp eyes, and said to Yinyue: "You are below first. Watching, I went up and grabbed them one by one and beat them to death. I want to ask them, why can they despise me so high!"

"You! Are you going to challenge the Archangel Saint Ladder?" Yinyue exclaimed, "It will die! Legend has it that only people who have been baptized and formally become goddesses can safely walk through these 999 floors. You If you break in, as long as the goddess is willing, she may be able to crush you at any time and put you to death!"

"Has no one succeeded?"

"Yes, only a number of great abilities, great genius masters rushed past! But as far as I know, no more than five fingers! The few people who rushed through in the legend are not as young as you, and they are all righteous. The power of the archangel on the holy ladder will be several times smaller. You are practicing the magic way, and it is the incomparably evil "Dao Xin Demon Dafa". It is estimated that you will not be able to get through the ten steps ahead!" Yinyue took a deep breath. , Said: "Don't make trouble, conquering a Rita has already caused'heaven' to lose a lot. You and I are retreating now. I can guarantee that even if the goddess uses any more powerful methods, I can take you away."

"Let's go." Su Jin slowly closed his eyes, the formation under his feet disappeared, and said: "They want to play with me, Su Jin doesn't mind playing with them."

He can't stand it!

If you just retreat, it will certainly make a lot of money! But what will those people say!

Laugh at him? Mock him? Contempt him! The sarcasm spread out to all the superpowers, the young lord of Longya rushed to the ‘heaven’ holy land, and had no way to see the goddess? Didn't even touch a single hair of her?

He Su Jin...can't do it!

He bears a heavy burden, and he himself is a young master-level existence. It is terrible to say that he has not thought of retreating, but even the pressure of his own cannot allow him to retreat a little! Now there is no other passage here. If you want to prove yourself, you can only go up and fight them through this 999-story archangel holy ladder! That way, the old guy will not be embarrassed, otherwise, it will become a knot in his heart, maybe it will never be solved!

"Although you are the young master, you are also courageous! But the old guy said, if there is a life-threatening moment, you can let me take you away forcibly!" Yinyue is not good, although Su Jin has already made her very angry. Admiringly, but impulse is the devil, don't play like this!

"People fight for a breath, Buddha fights for a stick of incense! If you are sure to restrain me and take me away without resistance, I will admit it. But I hope you don't persuade me!" Su Jin said coldly, already planning to leave.

"You don't think about your women? You don't think about your wife who is still six hundred miles away? If you are dead, would you be right about her?" Yinyue said angrily.

At this moment, the sound of other people's communication came in my ears.

"Your Majesty Goddess, this son is even deliberately trying to break through the'Archangel Saint Ladder'. I don't know what is good or bad." A man in his thirties said a voice on the left side of the goddess.

"Yes, I also want to see, one of Longya's candidate young masters, what can he have to come up with. I guess he is 80% afraid!" Another middle-aged bearded man also sneered.

"Su Jin!" Lin Hao's voice came down at this time, saying: "I never admit that you are better than me. In a short period of time, I have sucked the blood of two great dukes in the clan. The position is more honorable than you! Although I have never fought with you, I think I should be better than you! If you are conscious and promise me not to oppose me in the future, I can consider not to shoot against you, and I will also ask the noble Goddess Let you go! How?"

"Fuck you shit!" Su Jin scolded.

Yinyue looked ugly, and said anxiously: "Su Jin, they are deliberately using the agitation method to urge you to go up! Don't be fooled! Think about your wife!"

"Shut up!" Su Jin turned his head and stared at Yinyue, his eyes flushed, and then he said: "I think about it, my wife doesn't want me to be a softie! I was ridiculed like this!"

"You still... blame me?" Yinyue didn't understand why Su Jin could challenge her authority repeatedly.

"Because I am Su Jin! I am the Young Master!"


Yinyue saw that Su Jin had already taken a step, and subconsciously raised his hand, slowly lowering it. For some reason, she couldn't refute his words in her heart. Yes, she was in a high position, and sometimes she couldn't control herself. However, this "archangel holy ladder" was too difficult for her to break through, Su Jinruo thought At the top, she thought that there was no hope for 10%, and the other party would destroy him in all likelihood!

"Su Jin!" Yinyue couldn't help but cried out after holding Rita, and said: "You said that an expert had counted for you, and he would die in the hands of a woman. Could it be that it ended in this archangel? On the holy ladder, beheaded by the goddess? You have to think clearly!"

"Even if I die, I have to break through!" Su Jin walked to the archangel sacred ladder, stopped his figure, but did not look back, responding to Yinyue.

"Okay! I won't persuade you anymore, I just want to say a word to you, if you don't die, I will follow Yinyue to the death!" Yinyue said.

"Haha! Okay! Let me see how powerful this archangel sacred ladder is!" Su Jin was full of blood and energy.

"It's okay--" Rita's big eyes were bright, and she was tightly in Yinyue's arms, pulling her neckline, looking at Su Jin's back.

The atmosphere was exceptionally weird, Su Jin's face was indifferent, no more words, quietly looking at the snow-white sacred ladder in front of him, he didn't know whether he could step up to the fourth heaven with Dao Heart Seed Demon, and listen to Lita's words. , Very optimistic about himself, and he does not know what will happen if he goes up like this.

In his thoughts, under Yinyue's nervous gaze, Su Jin stepped onto the first step!

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