My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 845: If you die, please do me a favor


There didn't seem to be any strange holy ladders. After Su Jin took the first step, a huge pressure instantly came to him, as if he was heavier, and the steps were a bit heavy.

Fortunately, Su Jin was prepared long ago, and the energy in his body was immediately released, and the instant reaction counteracted the huge pressure.

Only the first level of stairs is so terrible, what a terrifying thing above that nine hundred and ninety-nine levels!

Su Jin brows lightly. This kind of difficulty seems to be beyond his expectation, but at the same time, his face has also become indifferent. If anyone can break through, like the crucian carp crossing the river, this archangel holy ladder will not Is it just ordinary?

At this moment, on the illusory holy ladder, the goddess Luo Weier Yini stood quietly and proudly, Su Jin looked around and took the second step.

third step.

Step four, step five!

Lin Hao had a weird expression, with a faint sarcasm in the corners of his mouth, and said to Lavril Yini: "Your Majesty Goddess, this person is very arrogant, and she has been fooled. It seems that with this holy ladder, we You can eliminate him to this point with no effort."

After he finished speaking, a middle-aged man on the side also smiled and said: "Even though this kid is arrogant and admirable, he is still a bit too young after all. Although he can be regarded as an excellent genius, he is challenging. The Archangel Saint Ladder is really overwhelming. I don't know how to live or die. I can say with certainty that he cannot walk the first fifty steps!

"Fifty Dao? You look at him too high!" Another middle-aged man said, "Thirty Dao is enough!"

"Twenty Dao." Among them, the oldest man with the most venomous eyes, said four words at this time.

If Su Jin knew it, it was the plane crash plan that this person brought to Lavril Yini with the blood of the blood family. It's just that the other party never expected that Su Jin could escape even in that state! But at this time, it’s no better than on an airplane. This archangel sacred ladder is more powerful. As long as the masters who have heard of it, all talk about it. Su Jin’s strength is definitely not able to get up. They only need to be high now. Just stand and watch the show.

Even though several people communicated like this, the unclear-faced Ravier Yini did not respond at all, even half a word. She seemed to be watching, watching Su Jin who was walking up step by step, and there was no one. Can figure out what she thought.

Yinyue held Rita with one hand, and tightly pinched the fierce scimitar with the other hand, with a much heavier force than ever before. How she hoped that Su Jin possessed peerless ability and used extraordinary strength. Smash the faces of those guys! At this time, the other party did not forget to laugh at Su Jin! It's terrible!

Su Jin is walking at a very average speed now, and he has stepped on the ninth ladder. He now feels that he can bear it. Except for the sudden discomfort on the first ladder, it feels nothing to get used to it before!

The tenth ladder! Su Jin already felt a heavy pressure, as if there was a squeezing force in front of him, blocking his body firmly, preventing him from going up a little bit!

And he knows that he is practicing the magic way. This archangel holy ladder seems to emit a faint white light, constantly offsetting the energy released by him. If this goes on, he consumes too much, the first fifty stairs, I guess I can't make it through!

How to do?

Su Jin didn't want to think too much, took a step forward and used all his strength, unexpectedly speeded up!

The twentieth ladder is here in the blink of an eye!

Just now, the high priest of the blood race suddenly turned red. Seeing other people looking at him, he couldn't help saying: "He will definitely not be able to walk up the fiftieth staircase!"

Just as the words of the high priest of the blood family fell, Su Jin was already gaining momentum and passed the thirtieth path! With an extreme blink, the middle-aged man who just said that Su Jin could not walk through the 30s was also speechless. An unstoppable expression appeared on his face. Then he said unnaturally: "I think so too!"

Su Jin is now full of inexplicable anger in his heart, saying that he is practicing evil magic arts, but in this world, what is right and what is evil! Is it true that those masters who practice the right way exercises have done bad things, can they be regarded as right way? vice versa! You are a dignified goddess, colluding with people of other blood races. Is this to maximize the benefits without compromise, or is there other reasons?

His eyes reddened inexplicably. Although the speed was slower now, it was still fast in the eyes of others. When he stepped heavily on the fiftieth staircase with a grim face, he stepped out a deafening burst of air. sound!

But at this time, he has consumed 80% of his body's strength!

Without any hesitation, he took out "Liying" and lightly cut in the palm of his left hand, dripping drops of blood!

In an instant, a lot of magical fire ignited on the white and flawless holy ladder, and wisps of blood penetrated it, and in a blink of an eye, all the nearly two hundred stairs above it were stained!

Su Jin was very surprised, but he also discovered the situation at the same time. At the end of the **** color above, the dazzling white light lit up, and the demon blood that was manipulated by him could no longer move forward. He took this opportunity to rush up in one breath. !

At the 279th step, Su Jin resolutely stood on it!


Lin Hao's face suddenly became gloomy. Su Jin still had this ability. It was indeed something he never expected. He had also thought before that if he were to be himself, how far he could reach on this archangel holy ladder, However, he didn't even have the courage to try!

"This son will kill!" The blood high priest showed a fierce light, and his fist was tightly pinched in front of his dry arm.

"Can't stay."

"Sure enough, it is a great disaster!"

Several people expressed their opinions one after another, and they all looked at the goddess, Lavril Yini.

Ravier Yini still didn't make a sound, but she made a move, gently brushing the holy scroll with one hand, and suddenly there was a peculiar rumbling sound above the archangel stairs!

With Yinyue underneath, she was completely dumbfounded. She thought that Su Jin could not walk the first ten steps, but now she found that he had already been standing on nearly three hundred steps!

What kind of strength and endurance is this? she does not know.

Under the horror of everyone, but did not understand, Su Jin now knows himself hard.

The body was empty, Su Jin had no idea at all. Even though his recovery ability was very strong, he could clearly feel that the stairs that had been stained with magic blood gradually began to recover and exuded a weak white light again, he felt Now, if I sit down cross-legged and try to recover, I will die before I recover!

No refunds!

Su Jin squinted his eyes, turned his head, looked at Yinyue below, and said, "If I am unsuccessful and die here, I will disappear. Please do me a favor and hide my wife from me!"

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