My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 846: The law of legend, trial!

"No! Don't break in again!"

Yinyue's pretty face is green, Su Jin's current state, as a master, how can she not see it, if she goes on, she will only die! Now even if he takes another step, the powerful pressure may tear him to pieces!

Is there a way out?

Su Jin looked at the steps that gradually returned to its original state behind him, and took a deep breath.

His current legs seem to be filled with lead. It can almost be said to be nailed to a ladder. It feels like a mountain, and every inch of his skin seems to be firmly restrained. This kind of taste is fundamental to outsiders. I can't realize it, but he is helpless.

Yinyue almost scolded Su Jin to death in her heart. She had reminded him that it was impossible to succeed. When it was not difficult before, she could withdraw and she could also save it! But now, at a location as high as nearly three hundred floors, in a short time, she wanted to rescue Su Jin without encountering any obstacles, it was simply impossible!

"Remember what I said." Su Jin said to Yinyue again, looking at the stairs in front of him again, although under the dazzling white light, he could not see clearly, but it was so close. But it seemed to be far away from him. He knew very well what would happen if he tried his best to step on it.

"Brother Su." Lin Hao was condescending at this time and returned to his normal expression. The whole place was filled with his voice, and he said to Su Jin: "Give up! You can't get up, if you beg me now, And give up struggling, thinking that for the sake of your relationship with my sister, I will still plead with the goddess and spare your life!"

"Please be paralyzed!" Su Jin looked at each other coldly.

Will Su Jin beg him? When he was in Qincheng, he had already torn his face and sacked him a lot of money. This grandson was also investigated by the police. It was because of him that these things happened. Will this guy kindly save himself? I guess I just saw a joke!

"Hehe, you still have a hard mouth when you die, then die!" Lin Hao was scolded by Su Jin like this, and his face was very ugly, obviously not light.

"I will walk up to you now!" Su Jin felt fierce in his heart, raised his heavy steps, and stepped on the stairs in front of him against the force that made people hardly resist.

Creak creak--

A series of crisp voices appeared from Su Jin's body, it was a heartbreaking pain, the bones of the whole body were squeezed out, and the pressure exerted by the archangel holy ladder was stronger this time!

Su Jin is really suffering now.

From the time the old guy nurtured him, all the way to the present, he has been going smoothly, with almost no obstacles, but he has also cultivated his incomparable character. Even at such a desperate situation, he has never subdued the opponent, and was afraid of him!

"Kneel down!" Lin Hao yelled at this time.

"Kneel down!"

"Kneel down!"

A loud echo appeared in Su Jin's ear abnormally.

Su Jin has never been so powerless before, and the fast recovery of 20% of the strength has been exhausted. It is already at the limit. The strange sacred power that seems to be everywhere has attempted to invade his limbs, and now he can only rely on himself. His will is doing resistance.

Really, are you going to lose?

It was so weak to lose.

The loss was so terrible.

Lost so... unwilling!

Lavril Yini waved her hand slightly at this time, Su Jin only felt that an irresistible force had been added to her body, strong could almost crush his internal organs!


Su Jin spouted a mouthful of blood, leaned forward involuntarily, and slapped on the holy ladder above with one hand, but did not kneel down. He raised his head and roared: "You can't bear my kneel! "

Lin Hao couldn't help but smile immediately. He smiled very happily. He turned his head and said to Lavril Yini: "Your Royal Highness, you can solve him."

Lavril Yini nodded expressionlessly, and also speechless, the slender snow-white onion fingers flapped flexibly on the holy scroll.

Several white lights gleamed, and they immediately condensed into a few meters-high white solid ‘cross’ frames.

The ‘cross’ frame exudes a sacred light, disappears silently, but a few meters away from Su Jin’s body, it suddenly rises and stands! Enclose him in a circle.

Immediately afterwards, sacred thunders continued to rumble here, and purple lightnings like spider webs were fleeting with the thunder, in the day-like scene, especially conspicuous, if you are here, It will give people a feeling that they will be hit by the holy thunder at any time.

Seeing this situation, several people next to Lovr Yini suddenly communicated.

"This kid has a stubborn temper. He is so young and his strength is quite terrifying. If he is allowed to grow up, the consequences are really hard to imagine." said a middle-aged man.

"It seems that the goddess is going to use a trick in the legend to end this son, and he is worthy of death." The blood high priest's dry old face, with a sorrowful color, felt a bit pity, if Su Jin Can be used by his kinsman, he will also be a great legend in the future, but the reality is too skinny, thinking that Su Jin is the young master of the Eastern superpower "Dragon Tooth", the potential shown is so terrible, he is now It was as if a thorn was stuck in his heart, and if it was pulled out, he would naturally be very happy.

"What trick?" Lin Hao was also quite curious, wanting to know how Luo Weier Yini played Su Jin.

"Won't watch it?" The blood high priest seemed to have no affection for Lin Hao, but he still said, "He must not survive."

Yinyue is at the bottom, I don't know what to do at all, even though I feel anxious, there is nothing to do. Especially when she saw that Lavril Yini had used a special forbidden technique to kill Su Jin, her heart was already weak.

She actually admired Su Jin's undaunted character, but she had to do what she could! No life, what else to pretend! Now that it’s useless to say anything, she admits that she can’t take Su Jin away. At this time, she made a decision in her heart immediately. When Lavril Yini really started, she would not look at it. And she will retreat decisively. After all, she just met Su Jin today, and she can't even count as a friend. After all, this guy died on his own, and she can't be blamed!


The clear and peaceful voice interrupted Yinyue's frustrated thoughts.

Yinyue looked at Rita in her arms and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Put the baby down." Rita is no longer as lively as before, and her tone is unusually solemn.

Although puzzled--

Yinyue did what she said and put her down.

On the ground, Rita held the teddy bear with her small hands, and a mist of blood surged up on her small body.

In an instant, the blood mist disappeared, and a knee-length purple skirt was worn on her. Her height has not changed, it is still one meter, but her purple hair has become a little longer, and her head has changed a lot. Beautiful hairstyle.

"The master said, I like to dress my baby like this." Rita slowly muttered to herself. She threw the teddy bear in her hand to the ground and said: "Smelly bear, kneel down~ Kneel down--"

Rita's movements made Yinyue feel inexplicable. The small figure slowly knelt down, and his head lowered. The white bear, which had become very strong, was also lying on the ground with its limbs, making a whining sound.

Very ominous--

Yinyue's heart tightened, and a sad feeling that everything was sad filled her heart.

Is this...seeing off——

When this feeling appeared, Yinyue looked at the back of Su Jin who was pressing the stairs with one hand, and sighed heavily in her heart.

But right away! Yinyue's face changed drastically, looking at the goddess on the peak, the other party had already acted.

A crisp, icy voice said from Lavril Yini's small mouth: "Trial!"

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